While you're waiting for the night, you can listen to I'm Waiting for the Night

It's pretty bad, but the inanimate and vacant aspect of the game is strangely appealing.

There are so many toys to play with and so many fun places to play in. Bubbly DnB soundtrack and pastel positivity. A sequel to this game will be the first step to world peace.

Fighting for all the platinum medals was some of the best fun I've had on the GameCube. My hands hurt just thinking about it.

The camera is weird as hell. It tracks around really lazily and twists a lot as if its first priority is to set up nauseating shots. It absolutely accomplishes that goal and I'm convinced that it's an artistic choice. Surprisingly this doesn't interfere with gameplay almost at all, but some of the platforming in the final levels is pretty unforgiving and eventually the seasickness got to me. Which is a shame because this game definitely has a neat personality.

Has that charming thing where the voice actors talk over each other slightly during the cutscenes as if they're dubbing over some really fast Japanese and they couldn't fit all the words into their allotted time.

There's not a lot to it but man the concept is something else.

I don't think I'm ever gonna beat the Clinger Winger.

There's an eject button. If your vehicle explodes before you hit the eject button, it erases your save file. Hard core.

Also you can deploy a little grabby hand to grab and squish tanks. This game is so cool.

I had to take multiple week-long breaks to make sure I don't get a stomach ulcer. What a horrific thing this software is.
Apparently 精神分裂病 is the old, offensive term for schizophrenia, but 統合失調症 seems just as offensive to me.

Somehow even through the terrible translation it still gets you wondering and worried about the future. A great, bittersweet story about holding on to what's important for as long as you can. Can be a bit arcane at times. Taught me to love timpani.

My friend absolutely hates this game because I play it with him.

You can play this against someone that's never played video games before and it will start being a fair fight in like an hour.

I love this game.
It's not fun at all.
At any given point in the story, all characters are more miserable than they were before, and that's a very elusive quality!
There's nothing like the soundtrack either, it's all samples of orchestral songs but smashed together to sound awful. It's like you're getting waterboarded every second of the way. I love it.

Stop telling me how to play the game and just let me play the game.