Yep, This is definitely the first Mega Man Game


Super Mario Maker looks like a joke compared to this NGL

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When Hunter screamed at the giant Sorceress balloon in the opening cutscene I felt that


I didnā€™t know games could be this good

Dreambert over-explaining how to press the R trigger feels like waiting for an airplane to start moving on the runway while a baby screams behind where youā€™re sitting

Do you think AlphaDream was held at gunpoint by Intelligent Systems to make absolute sure that none of their unique characterization ended up in the final product during development?

Return to Dreamland Deluxe is in good hands

What do you suppose Olly thinks about Modern Family Guy?

This is the most kid friendly mass genocide simulator Iā€™ve ever played

Really ballsy of HAL to make this the hardest game to 100% in the series

And none of that difficulty actually comes from the main platforming gameplay but instead trying to get 28 eggs in the egg catcher minigame on level 3

I actually did a replay of this game with the Exefs patch that allows you to actually control the CPU party members and my god, it actually feels like an actual RPG and not a conveyor belt simulator

Still holding out hope for Tomodachi life 2

PepperMan is now my spirit animal