So are cartons referred to as bags in Europe or am I mistaken?

The Jailor has decided to execute you

I think I’ve replayed this game the most out of any classic Mega Man game, not because its that good but it is pretty addicting and you get used to the bullshit after the first playthrough. Also this game has a more balanced and enjoyable weapon roster than 2 and 3 somehow.

The most confusing of the trilogy for sure, and the ending feels like overcompensation for the much more tragic story displayed here, but highs of this game are a sight to behold and the pacing is still great so I can mostly ignore the flaws.

Man, that ending hit different…

The only fnaf game I’ve actually completed. Would actually be really good if the cameras were at least somewhat useful beyond turning the music box. It’s weirdly addicting though so for now its okay

Every time I’ve played this game I get addicted to it for at least a week. A top 10 contender for me if the mechanical bosses didn’t exist.

Fuck the mechanical bosses.

My adoration of crazy time signature usage in music was imprinted into my brain when I fought Marx at the age of 8.

K Lab makes worst rhythm gameplay ever
Asked to shut down servers

This review contains spoilers

“Well Chapter 4 was okay, I guess. so far this game is decent but nothing too crazy. Looks like things are really starting to pick up though.”

“Cool, I can check out this area from the start of the game. I was kinda wondering when I could see what was in there.”


“Oh wow…”

“Holy shit.”


“…I think I love this game now.”

This game’s mechanics and the way the level design fleshes them all out makes for probably the most tightly designed metroidvania I’ve played so far. The pixel art is also gorgeous, the combat is badass, especially with all of the different weapons Sakuya can use, and the soundtrack is fantastic. I get that it’s essentially a rearranged version of Eosd’s soundtrack with some added songs from some other Touhou games sprinkled here and there, but it’s still Touhou music so you can’t go wrong with that. (Shanghai Alice of Meiji my beloved)

There is one gripe I have with this game that I need to get off my chest though: I don’t think the bosses are that good. They have cool attacks and mechanics but are just way too locked into their attack patterns, which wouldn’t be too much of a problem if it weren’t for the fact that they have enough health to where you will see the same attack pattern repeat itself about 4-5 times, with only one more attack added in once they reach around half health, and these attacks are not hard enough to avoid to be this predictable. This makes it so that bosses start off interesting and intense when you first encounter them, before becoming both too easy and too robotic after about a minute and a half of combat. If the combat itself wasn’t as satisfying as it is I would’ve been way harsher on the bosses, but I’ll lay off for now.

The only thing in Phoenotopia that isn’t at least great is the combat, which starts off as frustrating but improves to satisfying but overall okay. It’s a shame the ending is rushed as hell and only serves to set up a sequel that’s like a decade away, if it even comes out at all. It still works as a charming standalone adventure with an absolutely flabbergasting amount of things to do. I’m dead serious it took me over 40 hours to first beat this game and that was with 65% completion.

One of my key childhood favorites, though instead of playing it on a sega genesis, I first played it on an iPod touch. Good times those were.

Whoever designed the Boobeam trap needs a stern talking to

I’m gonna be honest, this game didn’t get me even close to crying, but I still kinda like it. It’s probably because the concept of the plot fascinates me to no end, and there’s a decent amount of detail in both the environments and writing that reward you for paying attention. The banter between Neil and Eva can definitely border on annoying, but I like the vibe they give off of coworkers who have gotten so used to the routine of their jobs that they’ll do anything to make it more interesting. They also prevent the game from getting too dramatic for its own good so I’m grateful for that.

Definitely a recommend from me, but personally the sequels hit much harder.