A true classic and an excellent pick up and play game for me.

This would be a perfect game if not for Xen lmao

In some ways, it's actually a better experience than HL2 was but I can't deny my love for HL2 is still strong even after finally experiencing the original Half Life.

Pre-ordered this game and honestly it starts off strong only to dip downhill and burn up into a disappointing mess.

This game is great but I really don't like how Dante's levels are just Nero's again, makes the game feel dragged out by the end

Pretty much the peak of 2D Sonic

Fun stages, great music, lots of variety especially after the plus DLC released, overall worth the price of admission imo.

Not gonna lie, this one kinda drags and doesn't feel as fun as the other KH games

it's honestly the weakest in the series imo

Game's okay, pretty mid-tier but I like the aesthetic and it's much more enjoyable than most of the other portable KH games (miles better than BBS)

This is the type of game you play once, get the ending you want with your favorite girl, and then never touch again.

I like the story and characters but the biggest mistake here was turning an entry in this strategy RPG series and making it a button mashy real time RPG instead (similar to what Square did with FFVIIR this year as well)

2/5 please just let turn based games stay turn based I beg you.

It's the type of game that requires patience from the player at the beginning but once you get the hang of it, it's alot of fun.

This game is clearly polished and from a place of love, it has a great look and it reimagines an iconic story for a new generation.

Having said this, I can't bring myself to finish it

FFVIIR just doesn't feel fun for me and I bore of it's gameplay quickly, it's not as engaging mechanically as the turn based original and that's not helped by all the forced walking segments and story changes I wasn't too fond of personally.

FFVIIR is a good gateway into arguably one of the best games ever made, but it isn't one of the best games ever made...the original FFVII is.

FFVII is a game I hold alot of nostalgia for so perhaps this is merely me unable to adapt to the changes to both gameplay and story but I don't think I'll be completing this game anytime soon.

FFVIIR is a game I didn't enjoy but I'd gladly recommend to those interested in it, but in that same breath I'd just say "buy the original FFVII instead"

Not as great as the first game, felt too short and didn't really have a sense of progression like the first did.

However, it's short comings don't take away from the fact that it's still more NMH content and an important part of Travis's story, I recommend it if you liked the first one.

There's a good story and passion here, but it's buried under poorly implemented RPG mechanics and really poor taste portrayals of serious subjects like suicide and loss.

It wants to be Persona so bad but fails at reaching that level of well crafted story telling and RPG mechanics, I wish this could've been better cause I know the devs put alot of heart into it but all I can say is "better luck next time"

And my cycle of "buy the new animal crossing, play it for the first month, then completely lose interest" continues unaltered

I'm so glad that after all this time, I was able to finally complete the game and even get the true ending.

100% a unique experience and the Switch is the best way to play it since the game has multiple controller types on Switch thus being more accessible than the Wii original.

I'd highly recommend everyone with a Switch get this game, it's very cheap and more worth it than the Switch titles that still run at $60

There are alot of aspects I like about this game and it's 100% a favorite of mine but it's clear it's merely a foundation for the series as the sequel does improve on this game's short comings

Bayonetta suffers from very fickle QTEs with almost no room for error, Chapter XV is honestly one of the worst designed levels I've played in a game, and I feel like certain button mapping choices aren't great.

Having said this, I still love this game even if I think Bayonetta 2 would later go on to fix this game's short comings as a good sequel should.