Ya know, there's alot to unpack with this title.

Mechanically it feels like a more refined take on action combat within a 2D plane but visually it's mimicking the style of 2000's flash games. However I think that visual style is done to combine with the narrative.

The story is told in a way where the player ends up putting the pieces together, this game tackles alot of hard to swallow subjects but I honestly think it managed to nail telling it's story while also being a fun but short gameplay experience.

Probably the best game to come out in 2024. I can't begin to explain how perfect this game is at building it's atmosphere, the puzzles feel very well constructed and I felt the eureka moment on several occasions!

The story takes a real turn I didn't expect, I won't spoil it but you're gonna be going "holy fuck" quite a bit during the final few minutes.

100% please play this game if you can, it's so fucking good!

I wish I liked this game more then I did because it looks cool and has quite a few cool guns in it but it suffers from inconsistent performance even on the lowest settings and worse than that, it suffers from the same problem Doom Eternal has where it has overly big and confusing level design that makes getting lost way too common.

I really don't see the appeal of movement shooters with big levels but then make navigating said levels difficult as fuck to do.

Lucky for me, this game is actually incredibly polished, genuinely a great game even underneath the original hook of the title! I was honestly partially worried the game wouldn't be all too good and would try to ride off it's gimmick but it doesn't. It's actually an amazing small little 2D adventure game I enjoyed quite alot!

Charming cast of characters and a fun world to explore, totally recommend it!

There is such a thing as a perfect video game and it's named Hi-Fi Rush.

No other game is as air tight, charming, and unique as Hi-Fi Rush is. Perfect game mechanics, amazing dialogue, stylish visuals, and a rockin soundtrack this game is STILL perfect in my eyes, no flaws! Go buy it and play it.

It kinda sucks to say but The Bouncer never really evolves past being "okay". Shallow gameplay, forgettable story, and a final boss that is an obnoxious difficulty spike leads to this game feeling like it has all style and very little substance

Most DLC like this tends to make a game better....however Final Horizons only really served to put a big fat super scope over all of Frontiers problems and now that the dust has settled, it can't hide behind it's spectacle anymore.

This game has a wonderful weapon selection and I love it's unique mechanics like the taunt button and the homing attack.

My only real gripe/issue is that Chapter 3's levels are poorly designed and the due to that, I really felt a slog in the latter half of the game but Chapters 1 and 2 are seamless and enjoyable experiences so I'd still recommend this game to anyone interested in a good retro shooter experience.

Was waiting for the part where the game was supposed to get bad.

Like boss fights aren't the best but this is pretty typical Adventure/Heroes era Sonic levels of quality. Frankly it feels overhated.

Game would be a four star if it wasn't for "Phase Ten: The Wicker Bride" being such a pain in the ass

The funniest thing about this game is that it makes the original JSR look bad.

Probably my 2nd favorite game of the year (nothing can beat Hi-Fi Rush), it's such a good time.

If you're a fan of THUG and dig more stylized games like TWEWY, then you're gonna dig this game

Ya know, I didn't like roguelikes till now but Dead Estate really helped me to understand the appeal of the genre. Might have to revisit games like Hades with this new perspective now! Great Game btw go buy it.

Honestly a really interesting spin off. I think the story is kind of awkward as it's main conflict between it's two leads feels really contrived and forced but the game overall is alot of fun.

I think the gameplay perfectly transfers the mechanics of the main series into an action game setting, the co-op having a shared health bar really does encourage cooperation and I think alot of the character designs are cool.

My biggest gripe is the platforming/exploration. I felt like at times in the second half that stuff got confusing and some platforming sections felt more difficult than they should've been.

Overall, as someone who's fairly new to Mortal Kombat. I really enjoyed my time with Shaolin Monks even if it isn't perfect.