4 reviews liked by GibasAC

i recently came back to 2077 after watching edgerunners, got the dlc and played through almost all of the story within a week.
despite bugs and weird balancing, 2077 and its dlc are some of the most fun ive had recently. the atmosphere and gameplay are superb and i reeeally recommend people try this at least once

Replaying this beauty😍 But this time, on the 3DS! The only downside I could think of is that some small projectiles like confetti can be hard to see and dodge. But this is Shovel Knight baby! Hell yeah!

Since King of Cards came out pretty late I didn't think it would be on the 3DS version but it is! The devs are really the goat for making 4 games in 1.

have to uninstall it so I can get stuff done

regardless of how many times I play it, the ending still fucks me up every time

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