If I were to fit this game in with the rest of the classic trilogy, it’d be in the top 3 beside 11 and 9.

And why does a Game Boy game have one of the most raw final boss fights of all time?

The more I think about this game the more I come to really like it. I’m not the biggest fan of the pacing with how much it tends to drag, but the story itself is very well thought out and the way each element incorporates itself in the ending is truly incredible. It doesn’t even need to make you emotional via reliance on heavy handed drama, the story is just that naturally good.

Seeing the 4 main characters in an environment that actually allows their characters to flourish instead of being sandbagged by the tropes that they were inspired by made this worth the $15 honestly.

One of my main complaints about other Kirby games is how Kirby usually feels kind of unwieldy to control in terms of his weight and responsiveness, especially compared to other platformer protagonists.

Forgotten Land easily, and I really do mean easily, has the best controlling Kirby in the franchise so far, and the buttery smooth control alone makes this a top 3 Kirby game in my eyes.

The level design, too, just speaks to me in a way I can’t really describe. Levels in this game are so smooth and well-paced that I don’t really mind that they are pretty much never that much of a challenge.

The finale also might be my favorite in the series. It’s not as bombastic as some other Kirby games but it fits my tastes to a tee.

This was actually the Kirby game I had the lowest expectations for before I played it and, well…

I’ll let my rating do the talking here.

On one hand, this gotta be one of the most boring games to 100%. Most of it is just going through a bunch of randomly generated top down sections that get old way too quickly. Also this game has such cool improvements to its mechanics but it doesn’t utilize them in the level design nearly as much as I wanted, especially for the top down sections.

On the other hand, those improvements are still there and do make for legitimately intense, heart pounding gameplay. Also, the finale of this game is near perfection, in which the game throws you the best boss fights in the whole trilogy and an ending that actually made me shed a tear.

I would say highest highs, lowest lows but the lowest lows are still in BMZ 1 so it doesn’t work.

For now I’d say 3 about on par with 2 but which one I think is better changes every hour so I’ll see if I can find a proper answer.

One more thing, Leibniz is the GOAT

Definitely the most all-around good game in the trilogy. Aside from some asinine level design decisions here and there, the game flows so much better than the first and just generally feels smoother to play. The top down sections are also way better too so props for that.

Traveling in the Sophia III is so damn fun but those dragging top-down sections, underwhelming bosses, and the dreadful backtracking you have to do if you so much as miss a single map tile if you want to get the true ending make this game way more frustrating than it had to be. Soundtrack goes hard though.

I don’t hate playing this game necessarily but I’m fully willing to admit that it’s mediocre as hell. That being said, Metal Sonic’s theme here is such an earworm, I love it so much.

If Kumatora and Duster were fully fleshed out characters this would be the greatest game of all time. It’s still one of the best though so I’ll eat the nitpick and move on

I love this game and it hates me back

The switch version if this game is most likely the worst version of it and it was still a blast, so this is an easy recommendation

An old friend of mine has to pay for making me play this

I was 9 when I first played this and I felt a genuine sense of loneliness and emptyness while playing. Negative emotions flow through my mind whenever I hear a sound effect from this game. I don’t exactly know what the opposite of nostalgia is, but I heavily associate that feeling with Sticker Star.

At least the music is good…

I’m at a point now where I can understand where some of the criticisms levied towards this game, such as the slow start and exploration being very inconsistently rewarded, but aside from that, Hollow Knight is a legit must-play game. I don’t want to gush about this game too much right now but this game does not have a legitimate low point, its engaging throughout the whole journey despite how much this game wants you to get lost and confused.