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So the good ending is the old sandman character having a crush on a high school girl and becoming sleepless because of that, WTF???

Never understood the hype surrounding this game.

It's nice to see the early prototype for what became the much better second game but the lack of story and gameplay left me feeling underwhelmed.

Aside from the obvious primary school nostalgia this is such a good game. Super fun gameplay, great soundtrack, and a great adventure all around.

Gameplay is way too similar to Slender: The Eight Pages but hey at least the monster in this one is actually scary.

PewDiePie made this game seemed much more fun than it actually is.

More gameplay in this one than Slender: The Eight Pages but the story (or lack thereof) and scares are so disappointing.

Felt very reminiscent of the point-and-click adventure games I used to play as a kid but the paywall is super fucking annoying.

It's... barely even a game, and the monster is so poorly designed and flat-looking

Anger-Inducing Game: Electric Boogaloo

Playing this game made me feel like I need to attend an anger management course.

It was fun for the first 10 minutes but the gameplay became really stale and repetitive afterwards. Meh.

First time I got exposed to the Silent Hill universe and it... didn't leave such a great impression.


There should be an option to eat Pou at the end à la the app Can Your Pet? because looking at Pou made me crave for some chocolate mochi.