Please put down that party control mod i swear it's not that hard

It's not as repayable as the team made it out to be, but it's still a really fun mode and i absolutely love the music and the amount of bs that comes with certain challenges

This is probably the most nothing burger smash game out there. All of the new additions were still pretty cool though.

This game easily has to be one of the best things released on this console

Really overrated, but it also still deserves the praise it gets. This was probably one of my first ever games to actually beat and I enjoyed every minute i spent on it.

I haven't even beat this yet and it's already up there.

I'm mainly a salmon run freelancer, but the pvp modes are also pretty enjoyable when I'm not being clobbered by those with way more hours than me! The story mode is also probably one of the best.

I wish square treated you better...

I barely played you,,, but i'm sure you were also peak.

A pretty great sonic game with a really funky soundtrack. I also personally find the exploration aspect really fun over the more linear parts. I genuinely don't understand the hate for this game