As a cat lover I can attest that this game sucks. Get a real cat instead.

Who else intentionally fucked up their dish to have Mama lost her shit and get mad at the end? No? Just me? Okay...

Honestly still pissed that a bug in this game prevented me from collecting one piece of food to fully master this game. Also submerging Garfield underwater to have him irritatingly meow is hilarious. That doesn't make a psychopath, though, right?

I must have completed this game at least ten times as a kid. Weirdly addicting gameplay.

Whenever I want to quit the game I usually just make the bear jump into a ledge to have its snout land face-first into the ground for instant death, it's honestly the best part of the game.

I don't understand any card games as a kid so playing this game consisted of me just dicking around with the cards. It's not very fun.

Wait, how the fuck are you supposed to play this game?

Shooting the enemies in the dick to have them cower and cover their crotch before dying is honestly the best part of the game. I also love shooting the cars to make them blow up and kill all the enemies inside. It's great.

I have really fond memories of flipping through the dictionary while playing this to understand which item to click for, I think I have to credit this game for improving my English vocabulary as a kid. Also just realized this game is rated T so I might be too young to be playing it at the time.

Thanks to my primary school computer teacher (R.I.P.) for introducing this game to us, I have to credit this game for improving my typing skills.

One of the first games that I've ever played. I have very fond memories of playing this with my sister and cousin.

I'm still pissed that after all the trouble I went through making the dishes Mickey and Minnie never even tried it. Like they just peeked through the door and then went back out again.

As a kid I used to want to break the TV screen open just so I can play with the Winx Club characters. My sister only responded that by doing so I would kill them. We ended up arguing about this but I'm still glad I didn't actually go through with it because I don't think my parents would be very happy with me destroying our giant family TV.

It retains the same high production quality of Until Dawn, but every other aspect is disappointing. There are some clunky dialogue and controls, the characters are even more bland and unlikeable than the ones in Until Dawn, it relied too heavily on jumpscares, and the length is disappointingly short. The twist is also too predictable right from the prologue.

Puzzles are considerably more difficult than the first one, there's a healthy variety of environment and enemies too that improve upon the first game.