Good game . It starts out as an ajrpg but once you get the hang of things and make good loadouts it becomes a real time hp and stat management sim where you dont do the punching anymore unless you switch to manual mode.

Only flaws are the bugs , there are mods and fixes galore but there is no 100% bug free playthrough.

Fine little rpg/show managing sim based on super sentai/ power rangers.

They made being able to do all this cool stunt shit boring ffs .

Fun game , it might be re4 but worse but in the gameplay part it rocks . RE4>5 though but lets be honest 4 is the best in the series .

It is alright . Good story , decent gameplay , decent amount of content .

Story wise ? Great . Gameplay wise ? Presentable , not great but presentable and boring at times . Content wise ? Rich .

Fine shooty shooty crime game that is open world . I liked how bloody it was and the gunplay , they felt very film like .

Thrilling james bond like sandbox stealth game . It can be frustrating at times due to sheer investment bearing any fruit but still rad .

Fine 3rd person open world crime shooter . Its supposed to be a shitpost so the story doesnt really matter.

Fine FE game . Story is alright nothing special. Gameplay could use changes , but overall its a fun and tactical game with a wide variety of items , classes ,characters and maps.