You think this game and CRAZYBUS are good friends?

This is a Metoidvania that actively punishes you for exploring

There's basically no reason to play this version of Adventure when the 3D Classics version exists

Unless you wanted to play Adventure with all the charm sucked out I guess

This is the only Kirby game that I can classify as being on autopilot the entire time

Also why'd they push the ability fusion gimmick hard when you can't even use it properly until 3/4ths into the game?

Anxiety is trying to figure out how the fuck you're supposed to get the Rainbow Drop in 6-2

Mega Man X7 is a lot like Cars 2 if you think about it

>Box art is false advertising because the main character up and front isn't even in the story for like 75% of the time

>Instead focuses on Side characters that became instantly hated because of the product they were in

>Completely damaged the reputation of not only the franchise, but also the company who made said works to the point where they never recovered since

Who would've thought that to make the perfect the perfect 2D platformer all you had to do was plagiarize Gurren Lagann and slap a gumball on it

Bravo Kumazaki

Would've given it a perfect 10 but then I remembered The "Defeat Twin Frost without getting hit" mission in The Battle of Blizzard Bridge and my Milk curdled

This is Shrek Super Slam but worse

Also fuck Studio Deen for ruining my favorite Manga of all time

This is: “Getting decked in the face by an enemy that comes out of nowhere from screen crunch that knocks you into a bottomless pit the video game”

Punk was cool tho I guess

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You are a heartless individual if you didn't shed at least one tear on the ending screen

Farewell to Ballade 😔

Yep, this is definitely the first Mega man Game