Some of the best 60 hours of my life . Its story sucks but the gameplay is so good.

Fine ~20 hour rpg , it has flaws but it still remains an enjoyable experience. Especially with the restored content mod ( which comes as free dlc for some ports such the switch one).

Wonderful open world martial arts game .

Alright remake . Wouldnt recommend or unrecommend .

Alright mgs game . Flawed but for mobile its fine .

Fine strategy game . Its different from awakening in a lot of ways. It has a unique aesthetic , good variety of maps , designs , etc. In some ways the strategic factor is lessened when items no longer break but instead give debuffs. The story is pretty bad.... And why did they have to go all in on the dating aspect ? You alienate half of your fanbase for tumblr

Fine FE game . Story is alright nothing special. Gameplay could use changes , but overall its a fun and tactical game with a wide variety of items , classes ,characters and maps.

Fine 3rd person open world crime shooter . Its supposed to be a shitpost so the story doesnt really matter.

Thrilling james bond like sandbox stealth game . It can be frustrating at times due to sheer investment bearing any fruit but still rad .

Fine shooty shooty crime game that is open world . I liked how bloody it was and the gunplay , they felt very film like .

Story wise ? Great . Gameplay wise ? Presentable , not great but presentable and boring at times . Content wise ? Rich .

It is alright . Good story , decent gameplay , decent amount of content .

Fun game , it might be re4 but worse but in the gameplay part it rocks . RE4>5 though but lets be honest 4 is the best in the series .

They made being able to do all this cool stunt shit boring ffs .

Fine little rpg/show managing sim based on super sentai/ power rangers.