Story is the worst, but the gameplay is probably the most fun of the three. A lot more options in combat which were cool, even though a lot of the best stuff you don't unlock until right at the end where you barely get use of out of them. It felt the most Indiana Jones-y of the trilogy for some reason, which is something I adore.

Surprisingly a lot of fun to play.

This is a very stupid game (complimentary). Tthe story sucks and the writing is better forgotten but the gunplay was really sick. Running around tossing guys into walls or shotgunning guys off ledges and getting point totals every time you do it was very rewarding.

Years and years later and this game is still a lot of fun to play. The writing is of course insanely bad, though I still think Handsome Jack is a good hateable villain.

Cute game, fun gimmick, kinda short though.

Not a puzzle game guy but the gimmick with this ruled. Playing with like depth perception or whatever was cool. Did get stuck a couple times and had to look up what to do next but still, really cool.

A fun one but the gunplay kinda sucks.

Goated game. Gunplay not perfect but much better than 2, but the physics and flying around blowing shit up is so good. The story is complete trash but as a sandbox to run around with your jetpack/wingsuit and cause mayhem, very few things measure up to JC3.

A real surprise for a game that, to me, released with little fanfare and isn't talked about too much. The gunplay feels good, the bullet dodge mechanic is very cool, the story is pretty cool honestly playing around with an unreliable narrator, having him actively tell it change the game world around you is very cool. A very memorable game that I like to come back to now and then.

If you asked me what my favourite game of all time is, I'd probably tell you this. The gunfighting is fun, the story is excellent, it has some of the most memorable moments in gaming to me, like when you first get to Mexico or the ride back to reuniting with your family. It has such a killer soundtrack. And the game still looks great, 14 years later!

There's something about John Marston's story that is deeply personal to me, something that few games have been able to measure up to, including in the same very series, though I know that's an unpopular opinion.

"Practiced hands make for short work, and the good Lord knows there's much to be done."

Fun, but kind of an afterthought. The missions were fun enough, the enemies having jetpacks was a cool addition and I liked the environments a lot. The mission in the refinery was a fun one, and the temple was really really cool design choice. The sewer mission right before felt weirdly tough, and the mutant bash level sucked. And I have no clue what was going on with the Sarah character, kind of a weirdly written, her getting kidnapped and almost sacrifice was treated very flippantly, and then you kind of get rewarded with her at the end in the "trophy room"? Bizarre stuff. Still had fun though.

Is this a good game? Probably not. But I play it literally all the time, so.


A fairly solid action game! The story is entirely uninspired, at best uninteresting and at worst, tedious. But everything else about it was fairly good! It was generally fun to play. The combat isn't necessarily fast-paced as most modern shooters now of days, but a very fun lass frantic version of the classic id software FPS's. The vehicle combat was not as fun but it doesn't dominate the game, could've done without it though. Some impressive enemy AI in this. Enemies being downed but not killed, will literally crawl into cover and still try to kill you, enemies with shields providing cover for allies, some cool stuff! I also have to praise the art direction. There really was some very memorable sights in this game, like the hospital in the Dead City with blood streaming down the walls.

There were some cool level designs too, they way that some of the dungeons and missions were laid out were cool, and using main mission levels for sidequests but making you do it backwards or changed a little bit was a cool way to go about in when you're clearly like on a deadline and don't have the time to make new dungeons. I was kind of into it at the start but I got tired of it closer to the game's end, which, speaking of, was kind of underwhelming. Like obviously you didn't care about the Arks or whatever, so take it with a grain of salt, but it ends with you going into this place and then you set off the Arks and then the game ends. No confrontation with the chief bad guy or any final comeuppance. The last level in general was kinda lame. It was cool mowing down guys with the minigun they give you, but it was just reskinned mutants at the end, no like special boss or anything lol. Feels like they ran out of money at the end. Still, pretty fun!

Just isn't a fun game to play, the controls feel bad and no matter how much time I spent tweaking the settings I couldn't find something that felt good.