That fight in chapter 3. "Lets see how far they can fly... on borrowed wings. This is gaming, unironically saved my life.

Completed my first playthrough, roughly 20 hours. This is everything i've wanted in a mecha game. At first I was dissapointed that I was getting stuck on each new boss introduced, as I wanted to stick to one build and it felt as if the game would force me to make a new build with weapons etc. (not saying this is a bad thing but it just wasn't for me). However as the game progresses and you upgrade your OS, you can pretty much use whatever build you want. The combat system makes the bosses in this game much more difficult than any I've faced in From's previous titles.

This was my first tekken game. Being a kid with no concept of combos etc. I would just pick Law and abuse his Dragon tail / somersault

This is my second time playing a Final Fantasy title, my first being Dissidia on the PSP. Aside from all of the cons many fans of the series have already stated, I'm thoroughly enjoying it about 15 hours in. Standouts for me so far are Cid, the boss battles and the soundtrack (mainly the battle theme). The combat is only as good as the person playing in my opinion but I think it's neat.

Would play this for hours on end with my younger brother over a decade ago, before we even knew what smash was

I was 9 years old when this released on PSP and it honestly made me a baseball fanatic, though I don't keep up with the sport as much anymore. I spent hours in the career mode playing for Trenton Thunder and the soundtrack is ingrained within my memory. I still listen to songs like "Two ways out" from time to time

I still own my orginal copy of this haha. I also still don't understand how to do specials even today

This game was the first time I heard Buddy Holly, memories

This was my intro to Final Fantasy in 2010. I played it on my PsPGO and had no clue what I was doing. I can still remember what the victory theme sounds like

As an avid fighting game fan, this is one of the best I've been fortunate enough to experience thus far. Still dissapointed Sakura didn't make the base roster nor year 1 characters.

Played through this 4 times for 100% on both PC and Playstation. Adachi was great

Began playing this game in Summer 2011 at 11 years old thanks to my older brother. I was a garen main who built six giants belts. I probably have something like ~2000 hours today. Playing this game has brought out the worst in me but has genuinely helped me to reflect on becoming a better person. One step at a time

I won't lie I never played this game in it's entirety. Rather, over a decade ago, I watched on as my younger brother 100% it on our Wii. It's definitely my preferred Mario game, maybe tied with power tennis. Rosalina's observatory theme is amazing.

Played through base game, will probably get to the DLC early next year. The positive things about my experience were the combat and the worlds. The worlds felt more open and less linear than the previous entries but that did make traversing them confusing at times. I love that I could upgrade my keyblades and each one having a different form was a unique inclusion. My only gripe was that at times it felt that I was watching a movie rather than playing the game.

I'm still so hurt by this remake. I don't truly dislike any Pokemon entry, rather there are just some I favor over others, but this here really upset me. It is purely a nostalgia cash grab. I played this as soon as it released back in 2021 and being a fan of Gen 4 and Sinnoh in general I was hoping the remakes would follow its predecessors and incorporate the current Gen's mechanics and dex. Instead we were given a lackluster "faithful" remake that truly misses the spark that the original entry had. The 3d models are souless, the following partner pokemon were a nice inclusion yet janky, the list goes on. I own my original version of Pokemon Pearl and I know the criticisms the community has towards base Gen 4 games but I am serious when I say they have so much more soul. Surely they don't mess up the Gen 5 remakes, right?

Everytime I think about this era of computer games and how much I enjoyed them I get deeply depressed. I remember starting multiple accounts, and speedrunning the dragon egg quest, because I thought it was genuinely amazing that you could have your own dragon. You unfortunately could not raise it past its baby stage without a membership