244 reviews liked by Guu

I have never seen something like this story before, anywhere

One of the first things that dragged my attention was that feeling that "Unpacking" gave me. Discovering stuff about someone's past by their objects is amazing. Also, It's strange how the Finch's house itself looks so alive and so dead at the same time.

It starts in a fun way with molly, but suddenly you're involved and didn't see 2 hours passing away. Even the credits are well thought, going from upstairs to downstairs rooms.

Damn, Annapurna!

Ótimo jogo, ele te deixa fazer escolhas. Joguei duas vezes e fiz dois finais diferentes.

This game is so beautiful. The way the stories are told and every detail that the creators put into the scene, I am simply fascinated by this house.

Meu primeiro jogo do Kojima, e tudo que falaram é verdade, o homem é bom. O jogo tem uma história muito boa que realmente me cativou, cheia de reviravoltas e parece até um pouco a estrutura de um filme.

É um jogo extremamente interativo, quebra a quarta parede toda hora, o que é muito legal e extremamente avançado para a época. Lembro de escutar gente falando sobre o Psycho Mantis lendo seu save desde os meus 7 anos de idade.

A IA me impressionou. Eles são muito espertos para a época e até para hoje. Se você se encurrala em algum lugar que não tem saída, eles não vão atrás de você; eles jogam uma granada e esperam você sair. Isso é mais inteligente que muito jogo stealth que já joguei (Hitman e AC).

O level design é muito funcional, com fases lindas e cada parte muito diferente uma da outra. A câmera em primeira pessoa foi uma sacada muito boa afim de evitar problemas com a câmera e funciona perfeitamente bem.

O Kojima, em entrevista, disse: "I've got backstories for these characters that cover their whole lives, from the moment they were born to their current situation, but probably only 1/3 of that will make it into the game." É notável o quão gênio esse cara é. Embora tenha alguns furos bem óbvios de roteiro, a história é muito bem amarrada. Todos os personagens têm uma história que não é apenas jogada na sua cara; ela é contada de maneira natural ao decorrer da campanha.

Em geral, é um jogão, envelheceu como vinho. Tem alguns problemas de jogabilidade, mas é um jogo de 1998, então temos que dar um desconto.

"Humans can choose the type of life they want to live."

what if dino game of google chrome was bayonetta spin off.

Uma boa Dlc q encerra a jornada dessa geração no qual eu me diverti bastante a muito tempo dessa franquia
A historia é meio boba e sem muita criatividade mas compensa com um bom mapa e bastante conteudo, tem um sistema de missoes q dão pontos q foi o q eu mais gostei e odiei ao mesmo tempo, pois sozinho tu consegue muito pouco ponto e enjoa demais ficar farmando em contrapartida as recompensas são bem legais e até mexem na gameplay
Me despeço dessa geração com um indicio q vem melhorias no próximo grande titulo da franquia.

jesus christ activision sure knows how to make tense games for the 2600. On average, this game is like 6-7 seconds long, which sounds pathetic on paper but dear lord getting that time down is an absolute struggle.

So here's why this game is kinda nuts: there's a tachometer at the bottom of your screen. If it goes past 3/4ths of your screen at any time, you blow up and die instantaneously. Pushing the button on the controller is your gas and your gas moves the meter up. Pushing down the left direction on the joystick puts you in a clutch state where the tachometer is so sensitive to gas that pretty much holding both the button and left at the same time at any point is a death sentence. Releasing left after pressing it down brings you up a gear, where you go faster with a slower tachometer. Basically you need to do as close to frame-perfect button presses and joystick inputs/releases as you feasibly can, and if you do it right, you get a good time, and if you do it even slightly wrong you either die in a horrific car explosion or get a shit time that brings great dishonor to your drag racing career. The manual's challenge of getting under 6 seconds to join the World Class Dragster Club is no simple task either. Considering the frame-perfect theoretical perfect time is 5.57, there's a shockingly small margin of error to join that prestigious, 40-years-defunct club (and if you say you've gotten a 5.51 before, you are a liar!). It took me dozens upon dozens of attempts to be able to just barely squeeze out a 5.94 that I swear to god felt like luck as I did the same thing I usually did for a good run, I just must have happened to have pressed the buttons at a more optimal time. Though I guess since the game is only 6 seconds long on a good run those dozens of attempts was still only like 20-30 minutes of grind. I felt like I spent more time waiting for the starting countdown to finish (or prematurely exploding by failing to properly feather the gas during the countdown as a way to get a good start) than actually racing, which is kinda eh but it is what it is.

It's certainly a deep and thought-out game that has a high skill ceiling to work up towards for sure. With how much frame-perfection is emphasized here, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a game to sew the seeds of speedrunning or just general high-level gamer tech to the still-blossoming Atari gamer crowd. But it does mean that this game is definitely geared towards that certain type of player, so if you aren't into personal time attack grinds there's pretty much less game time for you in this game than the time it took you to read this whole ramble in the first place. Fascinating!