Gameplay was enjoyable enough, but a highly forgettable game overall.

The side stuff is all quite shallow, the exploration and all that, but the main story is probably the best of the trilogy.

Probably my favourite game series. Not flawless but I love it dearly.

Everyone's favourite, and good reason for it. It's a great game even though I kind of dread to play it. I think it having you die at the start and then you're forced to work with Cerberus kind of sucks, I feel like there were smarter ways to handle that, but still a great game.

People give this game so much shit, but I have always defended it. Some of the criticism is definitely valid, the writing is not as strong as the first two games, it is clear there was meddling from above to get this game out quick. But I still think, especially with the Extended Cut, it is a solid end to the trilogy. People complain about the ending, which of the three colours to pick–the whole game is the ending. It's the culmination of the trilogy, and it fulfills those demands. Yeah, Kai Leng sucks or whatever. The crucible is a cop out, sure. But everything with the Genophage and solving the Geth/Quarian conflict and not to mention the DLCs are all great. Despite all the problems, I think the gameplay is the tightest and seeing the culmination of your friends throughout the series makes it easy to overlook all that.

This is my favourite of the series and I won't apologize for that. It's the most special of the trilogy to me. It's the first game to ever make me cry. The deaths of Mordin, Legion, and Thane are all so sad and I think really well-handled. Also Garrus is the canonical LI.

One of the best-feeling games to play. The gunplay, the bullet-dodging, it all feels so good. One thing that sticks out to me the most is the game environment, which are incredible. Everything feels real, they don't feel like levels made for a video game–the airport feels like a real airport, the offices real offices, the favelas real favelas. The settings are built in a way where it does not feel like you're the progatonist of life, but part of a real world.

One of the best times I've had playing a game, truly insane how prescient the story is.

Not a great game but I didn't regret playing it. Gunplay was fun enough, story was complete dogshit. Less anti-communist than I was expecting.

This game actually, unironically, rules.

Story sucks but it feels so good to snipe nazis in the nards

The name is a little reddit-y but it's fun to like run around a house and kill spiders with a flamethrower or a revolver or whatever.

The platonic ideal of a podcast game.

Really fun gameplay, crazy amount of effort went into building the settings and designing the sprites. Maybe the best 40k game out there (so far).

Fun game. I think it's the most like, focused of the trilogy. The story is simple, but effective. The sequels kinda get a bit more messy with the writing, though the sequels are generally more fun to play. Still, a great game, one I'll surely come back to later.

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Probably my favourite of the trilogy. Some really cool environments. Love that a good chunk of the game takes place in the snow. The game being in this setting with Byzantine, Mongol, and Soviet influences was really neat to me.