12 reviews liked by GwynXV

The best movie I've ever input buttons into occasionally

A half-baked Breath of the Wild knockoff knocked up with every conceivable predatory microtransaction feature possible. Absolute garbage dump slot machine slop that doesn't deserve to exist, a literal crackhouse for casino addicts and pedophiles, like FGO and FE Heroes but somehow infinitely worse.

Seriously peak Kiseki. It doesn't flow as well as the first Kuro game, and there are some moments where it drags. But overall it's trying to tell a very important message and give some very clear warnings for the future of the series.

I love the resolution to some of the characters arcs in this game. Somehow yet again, Renne is 10/10 best girl, best arc, best design. All of the characters here see some sort of progression, and it's very good to see Falcom taking a more direct approach to relationship narratives within the franchise. Don't want to live through that cold steel harem stuff again.

Now the endless wait for Kuro 3 begins.

See you in 2328 when NISA translate it. Or a couple months after release when some fans do.

I did not enjoy Persona 3 FES

I loved the Persona 3 movies

And Persona 3 Reload I can honestly say is the definitive way to experience Persona 3.

Answering every issue I had with the original game. Fixing the pacing by filling it with content and all new character scenarios. There is almost always stuff to do in this game.

Knock out the systematic routine of stat grinding, because I fell for this as I had only played FES within the last 12 months. This game offers not only more, but more interesting and consistent ways to increase your stats. There's no need to get hooked on the idea of doing things efficiently.

Tartarus is far more bearable. Now with more things to do and explore, monad is also implemented far better in this game. This is of course assisted by the combat being so much fun and being so stylish that it never got old.
Of course, Tartarus is still an issue to an extent, 200+ floors of dungeon crawling will tire out anyone aside from the insane.

In my review for FES I noted that I didn't feel the connection for SEES that the game wanted me to believe was there, and this was my biggest issue with the original game aside from its pacing.
I can happily say this has been completely resolved, SEES with all the additional scenes, and the daily changes to script, truly feel like family. Moments that felt empty in FES are filled with emotion and meaning here, it all hits way harder.

I did every achievement in this game and loved my time with it, and can honestly see myself replaying in the future. Persona 3 goes from a game I hated to one that I now love. Its narratives and themes were always strong (as the movies showed off incredibly), it was simply held back by the game itself before.

While there are some minor issues with difficulty, I'm sure there will be mods for balancing the game soon enough and offering a better challenge. Things like the ambush skill make a lot of this game extremely easy, and the Theurgy skills are awesome additions that I would never want to see gone, but they are veeeery strong. But I don't think most of the issues the game has are worthwhile enough to complain about.

This is easily some of Atlus's best work and I'm looking forward to the future of Persona.

In a world where $70 games are starting to become the norm, RGG Studio gives us a shorter $50 experience to hold us over until Infinite Wealth. However, I spent more time on this 100% than the anticipated sequel that is Spider-Man 2. Between this experience and the even shorter "Kaito Files" DLC for "Lost Judgment," I am on board for more shorter RGG adventures because they've proved they can delivery quality titles of any length.

While the story isn't as grand as a full title, it still gets the job done. It's cool to see what Kiryu was up to and what moves he was making that ties in to the grand scheme of things. I really liked the characters here, whether that be Akame, Hanawa, or Tsurono. One of, if not the best, final boss sequence in this game series. Ending definitely was a tearjerker for me.

Finally we get a Kiryu title that feels good in the Dragon Engine because 6 and Kiwami 2 felt horrible. The Agent style was fun, but I found myself using the classic style a lot more. Typical side stuff, but I do like how the whole Akame Network worked between Stroll n' Patrol/request. I am glad RGG Studio has been keeping a consistent arcade game rotation allowing me to play "Fighting Vipers 2" and "SEGA Racing Classic 2" for the first time. Not too big a fan of the karaoke selection here; wish there was more songs with Akame (bring back Saturday Night Lover!). Coliseum stuff was mad fun, best use of it in the series.

Overall, this is a solid game and well worth the price. The appetizer that is the story and Hawaii demo for Infinite Wealth has me beyond stoked for January and it can't get here soon enough.

After doing all of the major possible endings you can get, every achievement, and countless hours in rumble mode I think I can finally put this one down for a few until another inevitable replay happens in the very close future.
Fading Afternoon somehow managed to capture both Friends of Ringo Ishikawa, and Arrest of a Stone Buddha’s best quality’s, build upon them, and create a completely different structure while still sharing aspects of both’s atmosphere. It’s hard to say what the best part about this game is honestly. The plethora of varied and incredibly detailed backgrounds sprawled across a vast explorable area by Artem Belov made it next to impossible to get sick of the scenery no matter how many replays I did. The insanely vast and unique character sprites & animation made by Ueda M brought the area even more to life. I love every single battle, idle, weather, and interactive animation you can do or see in this game. There is so many it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a couple players might never see in their playthroughs. Don’t think I’ve ever played a game that had such polished replay 4 of them isn’t anywhere close to being able to find all the secrets and possibilities naturally. There’s been a hefty amount of updates between bug fixes, content, and qol since launch and I’m very thankful for how involved yeo is in the community despite working on this game for 3 years. Incredible experience and if you enjoy beat ‘em ups, insanely immersive gameplay, deep and engaging mechanics, relaxing and atmospheric music, and incredible art you gotta at least give fading afternoon a chance, because if it clicks you’re in for a hell of an experience.

This review contains spoilers

The good:

Themes: The overall theme of this game is strong. The acceptance of what you cannot control, the meaning of life and death, how forming bonds with others gives meaning to life and so much more. The message here is very good, it's a shame it's mostly rushed.

Music: While I would recommend installing a music mod for more variety in battle. The ost here is an absolute banger like every Persona game.

Persona System: The whole fusion system is surprisingly fun. Though it can be a bit annoying when doing some of Elizabeth's ability specific fusion missions.

Social Links / characters: It's the heart of the game. Some are stronger than others. Akinari and Aigis are the best. Some characters get great arcs, some get absolutely nothing.

The bad:

The pacing: I did not enjoy this game, or rather, I enjoyed the last 10 - 20 hours. 80% of this game is nothing, it does literally nothing but keep you busy with a poorly done school sim. Pacing is a huge issue in this game, so much of it is wasted to the point that the entire story is literally told within the last 3 months of the game. Because of this things feel very rushed, characters aren't given the time to properly connect in the way the game wants you to feel they are.

Tartarus: Lets be real if you enjoy this something is wired wrong in your brain. 200+ floors of the same thing over and over again.

The Answer: Doesn't need to exist.


Mod the shit out of this game.
Party control. Music variety. HD rework. Character voice lines. New Moon Balance Patch. And anything else you may want.
There is zero point in playing the vanilla version of this game. It's not fun. I played this game at x4 and x6 speeds I couldn't imagine playing it normally, I most likely would've dropped it and not for its length but rather how it does nothing meaningful with the majority of its length.

If this game is truly getting a remake it needs to be COMPLETELY reworked from the ground up. Because while the game has some good things about it, those things are done better elsewhere and where it gets things wrong it gets them insanely wrong.

This isn't just a 'product of the time' this was a mess of a game on launch, Atlus had already made better in previous games and other franchises had already tackled its themes better.

This game was so peak it had me cumming fr

nero is better than dante, fuck u