Yeah the dialogue is cringe-worthy, Chloe is insufferable, and the whole thing screams Hipster Simulator but for 13-year-old me this game is my whole life.

Looking at it as a satirical take on the horror genre honestly makes the game much more entertaining, even if it's not completely self aware of it.

I hate cheap jumpscares so... yeah...

Much improvement over the first one, and for a while I was addicted to this game. Overall not a bad time killer.

Whoever makes this game thinks he's much edgier than he really is.

Pretty novel idea for a running app, unfortunately I'm a lazy ass.

The premise is initially interesting but when all you have to offer in terms of gameplay is just watching police interrogation footage it gets old and boring really quickly. The unfolding story is pretty good though.

As an Indonesian I can attest that this game sucks, it doesn't give any justice to our mythical ghosts and lore.

Some parts felt weirdly... pornographic? The fact that the characters are all in high school makes this even creepier.

Really liked the investigative aspect of the gameplay and the story overall was pretty good even if the ending was a bit nonsensical. Also that department store part brought up long repressed memories of my childhood phobia against mannequins so great job.

Didn't expect this to be so darkly humorous, but yeah, what else can I say? Inventive and original gameplay with a story that subverted my expectations.

PewDiePie made this game seemed much more fun than it actually is. (2)

This game made me realize that I hate mobile online multiplayer games.

I really hate cheap jumpscares so this one is bound to get on my nerve, and it did, but at the same time I can't deny its novel idea for a gameplay that was surprisingly kind of fun... for the first 10 minutes. Anyway, that's the only reason why I didn't give this one a half star. The rest of the franchise loses its novelty quickly so they get an obligatory half star.


Fuck whoever is responsible for the cancellation of Silent Hills.