Vampire Survivors clone but really simplified. Basic loop and mechanics, nothing special.

Three rounds of this roguelike were enough to know that it’s not for me. Maybe it’s too simple and doesn’t add any twist to the genre.

It could actually be a great point and click if not for the tedious slow movement and the bad controls port.

It’s actually a pretty decent escape game. Some puzzles don’t make much sense, but others are really clever.

I thought it would be more like a professor Layton or a classic Point & Click, but it’s basically talking with people, which is kinda boring for me.

A walking simulator that wants you to contantly stop walking. Not my cup of tea.

I prefer when hidden games keep the levels small but complicated more than big and that’s it, because then it becomes kinda tedious. This one has both things, so I enjoyed some levels but others were just too big (also the bigger the buggier it is).
I don’t quite understand why the loading screens take sooooo long, even for the main menu. I played on Switch so it’s probably a bad optimization port problem.

I never played the originals so the nostalgia card doesn’t work with me. I basically though this was going to be a good game because everyone say it is, and surprise, it’s not. I mean, it probably was when it first released, but it aged really poorly so a remaster so true to the main source doesn’t work nowadays.
It honestly looks like they wanted easy money from nostalgics with a lazy remaster.


I’ll be honest, it’s the first 3D horror game I play and I really liked it. It’s simple but really entertaining.

Looks like a great game and it should be fun but… It’s not? I can't really tell why, maybe the character isn’t fast enough and the flow of the gameplay is constantly interrupted. I’m not sure, but I wasn't even feeling like finishing it.
I like the art, and overall it has a lot of personality though.

I played it because the 3D platforming part but I abandoned it because of the soulslike combat/system. I don’t mind it if it’s good but this one is tough and slow.
Could have been a fun game if not for the soulslike inspiration. Cute art though.

I'm obsessed with Woodle Tree, it's so simple that it works. When I think of the 3D platformer genre, this gameplay is what I imagine, so for me this game is the purest form of my favorite genre.
There were some constant bugs though, the game kept crushing, and I had to repeat some segments.

The art is really cute and there’s lots of things to interact with, but something about it didn’t make me want to search things as much as other hidden games.

I think this game would be so much better with a double jump and a kicking movement. The controls are not polished enough and when you fall from a cliff (which is incredibly easy) you respawn in a far checkpoint. Just a minor touches and it could be a great 3D platformer, but sadly without these minor things it becomes a tedious and frustrating game.

An amazing metroidvania: great world building, art, gameplay and music. It can be frustrating at times because it’s a hard game, but the reward is usually pretty good so stressing out is worth it. I felt a little bit lost at times, though I didn’t feel stuck at any point, so I’m really impressed with the game design because of that.