375 Reviews liked by HalilHeyman

Due to the hype of the show my friends talked me into playing fallout 76 again. I've never really been a big fan of fallout but I was eager to get into the series as my friends really like it.

We played it all of once for a good few hours and I genuinely had a good time but I could not see myself playing this for any length of time. I enjoyed the exploration and from what little we used the building mechanics seemed interesting but apart from that nothing really made me want to play it more.

Its good to see that the devs turned it around, as its launch is probably up there with Cyberpunk for worst game launch of all time. The game works now, at least on PS5, if you are a fallout fan id suggest giving it another shot. I am interested in maybe playing some of the other games so I might do that in the future.

This review will contain minor spoilers involving a gameplay mechanic

I think if I was to describe this game in one word it would be "Uncomfortable".

I saw the press the second game was getting and since its free on game pass I was gonna just jump straight into that but I realised the first game was free as well so I thought I might as well play through it first.

The story of this game is what everyone is going to be there for. You play as Senua who has travelled to Helheim to retrieve the soul of her partner Dillion. I had no idea this game was set within Norse mythology so that was a big win for me out the gate as I love that stuff. Senua is plagued by constant voices in her head second guessing absolutely everything she does, constantly beating her down with whatever she is trying to do, so much so it can be hard to listen to at times. The main point of the game is Senua trying to overcome her grief which is shown in a lot of ways. I wont get to much into spoilers but I think the story is fantastic and kept me interested throughout the lacklustre gameplay sections

I absolutely love the character designs in this game. The Northmen all look disgusting, like hybrids of humans and animals. There are 5 enemy variants being the one with a sword, one with a hammer, one with a hammer and a shield, one massive guy with an executioner axe and one fast jumping guy with two small axe's. For the limited combat sections this game has there is enough variety to keep it interesting. I love the designs for the bosses in this game, each one towers over Senua. Valravn, Surtr Garm and Hela all look terrifying and look nothing like any designs I have seen for them previously. The game really excels off of the performances from the actors. Melina Juergens gives a fantastic performance as Senua, which I was surprised to see is her only credited acting role.

Now unfortunately the gameplay is where I would imagine the game looses a lot of people. The gameplay is very repetitive mostly revolving around perspective puzzles and small combat sections. They are cool to start with but when each area contains the exact same puzzle format it gets old fast. The game is only around 6 hours in length but took me several days to get through just to avoid burnout. The combat system is fun and I enjoyed all the segments with it but I wasn't really a fan of the "Permadeath" feature the game has. Each time Senua dies a bit more of her is covered by this black rash looking thing called "Rot" the game tells you that if you fail too many time then your quest will be over, insinuating that you have to start again. This actually isnt true as it was just a fluke which I guess was put in to further hammer in that nothing the voices tell you can be trusted. I'm not a huge fan of permadeath stuff so I was a little turned away by this but the combat is easy enough to master that it proved not a problem.

Visually this game is stunning, for being 7 years old it holds up extremely well with beautiful landscapes and extremely well designed characters as previously mentioned. Soundtrack is a banger as well. I think the place that this game excels the most is its sound design, playing this game with good headphones is a must as you can hear the voices moving around your head, it really adds to the atmosphere.

I was taken by surprise that this game is kind of a horror game at times. The whole game has a creepy atmosphere with weird voices talking to you all the time but certain segments, particularly the Garm one were genuinely scary. Add the weird 4th wall breaks when Senua just straight up talks to the unseen voices while looking straight at you and you have yourself one genuinely creepy game.

Overall I think this is a great game but is unfortunately let down by its repetitive gameplay mechanics. I would however not recommend this if you suffer from any kind of mental disorder like schizophrenia as I feel like it could be quite triggering. Good to see the developers acknowledge that with plentiful trigger warnings each time the game is loaded up. Great creepy and stressful story with amazing visuals.

After playing a lot of Fight Night Champion I decided to come back and give UFC 2 another shot as one of the biggest reasons I never played more of it was due to its different control scheme. Since Fight Night has fairly similar controls and I got pretty adapted to them I came back to give it another try.

Im a really big UFC fan and I regularly play UFC 5 on my PS5, its like my go to game if I just wanna play something. Due to this I am very used to the controls used in both UFC 4 and 5 which differ greatly compared to this games. But I have slowly got the hang of it and played around with a lot of what the game has to offer enough to review it.

In general I love the striking in this game. Every punch, kick, knee or elbow lands with so much power you can feel it through the screen. The combo like controls used in this game play into that well, you have to throw your fingers around as you would in something like mortal kombat. The game has a good roster with a lot of fighters not present in the current games which is annoying. Some very uncanny valley like designs but decent for the time. I don't like how limited the customization is primarily with short colours, which is something that has only been rectified in UFC 5 recently but being limited to only black, white and champion shorts is annoying especially when at that time there was other colours used on the Reebok kits. Bit of a nit pick.

My biggest problem is the grappling and ground game. I find the ground game system in all games aside from 4 and 5 ridiculously over complicated and just not fun to play with. No easy way to deny transitions, being knocked out in like 3 punches if your opponent gets on top mount and most annoying is the takedown defence system. I was playing on easy and beginner difficultly and was not able to defend one takedown as you would need to have the reaction time of the flash to press the required buttons by the time your opponent has slammed you on the floor. Also I find the Ai to just be weird in general when fighters known for striking are ragdolling me on the ground, especially on the lower difficulties. Issue with most of the games to be fair, and I also suck at these games lol so that might play a part.

This game is heralded as the best of the EA UFC games due to its ragdoll mechanics and clean striking but I really do not agree. The controls are over complicated, the ground game is terrible and all the games that follow are more polished in every way. I will commend it for being the last EA UFC game to not feel like a total copy paste of the previous because each game after falls into that. Seriously, look at footage from UFC 3 and UFC 4 they look literally Identical.

Overall I will probably play this from time to time when I am between games on my Xbox as its fun to mess around with and spinning capoeira kick people in the face. Fun to go back to but massively overrated by the fans.

Will teach you more philosophy in one play trough than Turkish high schools in 4 years

Could've been a fun game if it wasn't so unfinished or broken. I had to abuse save states to play through the game because it was crashing every 10 minutes. At some point, it became so unbearable that I had to give up.

It says a lot that I didn't even know this season ended until I saw the update for the new season on my PlayStation today.

Funny because it wasn't even bad, the map changes were cool and the battlepass was pretty decent. I think I personally just got burned out after playing so much of the OG season and Chapter 5 season 1.

Telihsiz serüvenler dizisi ama oyun versiyonu.

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Sonunda Top Spin geri dönüyor diye çok heyecanlıydım ya. Piyasada doğru düzgün bir tenis oyun görebiliriz belki diye ama, son dönemde NBA 2K'in yanlış yaptığı her şeyi alıp koymuşlar sanki doğruymuş gibi...

Grafiklerin biraz cilalanmış olması ve oynanışın biraz daha ağır olması dışında Top Spin 4'ten neredeyse hiç farkı yok oyunun. 2011'de çıkmış bir oyundan bahsediyorum. MyCareer modu neredeyse aynı ama bu sefer ilerleme çok daha yavaş, oyun modları desen çok az, profesyonel oyuncu kadrosu 25 kişiden ibaret, online matchmakingi rezalet, arkadaşlarla oynama gibi bir seçenek hala yoktu ben bunları yazarken...

İşin kötüsü özünde gayet sağlam oyun, oynaması zevkli. O yüzden 1.5/2 yıldız vermedim, 2.5 yeterli gördüm. Ama tenis de tenis diye ölüp bitmiyorsanız ve Top Spin 4/Virtua Tennis 4'ü oynayabiliyorsanız önermem. İlla alacağım derseniz şöyle sağlam bir indirimi beklemenizi tavsiye ederim.

İşin daha da kötüsü adamlar 2026'da sunucuları kapatıp gideceklerini şimdiden söylediler yahu. Sunucular çevrimdışıyken sadece tekli ya da çiftli maç atabildiğiniz exhibition modunu oynayabiliyorsunuz. Oyunu 2 yıllığına kiralamak için 70 dolar istiyorlar lan... Eğer spor oyunları böyle devam edecekse, benden bu kadar valla. Virtua Tennis 4'e, NBA 2K11'e, NBA Live 2005'e falan dönerim mutlu ve huzurlu bir şekilde hayatıma devam ederim.

I got into this right after Super Metroid and I can say that Fusion is a departure from its predecessor with its unique formula. My whole review will be about comparing these two I guess.

Fusion prefers to go with a more linear structure. The game guides you which route you should take to advance the story which is entirely different than Super Metroid. In Super Metroid, game doesn't tell you shit, you gotta figure it all out entirely by yourself. Not just for getting the bonus upgrades, you have to find the essentials by yourself too. In Fusion, everything is handed to you, only true exploration is figuring out where the bonus upgrades are. Stuff like additional missle and energy packs which are not necessary to advance further technically but of course, they help you in your battles greatly.

Another difference is how the map is structured. Map consists of 7 different areas. All the areas are connected through a hub area. So, it's less tricky to navigate through the map, whatever you do is pretty much clear. I never go lost in this game unlike in Super Metroid. Fuck that sand level in Super Metroid. However, I also find it less creative compared to Super Metroid. In Super Metroid, all areas are interconnected with each other and finding those connections were more interesting. It adds to the exploration experience.

Even though Fusion decided to sacrifice those exploration elements, it excels at movement and combat greatly. Controlling Samus feels better in this game for sure. You character runs faster, grabs ledges which is a pretty good quality of life change tbh and has a toggle for missle and beam weapon switch. It's a lot easier to go in and out between those weapons which is sorely needed in Super Metroid. Also, one of the best changes is the timings of some of the essential skills in the game. Wall jumps and space jumps were a lot easier to execute in Fusion. Their timings were more forgiving compared to its predecessor. They drove me nuts in Super Metroid.

Apart from these quality of life changes, Fusion emphasizes on a challenging combat. In Super Metroid, common enemies didn't really pose a threat and bosses were kind of pushovers, you could cheese them easily. The challenge of Super Metroid was the platforming. I was more afraid of enviromental hazards than enemies.

In Fusion, the opposite is the case. Enemies hit harder and move faster. You have to dodge their projectiles and blast them in sight. You don't have the luxury of tanking the damage, especially in the early game even though they drop some health and ammo after death. Bosses are also a lot more challenging. They move faster and hit harder again. Also, you can't just damage them by spraying your ammunition. They expose their weak parts at certain points of the fight and you gotta land those shots accurately. Some of the bosses require a bit pixel perfect shots for some reason. That's the kind of challenge I prefer.

In short, Fusion is the linear but mechanically more refined version of Super Metroid. Both are high quality games and I'd say they're timeless.

PS: Mr. X like enemy design was really intriguing. I wish that enemy actually chased us a bit more throughout the whole map. That would be really intense. They didn't use it enough.

Very short but features a good message. Interesting gameplay mechanic as well.

Very one and done however, but its free so who cares lol

What was developer thinking when making this game

No wonder how this game bred a brand new genre and set high standarts from the very beginning.

I'm very impressed by the sheer creativity of its mechanics and map design. There are so many different stuff to discover in the most random places. I used X-ray almost everywhere I go but I still missed a lot of that random shit. The game forces you to think out of the box in order to get those sweet perks. For a SNES game, it's astounding.

Mechanics are also pretty tight and fairly responsive. However, they require some mastery, sometimes more than I can chew, to be precise. As a guy who sucks at platforming, I had a hard time doing the wall jumps and space jumps. Figuring out their timings were rough. I finished the game and I still can't do them consistently but I'm sure it can be done. I've seen some playthroughs, Samus looks like a god in the hands of great players.

I also like the visual style. It feels both colorful and dreadful at the same time. It gives you the feeling of isolation but also it is a feast for your eyes. Delicious.

In short, this game is a substantial accomplishment in its era. The size of this freaking game is 3 MB but it offers so much for you to play with. I could give it even a higher score if its platforming aged more gracefully. I had some difficulties and struggling with the core mechanics can be frustrating.

PS: Shout out to the composer, this soundtrack sounds really sick. Omnious and badass at the same time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9ieYLHc1fQ&ab_channel=7GamerMinutes%2B%3AVideoGameMusic

You wont last half-minute,Hero