384 reviews liked by Genova

Probably the game I have replayed the most and will always go back to again and again. For me it's timeless with some of the best replayability. Set the standard for first person movement to me

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Does a game ever do everything you ever wanted and more?

As I type this I listen to the end credits. They encapsulate this game better than I ever could, and it’s doing it only with sound. Lighthearted mischief, badass action, crazy thrill, and genuine horror.

When this game got revealed, I was excited, but I saw it as unnecessary. Resident Evil 4 was one of my favorite games of all time already, how could this top it? Most agreed Resident Evil 4 was a masterpiece already, so why a remake? Now I know.

This game is paced like a dream. I was never bored, I was never angry, I was never rushing through it just so I could see what happens next. I enjoyed it the entire way through. The worst part of the game was the beginning village, and even that was still fun.

The second credits kicked in with the vocal theme just now. Eyes scanning the scrolling text, seeing all the mindnumbingly talented experts involved with this apex of the genre. Apex of the medium, really. Should be an example of video games when we meet aliens.

I’ve said so much and I’ve not even mentioned the gameplay. It’s phenomenal. Zero complaints. At first it was awkward. I died quite a bit. I thought the parry was poorly implemented. I was just dumb and stuck in my RE4 OG stunted ways. The combat is so freeing, the parry allows for so much creativity in your gun and knifeplay, and the GUNS! They’re awesome. Not much to say there, haha. If you played RE4 you’d know. Didn’t use the darts as much as I wanted to.

Never look back. You could say that about the original game if you really wanted. Now, I wouldn’t! I think the OG has its charm. The quirky dialogue, low budget action movie protagonist, the vibe, the OST. Even if you played the remake first, you should play the original!

But I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to.

There’s two scenes in particular that really stuck out to me. Spoilers below!

At the end of Chapter 13, when Leon, defeated, tired, infected, lays next to Ashley as she’s unconscious from her Los Plagos parasite. The scene is very somber, yet hopeful. This isn’t the first time they’ve reunited - and won’t be the last. But it really feels like an oasis in a war. Leon and Ashley’s dynamic in this game is perfect. The other scene is at the end of Chapter 15, before Leon eliminates the bug inside of Ashley. Leon, trudging through, his muscles failing, barely able to stand, is carrying the lifeless body of Ashley to Luis’ lab. Saddler uses his God-like powers granted by the parasite to make Leon hallucinate, and we’re treated to very bizarre visuals. You really would not expect them in a Resident Evil game, of all things! Leon pushes through this (even telling Saddler to shut up in a really fed up tone when he goes on his generic Godlike Bad Guy rant about world domination and purging those who rebel et cetera et cetera) and saves Ashley. Only then does he allow himself to pass out.

These scenes are so great. The little interactions Leon has with her are so great. Luis is so great - he’s an actual character now. Enjoyed every scene with him. Ada is pretty good too. I agree with the complaints her VA fell flat. Don’t think it’s bad though. This game is great. The bosses are great.

THE KRAUSER BOSS BATTLES! Holy shit I almost forgot. Those are incredible. Might be some of the best boss battles I’ve ever experienced in a game. Just the chapter before I was fighting the Verdugo knife only parrying and weaving, having a blast. So having TWO boss battles that are just like that?! It’s incredible. Really nothing else that can be said. Krauser’s character is also way better here. Really you can say [character] is better and it applies on everyone… besides Salazar. I liked his boss battle quips and him being shot in the forehead was hilarious, but I wish we got the comm conversations like the original.

If I’m gonna talk about my nitpicks now, then here’s one of them; they use Regeneradors. A lot. More than the original game. And like, they’re not hard. They just lose the fear they instill on the first sighting. When you’re introduced to them? God. That’s terrifying. But the impact is dulled unlike the original game as we see them more. Little disappointed about that. A little. The game was a lot scarier than the original as a whole, though. The original is NOT scary.

The save theme is amazing. Listening to it on repeat now after the credits ended. Sad Serenity has been neutered but it’s still got a cool vibe. The pause screen theme is real ethereal too. Don’t remember the boss battle themes, sorry! Resident Evil isn’t known for interesting combat melodies.

I could go on. Play this game ASAP. I was addicted to Resident Evil 4 (Leon inspired my fashion sense) for months and I think (know) this will be the same deal.

No thanks, bro!

Such a great game to break in my new Series S, one of the best I've played in the last two years. An amazing aesthetic and really great combat keeps this short adventure feeling fresh every encounter. That soundtrack too, you find yourself bopping your head without even realizing it. The story is weak, but serviceable enough, but the characters are really loveable and endearing. Ran excellently too, no noticeable frame drops even when its covered in enemies. I hope the inevitable sequel is able to follow something a bit closer to Devil May Cry's combat and reward you for actually varying your attacks, my major issue with this one is you can get max rank by just spamming the light attack combo over and over while cycling through your ally assists.

This is genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played in my life. I questioned myself whether I enjoyed DMC 2 more that's how low the bar was set. The puzzles are cryptic as hell, I don't think I solved any puzzles without glitching or breaking the game to progress. There is no sense of direction to ANYTHING.
How the fuck is Alpha 1 so much better in everyway.





to me OFF is about realizing that no matter how bad or distorted life might get due to illnesses it still is one worth living, it still is better than complete nothingness (suicide/ending someone's misery) but that's MY takeaway from the story of OFF, not what the story actually is, its still dark and filled with despair, no what I might take away from it, what happens just happens, i cannot change it I can only learn from it to live my own life better.

coming to terms with OFF is much like coming to terms with how bleak life is, you can do little to change what happens in other people's (not friends or family, just people like the characters of this unfortunate story) lives but you can learn to appreciate yours and live yours to the fullest from their stories.



this game is so personal to me. thank you, mortis ghost for making it.



you know, maybe the french are alright after all



my childhood game and one of my fav games of all time, story is still my favorite part, gameplay is still great to this day, and music/atmosphere of the game is just amazing, still think this is one of the best indie games i've played



when I beat this for the first time I had to go take a walk.