Brilliant game about reconciling our want for individuality with our innate need to be part of a collective, aka the best game about the power of friendship I've ever played.

The combat system is genius too even though it can get a little too frantic for my tastes. And the game could be a lot better at helping the player learn how everything works, because reading pages and pages of tutorials ain't it.

Your kiss was such a sacred thing to me
I can't believe it's just a burning memory

This game shook me. If you didn't like it the first time, I'd say give it another chance. I know the hitboxes are shit and adaptability should never have been a thing. All that bothered me too, yet very few have told a more effective, horrifying yet touching tale about the horror of losing yourself. It's a much richer narrative than that, but that's really the central theme of Dark Souls II.

The most communist JRPG there is, which means it's also the best.

If you really think about it, we're all just little sperms writhing our way along this egg cell we call Earth.

If you asked an alien to write a soap opera, this would be it.

Went in expecting to drop it in 5 minutes and ended up finishing it and wanting to proclaim its virtues. Easily one of the best NES games I've played.

Melancholy story about closure and letting go that makes for a more compelling adventure game than Hotel Dusk. Still doubles as a sleeping aid if you play lying down. Try and play on a DS rather than a 3DS if you can; a certain puzzle near the end is harder to do because the 3DS screens shut off before you fully close the clamshell.

Imma be honest I played this for the sex but I feel like the people who need the lessons about consent are not the people who will be inclined to play an otome game.

If you grew up in an East/SE Asian country you probably absorbed a lot of creepy stories about the school you went to. Like dead bodies buried under the gym, or a white lady in the bathroom mirror if you spin around 5 times while chanting a prayer. This is that, and if it sounds appealing to you then try this out. It's very good.

Good, but I suggest you play on Easy if you plan to play it only once. The backtracking and character switching mechanics will grind on you less, so you're free to enjoy blasting zombies and exploring lush surroundings. Seriously, the prerenders in this game are gorgeous.

I don't know, moving around and between maps just felt like more of a hassle than it was worth most of the time.

I played this on PS3 in 2021 and still got invaded and I can't explain how exhilarating it was when hikari_kr poisoned me to death in Anor Londo.

Hits some great notes though whoever's been writing the last few games is kind of a hack, especially when it comes to stories that aren't just about Kiryu and other men.

Why can't you use the damn Mega Buster against the final boss lmao

Games should've been cribbing from Psycho Dream all along. Goddamn.