Played on a 2 hour plane ride while Madagascar plays on the projector in front of my seat

The ideal way to play

Mega man was so real for trying to kill Wily at the end considering that it took me 30 minutes to beat his dumbass capsule

Shrek is cannon to the Mario universe thanks to this game

I still don't understand why you want Geno in Smash when Mallow is right there

(Note this is not meant to be hateful slander towards MegaPhilX or anyone else who worked on this)

Ok usually whenever I talk about any games on this site I usually do so in a joking manner of one or 2 sentences or phrases mainly because I'm not really that deep with criticisms and just want to be funny. but I feel I should make an exception here, so with that in mind..

I am not particularly fond of Mega Man Unlimited

To get good stuff out of the way first: Of course, the visuals in the spritework and soundtrack are top notch, there's a reason why this was originally called Mega Man 10 before the actual Mega Man 10 came out, and if this was actually made by Capcom nobody could tell the difference which is incredible for a fangame made in 2013. additionally I think the bosses are great. they all have clever tells and neat gimmicks (Such as Glue Man's sticky shots or Yo-Yo Man swinging around the arena) as well as none of them not feeling they're hitting me with any cheap shots (say for Trinitro's self-destruct gimmick) even the Wily Stage bosses and the Wily Machine which I really dislike for how BS their patterns are especially in games 7 - 10 don't feel cheap. the same applies to the weapons having a nice balance of being versatile and balanced like the Comet Dash and Nail Sheild, and they even do the MMX thing of helping you find the YOKU letters which I appreciate as it's nice having a secondary goal in a Mega Man game that isn't just beating the Robot Master at the end of each stage

However speaking of those stages brings me to my one major problem with Unlimited, The level design itself

You know Mega Man III on Gameboy where a lot of the level design involves you getting maliciously decked in the face by a shield attacker or Up'n'down you couldn't react to in time because of screen crunch that conveniently is over a bottomless pit or volley of spikes? that's what a lot of the stages in this game feel like only now without screen crunch. Yo-Yo Man's stage for example has these platforms that fall and rise depending on if your standing or not and while that's happening you have these dumbass Yo-Yo sawblades that take up so much damn room that knock you into said pits or spikes, other times the level gimmick in question is just infuriating, Rainbow Man's stage is like Quick Man's stage from Mega Man 2 except if you don't react within literal picoseconds to shoot the prism enemies that fire an insta-kill beam that takes up half the damn screen. and don't get me started on the fucking Wily stages, you know people like to complain about Mega Man 9's Wily Stages for having the most dick-headed platforming and enemy placements, but I would gladly replay those stages a dozen times instead of the piece of shit underwater spikes on the ceiling and infinitely respawning enemies that jut out of bottomless pits that knock you to your death in Wily Stage 2, or Wily Stage 3 where if you fuck up once it basically takes you to the beginning of the stage where the checkpoint takes like 7 minutes to reach to.

Ughh... Again I have no animosity towards MegaPhilX and everyone else involved with this and I'm actually intrigued with the MMU2 project he's working on. It's just that this isn't my cup of Joe and would pick Mega Man Rock Force or the MAGMML series if I was ever in the mood to replay Mega Man fangames over this

The Shrek 2 of 2D platformers

For some reason when I played this on the Legacy Collection 2 on my Steam Deck the FMV cutscenes never loaded meaning that after Wily trapped Mega Man with his force field while his castle was crumbling it cut to black and then immediately jumped to the credits with no segway whatsoever

The main villain of that Shitty SpongeBob movie that leaked on Twitter a week ago is just an E.M.M.I. But with Wanda Sykes’ head photoshopped on it

Should I be in prison for pirating the figures themselves via dumping their data on NFC cards?

Krypt King’s design has way to much sauce to be exclusively relegated to a baby game that has the Dream friend mechanic from Kirby Star Allies only slower, more situational, and costs 8.99 per character

Why did I play the Wii version?