Mega Mid 5
honestly the biggest sin this game commits is just being boring

i really wanted to like this one but the game wouldn't stop sabotaging itself
final boss alone gives it half a star more tho

it's the last good mega man game
it's also the last mega man game
it's also the best mega man game (imo)
i kinda hope they don't make a mega man 12 just so mega man classic can go out with a bang

i could go on for hours about why i hate this game and how it does basically everything wrong from weapons to bosses to levels to game structure and how much it recycles from the previous 2 games, but i don't have the energy to so just take this 1/10 review as it is

to think that this was the most wildly known and proclaimed best mega man game out there is insane to me, the only reason people like it is because it's easy, metal blade and wily 1's music (like actually so many things in this game suck)

very easy to pick up and play, it took me less than 45 minutes to beat like omg it's insultingly easy

finally, some good fucking food

very flawed but pretty fun
hard as shit tho

this is so obviously stalling before the nes died
it's just 5 but prettier

as a first game, it's whatever (better than most games in this franchise tbh), but with all of the baffling game design (from levels to bosses to weapons) it's not very easy to have fun with

just play mega man 1 instead
or like any other mega man game boy game they're all better than this

it's bad but in a funny sort of way
still godawful tho don't play this if you like good games