78 Reviews liked by Haise1003

One of the all time great skateboarding series (though we don't talk about 5... ever), Pro Skater 3 is easily right up there as one of the best entries in the Tony Hawk series with some really great levels, tricks to pull off, secrets to find and plenty of other cool stuff too.

It's always enjoyable to rack up the high scores and pull off some insanely flashy combos and this game delivers by the bucket load. Probably one of my favourite games.

Simply one of my favorite games of all time! This is the game that introduced me to large, open-world, story-driven games. I still find myself revisiting it from time to time, even though I purchased the game nearly 7 years ago.

Wide as an ocean but deep as my pussy

Normies hate Skyrim because they are TOLD to hate Skyrim

"Alles in Ordnung?"
"Ärger oder so?"
"Früher war ich auch ein Abenteurer - aber dann hab ich einen Pfeil ins Knie bekommen..."
"Fürchtet Euch nicht. Ob Drache oder Riese: Wir werden mit allem fertig."
"Habt Ihr diese Krieger aus Hammerfell gesehen? Sie haben gebogene Schwerter. Gebogene. Schwerter."
"Hier wird nicht rumgetrödelt."
"Ich habe meist mit schäbigen Dieben und betrunkenen Schlägern zu tun. Es ist schon lange her, dass wir mal gegen eine ganze Diebesbande ins Feld gezogen sind."
"Ich muss die Augen offen halten. Diese verdammten Drachen könnten jeden Augenblick zuschlagen."
"Ihr passt doch auf Euch auf, oder?"
"Immer schön den Himmel im Auge behalten, Reisender."
"Lasst mich raten - jemand hat Euch Eure Süßigkeit geklaut..."
"Man sagt, Ulfric Sturmmantel habe den Großkönig getötet ... mit seiner Stimme! Er soll ihn einfach in Stücke geschrien haben!"
"Mein Cousin darf da draußen gegen Drachen kämpfen. Und ich? Ich muss hier Wache schieben."
"Missachtet das Gesetz und Ihr missachtet mich."
"Mit dem Bauch voller Met wäre mir wahrscheinlich viel wärmer und fröhlicher zumute..."
"Was braucht Ihr?"
"Was gibt's denn?"
"Was ist los? Drachen?"

You can literally mod in child exploitation, orgies, executions, guns, dating, real-estate, better graphics, a better story, and a whole new region and still get bored of this game within 30 minutes.

It's impressive.

I gave it a good rating Todd, please let my family go

no dude trust me its fun when you download the peepeepoopoo mod and like 30 others bro trust me its not the games fault its boring its your fault

Just counting the days when I suddenly crave Minecraft and I play it non-stop for 2 weeks, only to drop it for half a year. This cycle will follow me til I die.

A creeper blew up my home fuck this game lol, Im gonna to taco bell need some tacos

Took me long enough to actually finish this game, but after having done so, I can say with relative ease that The Last of Us is indeed worthy of all the praise that it receives. For as much as it tells a straightforward narrative, there's a great deal of work put into how the atmosphere has been created - thus making you feel like you're a part of this situation and able to connect with the characters the more time you spend with them.

But that's also what makes The Last of Us as enthralling as it is, because you're seeing a wonderful father-daughter dynamic of sorts build between the relationship of Joel and Ellie - compromised by their own worldviews as a result of everything that they've been through. It always leads to emotional farewells with side characters, but also puts you within that spot of wondering how everything could have been done differently even though the inevitable is bound to happen.

A good amount of this is fun, but other moments can get distressing, but that's also what it feels like to see the world through Joel and Ellie's eyes.

I think the title of this game and among us got swaped

Saving a lot of data...
Don't turn off the power.