Worst part is the grind, especially in ice borne but this is just a review for the base game. If you like cooperative souls like combat against big dynamic monsters all while crafting better and better gear from your monster expeditions, this is for you.

Great combat on higher difficulties, great swinging mechanics, tons of fan service costumes and a solid Spider-Man story. Only problem is the open world is barren, with task master being the only dynamic thing about it

A perfectly designed platformer with great music and a strong theme. No complaints here

The gimmick is really interesting but I’m always going to prefer traditional arena multiplayer. I like it but I’ve booted up the halo infinite beta and MCC more often than this

Never played the single player. That being said I think this franchise has a lot of potential. They need to make the controls and aiming feel tighter and more responsive and salmon run should be active 24/7. In fact I’d go as far as to say Salmon run should be the primary way of getting money and gear in the game, along the same lines as a game like destiny (BUT JUST ALONG THE SAME LINES).

Everyone says this is Doom 2016 amped up and I do see that but I think they bit off more than they can chew. Yes it’s even faster than before with even more gameplay mechanics to work with but it doesn’t feel as tight as Doom 2016 IMO. Maybe it’s my ADHD brain but there’s just SO MUCH going on at all times with so many options it becomes hard to process. Adore the music and cinematic tho ofc

Not the Kirby switch game they should have led with. Lacks content and the gimmick is significantly worse than planet robobot

Don’t care for zombie stories, don’t care for purposefully obtuse gameplay

Would be perfect but idc for some of the dlc fighters

This game is a collection of smaller Kirby games, with each one playing a bit differently. Each game had unique mechanics such as treasure hunting and having to look for copy abilities you can then switch between at will. Each game offers something unique and fun and IMO it’s the best Kirby game out there

For the most part it’s a pretty traditional Kirby game but with some really fun copy abilities and a great gimmick where you get to be inside a mech with one of the copy abilities. Is really fun, but maybe a little overhyped

Along with Celeste this is tied for first place on my list of platformers. It’s really challenging but forgiving enough to not make you rage. Expertly designed levels and boss fights that feel like a true accomplishment to overcome

Trippy Tetris. I’m not very good at Tetris so I haven’t gotten super far in it but the visuals and music are astounding

Underrated Pokémon game. Yes, it looks like a 3ds game, no the national dex isn’t there, yes there’s paid dlc. But honestly I think the max raids and dlc adventures offer so much and is the closest we’ve gotten to a real Pokémon mmo. Dynamaxing was great for balance compared to mega evos and z powers because it means you can make almost any mon on your team into something viable. Also really enjoy the themes about the environment, history and myth present in the narrative along with some really stand out characters. This game got me back into Pokémon when I had been off of it for a while so I appreciate it quite a bit. Also personally, I think the national dex is broken and unbalanced and idrc that it isn’t present. That being said, it’s still a standard Pokémon romp overall with all of its flaws included. It’s just too damn easy and the while I enjoyed the themes, you’re definitely gonna be skipping all dialogue on a second playthrough.