This game is the blowjob of videogames

Usually I'd go for a joke review with these but not this time, megaman x5 might be my favourite in the franchise, this game in the 6 hours it took me to play brought me so many fun memories i know i will cherish, playing it with my friends really enhanced the experience. Getting amazing RNG from the get go with the cannon, eating absolute shit on volt krakens bike part and absolutely getting beaten by shadow devil, all culminating in the possibly the greatest final boss in the X series (the first phase mainly) this game from start to finish had me hype, all the anger, all the happiness, all the moments i become darksydePhil levels of bad at this game, all was worth it because I had so much fun playing it, even the backtracking was fun (mainly because my friends saw how stupid i am in trying to complete Volt Krakens puzzle) I love this game. It will forever be one of my favourites

This game saved my marriage

Neon dan gives you a look into what it means to be Neon and someone named Daniel, its a look into being a character named Dan and being neon while looking into the deep depression and the heroes journey of what its like to drink soda and party while also portals happen all the time, thank you Brodog studios I love you

The only reason i gave this game a half star is because it fucking ended

stopped my controller working on duckstation

This was great, lost all my fucking progress

This game made me realise that sometimes divorce is okay and that I have to be okay with change in my life

somehow better than x6 but somehow worse than every other game ever

This game is like having everything right going on in your life, then the second you turn 18 your parents divorce, then after a huge bout of depression you pick yourself up and get a girlfriend, get married, get an amazing job and have 2 kids. which then your wife immediately divorces you, and after a long and painful divorce you get custody of your kids, which then as your walking out of the court house gods lightning strikes both of your kids and turns them into dust and a guy texting on his phone hits you and breaks your spine in half, which then you see your wife walk past you and you left your phone at home so you can't call an ambulance to help you. Most average game I've ever played

Playing this is like getting the best blowjob ever, this game rocks