Sonic Supers is a new entry in the classic Sonic line of games.
To preface this review, I enjoyed the game whole-heartedly however can see the issues as with many others, but my overall enjoyment is what made me give it a 4 out of 5.

It's a fun Sonic game that suffers from say what Sonic 4 and CD suffered from. What I mean is:

If Sonic Mania is more inline with Sonic 2 and 3&K, then Sonic Superstars is more in like with Sonic CD. Meaning that while Mania with 2 and 3&K were focused on speed, Superstars is focused more on the platforming and collecting other things within the game, not as much as CD but still has a bit of similarity with it in that regard.

I think something that feels weirdly off is the gameplay doesn't feel as fast as it should be in terms of the characters, and while maybe I can understand that for say multiplayer since the game would have to manage the 4 characters on screen, I feel like when it comes to single player, the characters should be faster. Another criticism I have is certain Zones only having 1 Act, and while these acts are longer than normal I believe that they ALL OF THEM should have had 2 Acts, if they wish to include the extra characters acts or the Fruit acts, then do it, make sure all zones have 2 acts that all players can play on, while the other special acts are character exclusive.

The music is great, apart from the creepy bonus stage clown music that sounds like a clown being killed. But the music and the esthetic and new zones that aren't retreads are a treat to behold. I think another thing that while helpful you might not end up using too much are the chaos emeralds and their powers, but the fact they actually make the emeralds do something is a surprise but a welcomed one.

I find it cool they brought back Knuckles pink Super Form, though it sucks they didn't give Tails his army of Flickies. And even though it's cool they game Amy a super form, they should've made her turn Yellow and have her spikes up like Sonic, Shadow, and Silver since she's a hedgehog too, it really is lame they just made Amy get a pink aura and that's it.
The 5th character has a spectacular unique super form that isn't really focused on speed like the others, but more so on flight and fire which is nice to play around with.

Also in-regards to the games cosmetics for Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy (and the 5th character) they should've included actual obtainable in-game cosmetics in order to be able to customize them however you want, instead of just relegating them to preorder bonuses. Having more costumes and color swaps would've been cool, because it allows for reference colors to other characters, or even iconic cosmetics like Knuckle's Hat. It actually could've been better if the robot shop was a shop to both customize your custom Robot for battle mode, along with it having costumes, alternate skins/colors for the Heroes to swap to. Hopefully future update or a DLC does what I am asking.

I think the boss fights are unique and interesting, however can be a bit tedious or boring when it comes to lack of speed. However it doesn't necessarily mean the bosses aren't good, just mean there should be a faster pace to it all.

I find it cool they have a 5th playable character who's very unique in terms of design, gameplay, and super form. Really they're a great addition to the cast and hopefully they appear more often in future games. It's really cool that this character has a personal story mode, that while retreads the zones, it prioritizes their gameplay and actually makes the stages harder which is cool to see! The characters name is Trip and she is a Sungazer, a lizard who befriends Amy.

However I will say the final boss for Trip is absolutely unfair for both kids and adults. The final boss is FANG THE SNIPER/HUNTER/NAC THE WEASEL who has 2 phases to his fight. The first phase has him in his ship shooting missile and insta-kill 1-hit lasers, which makes you question why the game gave you 16-RINGS at the checkpoint, it takes 6 hits to defeat his first phase.
Phase 2, the final phase, has you fight Fang in his giant mech, he uses badnicks to hurt the player around the battleground, however when he summons them, the player can use the split-second opportunity to throw the bouncing roller badnicks into the bot. He uses a targeting system to trap the player in a spiderweb (pair of 3 every time) which he uses 3 times during the first 6 hits, and 4 times during the last 3 hits.
If you get captured and or escape the spiderwebs by avoiding them or spamming jump on them to escape them, Fang Mech uses a giant popgun that if it hits you INSTANTLY KILLS YOU in 1-HIT, during the first 6 hits he shoots it twice, during the last 3 hits, he shoots it 4 times quickly.
He uses shoulder missiles that when explode release 2 bomb types, 1 smooth ball that you need to bounce into the Fang Mech, and the other you avoid as it does damage.
During the last 3 hits, be careful when you see the mech's nose glow he will take out the outer platforms and then headbutt the middle platform, leaving the middle 2 inner platforms, for a split second attack to the head.
It takes 9 hits total to defeat his second phase to finish Trips story.
Final story has you fight as Super Sonic against the Dark Dragon that was released by... I don't know, it's never explained, while it is hinted at during the prologue animation from Youtube, it feels like during development the story was forgotten during develop since the final story doesn't seem to tie in too well, while it does have the mural somewhat explaining what Trips connection to the dragon is.

Assuming I have this correct about the story they were trying to tell:

Sonic and Friends are out stopping Eggman from taking over Planet Mobius by robotizing the forest critters. Eggman is joined by Fang the Sniper/Hunter and newcomer trip to help capture and defeat Sonic and friends in order to take over the world. Sonic and Co thwart Eggman along the way with Trip constantly being verbally abused by Fang for messing up, causing her to fall to an unknown area of Lagoon Zone. Amy Rose meets Trip here, and they become instantly friends when Amy shows her kindness, care, and friendliness to her, causing Trip to have a change of heart. During Golden Capital Zone, Sonic and friends defeat Fang, who attempts to pilot his Mech, however Trip uses the Chaos Emeralds originally stolen by Fang to defeat Fang. She becomes a unique Golden Dragon, and later returns to her regular self wearing a black tanktop with metallic gloves and shoes, and has a hair style similar to that of Modern amy rose with Horns, her hair being a light tanish-orange with yellow horns, her eyes being greyish, and having a orange horn nose.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Trip all go to defeat Eggman who uses an hour glass to reverse time in order to have a final showdown in the DEATH EGG. Sonic and CO defeat Eggman, destroying the DEATH EGG ROBOT and DEATH EGG, but Eggman still survives.
The heroes return to Mobius to celebrate defeating Eggman once again, with Sonic congratulating Trip and happy to have her apart of his friend group.
The story doesn't stop there as Trip knows there's business to take care off as there is an EGGROBO continuing EGGMANS plans, so Trip travels through all the zones again to defeat the evil EGGROBO and find out the true culprit who's continuing Eggman's plan. We find out it's Fang who has a score to settle with the "TRAITOR" and decides to take Trip out with his DEATHFANG MECH. Trip successfully defeats Fang... leaving his fate unknown as it is unknown if Fang escaped the DEATH EGG, however I assume Trip took his unconscious body off the exploding planet sized ship before it was too late.

(This part is full of assumptions but makes sense for the most part.)
Finally we have the unleashing of the Dark Dragon, we can assume during the time that FANG stole the Chaos Emeralds from Knuckles, that he first gave it to Eggman to power the HOUR GLASS and Eggman later returned the CHAOS EMERALDS to Fang in order to power his DEATHFANG MECH. Fang almost gets in his mech during Golden Capital Zone, when he's intercepted by Trip who had a change of heart after meeting Amy.
Assuming what's happened throughout Sonic CD, Sonic 2, the Game Gear Spinoffs, Sonic 3 and Knuckles, and Sonic Mania with Eggman constantly using the CHAOS EMERALDS or attempting to obtain them for evil purposes filled the Chaos Emeralds with negative energy, with enough building up to unleash the DARK DRAGON from it's imprisonment. This causes Sonic to use the positive energy of the Chaos Emeralds to go and defeat the Dark Dragon Once and for all by sealing it away once again.
In the cutscene we see trip holding the giant DRAGON STONE/JEWEL, and uses it to imprison the dragon once again. Based on what Trip's race is and based on the prologue animation with the SUNGAZER MURAL from Golden Capital we learn essentially Trip is a descendant of an ancient race of Sungazers that had the great evil terrorizing them, that being the Dark Dragon. As to where the Dragon came from, we have no clue. It can be assumed that it was probably Dark Energy from the Chaos Emeralds that built up so much it was released with all the havoic Eggman caused throughout Sonic 1-3&K, CD, GameGear canon spinoffs, and Mania. The ancient Sungazers used each of the chaos emeralds and their abilities of:

Blue Emerald - Avatar (Clone Creation)
Red Emerald - Bullet (FIRE DASH)
Cyan Emerald - Water (WATER TRAVERSAL)
Green Emerald - Ivy (PLANT ROOT CREATION)
Purple Emerald - Vision (HIDDEN SIGHT)
Yellow Emerald - Slow Time (CHAOS CONTROL)
White Emerald - Extra (EXTRA ABILITY USAGE)

To seal away the Dragon, afterwards the race of Sungazers, just like the Echidnas died out leaving Trip as the only descendant similar to that of Knuckles. It is assumed that towards the end of the Last Story after the Dark Dragon is sealed away in the Dragon Stone, Trip essentially becomes the protector of the Dragon Stone/Jewel so that no one can ever use it's power for evil ever again, similar to how Knuckles protects the Master Emerald on Angel Island.
Super Sonic with the help of his friends, all band together to defeat the Dragon and seal it away once and for all, with Trip sealing away the Dragon being the last protector and descendant of the Sungazers.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy are all happy trip is their friend and a new Sonic hero, protector of the DARK DRAGON STONE/JEWEL.
And thats Sonic Superstars.

I believe that is the story that Sonic Superstars was trying to tell. Maybe I'm missing somethings and maybe there are plotholes but I think thats the story that was attempted by left out or inserted too vaguely. Let me know your guy's thoughts on my assumptions of the story. :)
Battle mode from what I played is very fun, and being able to customize your own robot is really cool with all the parts you can mix and match the parts or creating Iconic robots like Metal Sonic, Metal Knuckles, and new comers Metal Tails and METAL AMY! (Tails had an evil robot counterpart thing called Tails Doll that makes a cameo appearance in this game, this is the first time however an Official Metal Tails and Metal Amy have been made official characters). It also has a special Metal NIGHTS parts to customize your Robot, which is awesome. However I fully understand and can see people not being interested in playing battle mode online per say since people mainly will want to play the main game together in terms of racing, or something along those lines, but still battle mode is there to be enjoyed or played if one wishes to.

Overall it's a fine enough Classic Sonic game, I want to see more of Classic Sonic Games like this in a 3D style that doesn't depend on the RETRO 16-BIT style, and instead continues to use these classic characters in a 3D style but with the 2D gameplay and world.
I believe with updates that change the speed of the game, it'll be perfect. I hope DLC is added as well, and they don't just leave this as a 1 and done. With updates or a DLC expansion similar to SONIC MANIA PLUS they can add more characters like:

- Espio the Chameleon
- Vector the Crocodile
- Charmy Bee
- Ray the Flying Squirrel
- Mighty the Armadillo
- Bean the Dynamite Duck
- Bark the Bear
- Honey the Cat (this character is a bit in a limbo since she's actually a anthropomorphic version of her Fighting Viper version. However Honey the Cat has made recent appearances in the SONIC IDW comics which means she must be an official Sonic character now to some capacity).

But regardless of that, I enjoyed my time with this game, I hope for updates as I think with what I mentioned in terms of the speed could make people more happy with it. I do hope for DLC with new characters so that they don't just leave this one to hang out and dry. I loved Sonic Superstars and I hope for a sequel, it has issues, but I enjoyed my time with it.

Thanks for reading.

Star Field is very expansive when it comes to exploration, it's essentially fallout but in space, with the cool customization option of customizing your ship, choosing Traits to make your character unique with benefits and detriments as well.

The game has it's typical Bethesda format of gameplay similar to that of Skyrim or Fallout however adds more uniqueness with the world.

Collecting loot throughout the galaxy obtaining better weapons and space suits based upon rarity is fun, but randomized of course. Joining the different factions in the game is also really cool like joining the VANGUARD (FUTURE MODERN ARMY), FREE STAR RANGERS (SPACE REDNICK HILLBILLY COWBOYS), RYUJIN INDUSTRIES, CRIMSON FLEET, or SYS DEFS. Going on fun Side missions that hopefully don't break

The companions within this game are all really likeable, with the best ones being Andreja and Sarah (which funfact you are able to marry both if you marry Andreja first, and later romance Sarah, and later convince Andreja to let you be married to both of them, and boom 2 wives :D ) Then you have Sam Coe who has his daughter, and Barret who is funny and has his robot friend Vasco.


The story revolves around you starting your quest in a mining group finding a mysterious artifact and later leaving after being attacked by the Crimson Fleet, and later going to NEW ATLANTIS in order to join Sarah Morgan and Co in order to solve the mystery of the Artifacts.

After joining you go on several adventures to different Solar systems, obtaining more artifacts and gaining powers after visiting Temples within the game. Even though these powers are really cool to use, unlike Skyrim where you find yourself using them most of the time or some times, here you can honestly forget you have powers if your weapons are legendary.
Story essentially has you meet this group called "THE STAR BORN" who we find out are Humans who have traveled the multiverse. You can side with the Hunter or the Emissary who have differing perspectives on who should be allowed to control the multiverse, or you can tell them both to screw off and be god yourself.


Here comes the biggest issue with Starfield....


Want to know the best part? You can do it OVER... AND OVER... AND OVER AGAIN. And yeah sure, you can do different things as the timelines repeat, but legit the only real significant change is how the game starts, in the sense when you travel to NEW ATLANTIS you have a RNG chance of something unique happening to Constellation, like having all of them be killed by an Evil Andreja, or Sam Coe's daughter as a Star born kill everybody, or meeting a voice acted version of yourself that can become your companion (Not romancible though), etc. (really there's 9 different possible ways of starting, 1 being very rare)

As cool as the resets are, as someone who spent a lot of time in the first timeline, it's really demoralizing to be told "screw you, you lose everything, yeah sure you get a cool armor and ship, but all those legendary weapons, armor, and guns you collected along with your money and healing items you can say BYE BYE TO THEM!"

Really they should've just kept all the things within the infinite Safe in CONSTELLATION regardless if you travel to a new multiverse. But no, that specific choice made by Bethesda made me put my hands up after beating it the first time and say "I'm done, I'm happy with all I've seen, but I am not doing that all over again, I would gladly do it if you let me keep all the stuff I spent so much time doing... but no, you took it away, and as much fun as I had, you removed my motivation to want to keep playing over and over again cause you took away all my hard work."

This game makes you feel like all you've done in the first play through is a waste of time... atleast for me. It made me legit stop playing after beating the first time. Because as cool as the new RANDOM CHANCE new starts are, It makes you feel like you wasted your time... ESPECIALLY IF YOU SPENT SO MUCH TIME SURVEYING PLANETS LIKE WTF BETHESDA. You can do this 10 times and the only thing that changes is you get a new Starborn suit that depending on the RESET NUMBER gets a new apparel indicating how many resets you've done, and a new Starborn ship... you still lose everything you've done.

Another big issues is lack of resolution for a big part of the game called "NEON CITY" where a man named Benjamin Bayu becomes a corrupt president over the place, and you think with all the different side missions you do, you'd be able to finally confront the asshole and essentially do a "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!" but no... you NEVER GET TO KILL HIM AND SOLVE THE CORRUPTION OF NEON CITY.

THE HUGEST ISSUE IS: the bugs in this game. A lot of storylines in terms of side missions can just bug out because you decided to go somewhere too early... or just randomly stop for no reason. Like the Ryujin Industries storyline, or the VANGUARD storyline after I went to TOLIMAN TOO EARLY SO THE STORYLINE STOPPED AFTER BRINGING BACK THE ROBOT. OR SAM COE'S STORYLINE CAUSING ME TO GET STUCK HAVING TO RELOAD A SAVE FROM 5 HOURS BEFORE. And while some of these issues can be resolved on PC with commands... if you're on XBOX SERIES X like me you're screwed.


I swear I hope when they update the game they fix those issues along with having an option to take all of your stuff when you decide to RESET the Universe along with the ships we customized. I know that in the future they're adding DLC... but I swear BETHESDA really needs to understand that when something feels unsatisfactory to the player where it feels like their time was wasted... it makes you want to stop playing. And I while I did enjoy my time with the game and explored everything needed to be explored... to have the game essentially tell me "all that hard work you did was for nothing when you decide to travel the multiverse" really kills the motivation.

At first I had this at 4 Stars... but honestly with the way the game treats you after you've done everything, along with quest breaking bugs, NEON CITY with Benjamin Bayu's Corruption never getting a proper resolution... I have to drop it down to a 3.5. 3.5 is fair because when I had fun... I REALLY HAD FUN.

Really hope updates rectify the issues I have with it, if not at the very least when MOD SUPPORT arrives in 2024, players will do it.

Very great sequel, that I still find has issues. This game is fantastic but not as spectacular as the first.
I think character wise, the characters of Peter, Miles, Harry, Kraven, Norman Osborn, Martin Li/Mr. Negative and a couple of others are handled fantastically. I love the twists in terms of Sand Man, and how amazing the opening is. The tone of the game is very serious but grandiose.


I think the styles between the Spider-men is very unique to how each play, even if for the most part they play somewhat similarly, but having gadgets and abilities unique to them and them alone. The city is humongous and so fun to swing through especially with the new wing suit and that feels like you're flying. If someone wants a gist on how to make a super hero fly in a game in a fun way, this is it!


The amount of suits from the comics is amazing, but also sad that they didn't port the ALL previous suits to this new games. What I mean is here we get a plethora of returning suits and new suits as well! Only thing is it would it have really been hard for them to bring back suits from the first Spiderman game? Especially since Peter's INTO THE SPIDERVERSE OUTFIT or his comic styled outfit aren't in this game along with others.
Someone might say it could be because of the fact they decided to add alternate suit colors which most likely is the reason.

Still having suits like TASM2, BLACK RAIMI SUIT, CLASSIC BLACK, SCARLET III, BLACK PANTHER, WOLVERINE, MYSTERIO, etc are all amazing editions, just hope those other suits return in a future update for free and not as a DLC.

The story is great but all over the place, without going into spoilers. I think it's because, they wanted to do so much at once that when the story decided to make a midpoint to where both storylines collides, however it makes the first part seem like a waste of time if that makes sense.
Also how certain major villains were treated during part 1 is very sad since we don't see anything apart from a particular shocking scene involving one of the villain's.
Of course there is something within the first part of that storyline that is beneficial that then leads into the second but the first one sort of abruptly ends with no conclusion with Peter or Miles actually being involved against Kraven and I guess that's sort of the point to show how the real final enemy is dangerous. The problem is that it makes it seem like they wanted to have a prominent villain like in SPIDERMAN 1, however the 2 villains collided. The story is fine but it's all over the place I still think the way they handle certain characters especially Black Cat is absolutely insulting. Another thing I find ridiculous is how Mary Jane acts throughout a particular part, where she tries to justify her anger to Peter. While there is a cool boss fight involving her, it just devolves into a couple arguing, and before you guys say "that's the point" the excuses she uses is pathetic and it sounds straight up like the whinny Kristen Dunst version of getting mad at Peter for being Spiderman.

The story has a lot of amazing moments, especially with Harry and the symbiote first using it in an AGENT VENOM costume. I absolutely love how Venom acts and Tony Todd is a god, love his voice! Insomniac are teasing a Venom game so I'm excited to see that before Spiderman 3, but of course after Wolverine, since it appears that will be the next game in the franchise.

I think the tease with multiple villains and 1 new hero for the next installment Spiderman 3 coming... idk 2027... 2028 is exciting.

I'm expecting Insomniac to do the following games:

Wolverine (2024/2025) [Confirmed] -> Venom (???) [Teased] -> Miles Morales 2 (with the New character getting her powers) -> SPIDERMAN 3


Anyway, not saying this game was disappointing, not saying it's bad. It's amazing, but I found the first one more spectacular, still the story telling is the second best, considering that the worst story was certainly Miles Morales for how bad of a villain it had.
Still I'm being critical but this game is fantastic, I'm giving it 5 stars because it's a complete game, it has it's disappointing moments sure... but it's a fantastic new entry to the franchise that has a lot of things to satisfy and make fans happy... now all there is is to wait for either DLC and Wolverine and Venom!

Thanks for reading! #BESTRONGERTOGETHER!

Kirby Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a fun game that is the typical Kirby sidescroller.

This is the upgraded remaster of the original Return to Dreamland on Wii.

The gist of the story is, a Wizard named Magalor crash lands on Planet Popstar on his ship. Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee, Meta Knight, and King Dedede are hanging out when they see Magalor's ship crash. Magalor gives a quick gist at what happened to him, the 4 headed Dragon Landia shot his ship down after a great battle. Magolor needs you to travel Popstar to different lands in order to collect the missing ship pieces that broke off.

Kirby and Co help Magalor get his ship pieces back in 5 different lands. After getting all main pieces of the ship, Magalor takes Kirby and the gang to Halcandra.

After going through Egg Engines land, and Dangerous Dinners they finally fight Landia the 4 headed Dragon with 1 head having 4 crowns, after Landia takes too much damage, it splits apart into 4 dragons.
Kirby finally learns the truth that Magolor wasn't randomly attacked by the 4 Landia dragons, he was trying to get the crown, after successfully putting on the crown Magolor travels to cosmos in order to destroy Popstar and rule the universe. Kirby and co are helped by the 4 Landia Dragons in order to defeat Magolor EX, after this the true aspect of the Crown is revealed when Magolor soul is corrupted by the crown, making Kirby destroy Magolor. The game ends with Kirby and co returning to dreamland seeing the Lor Starcutter (Magolor's ship) and the 4 Landia dragons fly off into the cosmos.

There is a bonus epilogue where Magolor redeems himself by going through the dark dimension in order to regain his powers and reconstruct a Gem apple. After he does so the Gem Apple is corrupted by the Crown turning into a the Master Crown, a giant demonic apple tree. After Magolor defeats it, the crown is destroyed... allowing a portal for Magolor to escape the dark dimension... allowing Magolor to complete his redemption arc. Taking the apple with him and planting it in Dream Kingdom allowing for more Gem apples to grow.

Magalor redeems himself, and decides to become a business tycoon, making him become a business owner of Magolor land, and also being the Manager for Super Kirby Clash, officially canonizing it and Galacta Knight.

The game has 7 worlds with 4/5 levels within each, with boss stage. So for the most part for the main game you get 5 level (4 traversal + 1 Boss) for 3 of the worlds, for the next 5 worlds you get 6 levels (5 traversal levels + 1 Boss).

The power ups in the game are:

- Beam - Magic wand
- Bomb - BOOM!
- Crash (Insta-kill all enemies on screen when used - 1 time use when obtained)
- Cutter - Boomerang
- Fighter - Punches and kicks
- Fire - Fire breath
- Hammer - SMASH!
- Hi-Jump - Hi jump that causes a small quick flight
- Ice - Ice breath and skating
- Leaf - leaves...
- Mike - Microphone shout
- Needle - Spikes
- Ninja - Sword and throwing Kunais
- Parasol - Umbrella that helps you float down and attack within... generic and boring
- Sleep - Sleeps and restores health
- Spark - Electricity
- Stone - Turn to stone/statutes
- Sword - SLASH!
- Tornado - Mini Tornado
- Water - Water breath
- Whip - WHIP!
- Wing - Fly like a bird
- Festival (Insta-kill all enemies on screen when used - 1 time use when obtained)

And there are 5 Super Abilites:

- Flare Beam - Giant energy ball that floats on screen via player control.
- Grand Hammer - Giant hammer that gets bigger depending on how you move the joystick
- Monster Flame - Kirby summons a fire dragon to fly across the screen quickly.
- Snow Bowl - Kirby becomes a giant rolling snowball
- Ultra Sword - Giant Sword Slash

In Magolor's Epilogue it mainly works as Magalor restoring his abilites after going through levels in the dark dimension.
Throughout said levels and combos, you can upgrade his energy spheres, and dash!

Levels play out like this:

Get from point A to Point B, fight a miniboss occasionally on levels. Along the way throughout the levels, collect gear spheres scattered throughout all levels (120 in total in the entire game). After doing that 4 or 5 times depending on the world you fight a boss with Kirby a special ability (if in co-op you play as BANDANA WADDLEDEE, META KNIGHT, KING DEDEDE with their unique playstyles)

If you collect all gear spheres you unlock challenge mode in Magolor's ship that has you use specific abilities pertaining to the door associated with said ability. Essentially you go through the challenges by defeating all enemies and collecting all coins for a high score of either Bronze, Silver, or Gold rank, and if you're a perfectionist speedrunner, PLATINUM!

The gear spheres also unlock multiplayer minigames for you and your friends to enjoy on either Magolor's ship or via Magolor Land! Here in Magolor land you can unlock a bunch of Masks for kirby to wear of different characters, both hero and villians like: Dark Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, Morpho Knight, Marx, etc.

There is also the Arena mode that essentially works like a boss rush mode having you fight different bosses depending on the difficulty chosen it features stronger versions of ingame bosses as well as special variation bosses. And a secret boss, GALACTA KNIGHT!

Overall I enjoyed my time with Kirby Return to Dreamland deluxe, it's a very fun game that works both single player, multiplayer when going through the main game. Magolor's Epilogue is a great addition adding more to the kirby lore and making Super Kirby Clash Canon. I'll be honest I didn't check out Magolor Land too much since I don't have friends who want to play the multiplayer mode... and certainly because they don't want to use the joycons for said minigames lol.
The arena is a fun boss rush.


I think overall as a remaster, it's the definitive way to play Kirby's Return to Dreamland! However I'm giving it a 4 out of 5 stars because while the levels were distinct, they did get repetitive, and while storywise I liked Magolor's Epilogue and I love his gameplay and abilites... his levels needed more uniqueness, they all felt he same and felt like the development team didn't know what else to do to make his levels unique.

Still I recommend Kirby's Return to Land Deluxe to anyone looking for more Kirby! Thanks.

Transformer Devastation... is anything but devastating... this is an absolutely fantastic hidden gem of a Transformers game.

Created by the amazing Platinum Games known for Bayonetta 1-3 and Origns, Wonderful 101, MADWORLD (Wii Only), Vanquish, and of course... the amazing METAL GEAR RISING REVENGENCE! and many others!

This game is a fun mini adventure based on the Transformers G1 show. Though you are not required to watch said show it gets you invested mostly likely wanting to go back and watch the show for yourself.

The game works as follows, it's a Platinum Games beat em up with the uniqueness of Transformers where each of the 5 characters has 4 weapons in their load outs, 1 Standard melee depending on who you choose, 3 range weapons.

There are 5 characters in the game:

Optimus Prime - Leader of the Autobots - Optimus uses his iconic axe to fight along with his ion blaster and 2 optional weapons to go along side his standard. He transforms into a truck, and his special attack is transforming and doing a strong power slide. His ultimate attack is a giant smash attack to the ground causing enemies around to take damage.

Bumblebee - Second in Command, Optimus Best Friend - Bumblebee uses a gauntlet that has 2 uses: 1 melee standard and 2 melee that shoots out a small attack that primarily happens when fighting in a combo. He has his iconic dual blasters as his range weapon, along with 2 optional weapons range or melee that you can add to him. He transforms into a Volkswagen Beetle. His special attack is he goes under an enemies legs and attacks them from behind. Bumblebee's Ultimate attack is chucking a bunch of grenades across the battle field causing an area explosion doing damage to several enemies.

SideSwipe - Soldier of Optimus Prime, Smooth as hell - Side Swipe fights his dual swords like a badass. He uses a standard machine gun and a missile launcher as his range weapons. He transforms into Lamborghini Countach. His special move is sliding forward quickly, this combined with his fast gameplay allow for longer strings of combos. His ultimate attack is pulling out a grenade launcher and blowing up enemies in front of him.

Wheel Jack - The engineer scientist of the Autobots - WheelJack uses his wrenches to fight as his melee attack, and uses a grenade launcher as his ranged attack. He transforms into a Lancia Stratos Turbo. His special attack is more so for defense as he uses a energy shield in order to have higher defense. His ultimate attack is where he builds a small bomb that he throws causing massive damage!

Grimlock - LEADER OF THE DINOBOTS... also no thoughts head empty Dinobot- Grimlock is a dinobot who has both of his forms that fight in unique ways, he has his dino form which consists of Grimlock fighting with his dinomouth to attack, and uses a flame breath as his ranged attack when in Dino mode. When Grimlock switches to his Transformer mode thats where he uses his fists as standard melee and has a rocket launcher as his ranged. His special attack consists of him grabbing the enemy and performing an attack in either Dino or Transformer mode. His ultimate attack is where Grimlock uses a giant heat blast similar to GODZILLA's Atomic breath.

Each character is unique to where you want to try out all of them as it is an enjoyment to use all of them.

Another amazing thing are all the villians that appear:

Megatron - Leader of the Decepticons - in this game he doesn't transform into a gun like in G1 but instead transforms into a tank.

StarScream - Follower of Megatron... though is constantly insulted for his incompetence - transforms into a jet

Soundwave - Right hand man of Megatron - doesn't transform in this game but he a cassette player, however what's cool is that he has his casette minicons: Frenzy, Rumble, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, and Ravage. Frenzy and Rumble being mini soundwaves with hydrolic press arms, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw being minicon birds, and Ravage being a minicon jaguar.

Blitzwing - Triple-Changer Decepticon - Unique decepticon who has the unique ability of transforming into 2 different vehicles a jet and a tank. He has the best theme in the game.

Motormaster - Decepticon who's cooler when he fuses - Motormaster is a black truck transformer who transforms into a giant constructicons named Menasor.

Menasor - constructicons with a thunder sword with Motormaster as the main part controlling the entire mech.

Devastator - Green constructicon made of 6 constructicons made of construction equipment.

The game has 7 chapters revolving around a mysterious ship that Megatron and the other decepticons have gained access to by an ancient autobot named NOVA PRIME, Megatron learns that the ship contains an item that would allow him to Terraform Earth into a new Cybertron, the Autobots go throughout the entire game trying to stop him and the decepticons leading to an epic final battle against Megatron in Space with you playing as Optimus prime with an epic remix of Megatrons theme from Transformers G1.

The gameplay, the action, the MUSIC are all godly, along with the voice acting of Peter Cullens as Optimus, and Frank Welker as Megatron giving amazing performances!

The ost of this game is out of this world, the themes are absolutely amazing, if I had to pick my favorites:

1. Blitzwing's Theme
2. Megatron's Final Theme
3. Starscreams Theme
4. MotorMaster theme

Now these are MY FAVORITES, but all of the songs in this game are fantastic.

This game is a true gem, and while it does have a sequel bait at the end... if only 1 day they decide to ever make a sequel I hope it comes... it's a shame if it never does.

This is a fantastic fun beat em up with the Transformer license and it's an absolute treat to play, I highly recommend this game even if you are not a Transformers fan... because this will make you one!

100% I recommend Transformers Devastation! :D

Wow, the look of the grass really does look... grassy.

Same as the previous ones, it's been 3 years since I've played these games, still feels the same, except that add tactics and shit people barely use. Not bad, not good, it's certainly FIFA.

Let's see how FIFA 24... sorry EAFC 24 (stupid name) makes any changes... I'm betting no.

Still though happy to see my country have it's 3 Stars post WORLD CUP 2022! MUCHACHOS AHORA NOS VOLIMOS ILLUSIONAR! YA GANAMOS LA TERCEDA! YA SOMOS CAMPEON MUNDIAL!!! 🏆⭐⭐⭐

Gaia Seed is a space ship side scrolling shooter that has you fly as a spaceship fighting other space ships arcade style.
While you might see this as another typical space shooter, I think in general it has the right amount of difficulty that allows you to see how good and fun the game is.

There are a total of 7 stages each having you fight a boss at the end apart from stage 5 which is the only stage to contain a miniboss in-between.

What I find very unique about this game... apart from the atrocious ENGRISH; though honestly if you're someone who speaks English who has to say things in a language you don't know it would sound just as bad as how it sounds for the Japanese guy narrating in English in this game clearly not knowing what he's saying.
Anyway the unique thing I found about this game is how it contains a BOSS LIMIT timer to where if you don't defeat the boss in the time frame given, the boss actually dies, however as a cavoite you take damage for not killing it within the proper time frame.

However something unique the game does with this is decide your ending towards the end of the game during the final boss.

If you get to the final mechanical turtle boss it has 2 stages:

1. Regular Turtle which then becomes giant mech turtle
2. Angel Ball, after wasting all the time within the Boss limit, you actually see this thing appear and it doesn't attack you.

If you kill the Mech Turtle how you would any other boss, you get a bad ending.

If you decide to not kill the turtle and let the timer expire you come face to face with the Angel ball, if you kill it before it's boss limit timer runs out, you get a different a bad ending.

To get the true good ending, you have to just... survive and let both timer run out... and you get the happy ending about how humanity has to become holy-er and connect with nature.

Really a nice ending... only thing is it becomes hilarious with it's atrocious narration.

Still though the sound track and overall gameplay make this very unique and fun, and I'm not expecting FINAL FANTASY 7, PERSONA 5, HALO, or YAKZUA/LIKE A DRAGON levels of storytelling, but if it's fun. Then I'm happy.

Killzone is a fps for playstation 2 that is pretty mediocre and bland when it comes to it's setting, taking inspirations from other franchises, mostly likely from MEDAL OF HONOR, CALL OF DUTY, WOLFENSTEIN, and HALO.

This game mainly consists of 2 modes, but the main part of this game would have to be the story where you play as a Soldier named Jan Templar who has to go and fight against the HELGHAST in a war on another planet. He unites with an old fling of his named Luger who used to be his girlfriend but later became a heartless assassin. After that they meet a mercenary with a giant Gatling gun named Rico, all to tract down a double agent Helghast human halfling named Hakha, the 4 of them go out an attempt to stop the HELGHASTS plan of destroying the EARTH FLEET after Stuart Adams, a captain on one of the ships sells out Humanity for the sake of power.

You are able to play as either of the 4 post level 5, for the first and second levels you play as Templar, for the Third you have a decision between Lugar and Templar, for the 4th you have a decision between Rico, Lugar, and Templar. And finally after meeting Hakha, you can select whichever you feel like. The best option is Rico since he is able to hold Gatling gun assault rifles, 1 unique to Rico alone, and one that only enemies hold.

The levels play out as follows: GET TO POINT A to B, and you'll probably have obstacles like taking out tanks, or snipers.
Each level plays more like a chapter with mini levels in between, sometimes you'll have 3 parts to a single chapter/mission, sometimes, it's only to. In total the game has 11 chapters, with 3 levels within them each give or take.

I enjoyed my time with it, I did have fun, though I did play on HARD and it gave me a struggle and I felt how cheap the A.I. was at times, but I enjoyed my time with it, even if the story was bland, the environments were grey and boring, the gunplay is genuinely fun, and I can see how this led into the franchise it became.
But to be honest I can see if there's a reason for why people decide to go directly to either 2, 3, or Shadow Fall. I'll give a solid 3 for: it's meh, fun meh in terms of gameplay, but bland in every other department.

Next up for me, is KILLZONE LIBERATION for PSP.

Bomb Rush Cyberpunk is a spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future, the latter of which is still sadly stuck on the Original Xbox, and now that Sega and Hideki Naganuma have a bad relationship will probably stay there banished for eternity sadly.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a fantastic spiritual successor that provides exactly what fans of Jet Set Radio want, fun skating with funky DJ music, and awesome graffiti and races.


While in terms of size, the game is small, in terms of how it consists of 6 locations in total:

- Bomb Rush Hideout: Hideout of the main characters, nice tutorial and hangout area.

- Versum Hill - Orangey hue city area with a train, mainly ran by the Franks gang.

- Millennium Square - City area with blue and white hue bright, and beautiful, connects to the Millennium mall mainly ran by the ECLIPSE gang.

- Brink Terminal - Green part of the city that contains an area that looks similar to SHIBUYA TERMINAL from JET SET RADIO/JET SET RADIO FUTURE. This area is also owned by the ECLIPSE gang.

- Millennium Mall - Huge mall with different levels in terms of the main entrance having 5 stories, as well as having a storage area, and the main huge mall area with hanging fish and rails. Mainly ran by DOT EXE gang.

- Pyramid Island - Industral Island shaped like a pyramid consisting of a Yellow hue, ran by the DEVIL THEORY gang.

- Mataan - Night time city, consisting of various colors, mainly dark blues, bright purples, greens, red hues, ran mainly by the FUTURISM gang

The story is simple:

- You play as a strange guy named Faux who has been arrested by the New Amsterdam police station over information that will revealed later. You meat a cool dude named Tryce who wears a red jacket and uses a bike who agrees to help you out only if Faux joins his crew, he agrees. When escaping they encounter police jet pack operative named Riedvelt, who Faux fights and defeats. Afterwords when escaping Faux get's his head cut off by DJ CYBER who is apart of what is know as the BIG 3 in New Amsterdam of the most amazing "WRITERS" in the game.

-After getting his head cut off a robotic head is attached by a short dude named THE FLESH PRINCE, who grafts a robot head on FAUX's body. The robot's name is "RED" and he's not all as it seems. Red meets with Tryce who tells him what happened to the person who's head is missing and we learn that Faux is being held at the police force. However before Tryce and Red can go get the head, they need to own all of ALL CITY meaning taking overall the gang locations within ALL CITY. Red also meets a skater who's apart of the gang named Bel, who takes a liking to Red.

- Tryce tells Red about the 5 gangs they need to take out before they can go and confront the police. The 5 being:
1. THE FRANKS, 2. ECLIPSE, 3. DOT EXE, 4. DEVIL THEORY, 5. FUTURISM. Tryce also lets Red know the person who runs FUTURISM, DJ CYBER, is the one who cut off RED'S body original head.

- The Bomb Rush gang while on their way to face the FRANKS Red is trapped and forced to fight against Riedvelt and New Amsterdam police. After defeating her she flies off and Red reunites with Tryce and Bel and defeat and capture the Franks location. This is when DJ CYBER appears and sees that Faux's body has a new head, but realizes that "RED" is not as he seems, since Red contains memories of something of his past, associating it with him seeing Faux's memory with someone else.

- The gang go ahead and move on to conquer the ECLIPSE gang in Millennium Square and Brink Terminal. Red encounters a new type of police force, Snipers with main sniper Escher who is similar to Red in terms of his head, except instead of a Red robot head, his is white and he tells Red that they're similar with both of them having robot heads. Except something is off about Red, he isn't able to do robotic things like analyzing or anything of that sort.

- At Brink terminal they meet this weird claustrophobic masochist named Solace who has a connection with a man named "FELIX" and wants to help out the Bomb Rush Crew, though the gang ignores him over being weird.

- After defeating the Eclipse gang in Brink terminal, the Bomb rush gang celebrates, only for Red to see more context to the memory of his past, but is still unclear as to what he's remembering.

- After taking down ECLIPSE, the Bomb Rush Gang move on to try to defeat and capture Millennium Mall ran by the robot gang DOT EXE. Before entering Tryce, Bel, and Red see Solace hanging around the entrance letting them know what's up. Here they meet Vinyl who was seen hanging with DJ Cyber and the Futurism gang, and she decides to join the Bomb Rush Gang to help them out but also because she knows something about Red that Tryce and Bel don't.
After defeating DOT EXE gang, the gang is ambushed by New Amsterdam police using a MECH to try to capture and kill Red and co. After they defeat the police and later challenging and defeating DOT EXE, one the main DOT EXE gang member is killed by NEW AMSTERDAM police, and Red gains another memory of his past. However afterword, Red is attacked by ESCHER and is shot, only for it to be revealed that RED is not a robot at all, put someone elses head attaches on FAUX's body.

- We cut back to the gang hideout where they want to know who RED really is, and Vinyl explains what she knows but not everything. Tryce goes to find The Flesh Prince in order to have him save RED. After saving RED's Life, Tryce explains who's up next for the Bomb Rush Gang to overcome, that being DEVIL THEORY a gang wearing Red Armor with face masks that have Devil Mouths who are dirty when it comes to racing/scoring.

- After defeating Devil Theory at Pyramid Island, DJ CYBER reveals himself and captures VINYL and looks like he's about to kill her before RED decides to have a show down with Cyber, afterwords Cyber reveals the truth as to why he killed Faux and who Red is.

- We get the full memory of who Red is, Red is FELIX one of the Big Three members along with CYBER and FAUX. Faux was friends with Solace who saw what happened that day to Felix, while Felix was on a ladder graffitiing a billboard, Felix was there with him having a conversation, and how Felix was the "ALL CITY KING" out of jealous, Faux after asking Felix about his wing tattoo is told by Felix, it allows him to fly, not literally but metaphorically. Faux kicks the ladder from under Felix causing Felix to fall to his death into a fan decapitating him instantly. DJ CYBER sees Felix's head, and body and asks Flesh Prince who was there at the time, to save Felix.

- Red, now realizing who he is, is now pissed at the revelation that it was FAUX who killed him originally. Red is told by DJ CYBER and VINYL that Felix's head has been attached to the main server of the NEW AMSTERDAM police and he's going to sell out all the Writers and skaters, for the sake of being the All City King. Red, Tryce, Bel, Vinyl, and Solace all agree to head out to the final locations of ALL CITY MATAAN to defeat DJ CYBERS crew FUTURISM to run all city and later confront FAUX.

- After defeating FUTURISM Faux reveals himself in a Mech suit, later being by FELIX/RED and Co, only for Faux to upgrade himself into a giant snake like mechanical monster. Faux rips off Felix's/Red's head from Faux's old body and throws the body into the abyss. While Red/Felix on the brink of death, Faux decides to clear up loose ends and decides to take Solace since he was the final person who saw what he did to Felix.
Reidvelt shows up with a coffin and within it, is Felix's old body, the Bomb Rush gang attach Red/Felix's head to his original body and they go out to stop Faux for a final showdown.

- The gang defeat Faux with him pleading that "You betrayed me Felix, you knew I was the son of a police officer!"
With Felix headbutting his Red Robot head into Faux, shattering his robot head, revealing Felix's reattached and reformed self. Saying "You betrayed me first Faux" as Faux dies with his head falling into the Abyss.

- We cut to the end with Felix hanging out with the group with him rekindling his friendship with DJ CYBER who says, they're still rivals but he still has respect for Felix, however while Felix and the Bomb Rush Crew now own ALL CITY they won't be in charge for long, and that he'll be back as a rival. They're friendship and rivalry continues, as Felix goes back to dancing with Tryce, Vinyl, Bel, and Solace... the game ends :)


The game has 3 unique styles of playing which essentially just means for the most part they all play the same but visually and stylistically play/look different:

- Skates: bringing that nostalgic trip with JET SET RADIO using skates

- Skateboards: a unique new way to play, best way I can describe it is it retains that JET SET RADIO style of play, mix with a bit of simplifies Tony Hawk gameplay.

- Bikes: bikes allowing for a unique way to play, while it doesn't change gameplay wise, is visually cool to see the difference in usage.

I do think it's cool that the game does has areas where if you want to obtain all collectibles, you need to use a specific type of traversal in order to unlock certain collectibles, I only wish the game allowed you to switch your skates/bicycles/skateboard from a menu or a inventory system for quick switches.

The game has a total of 20 playable characters, 7 of which are in terms of main story, the other 11 being optional unlocks, and 2 being DLC characters:

- Red: Protagonist - Red Robot head on Faux's body and mainly uses a Skateboard [Story Protagonist and Main Character]

- Tryce: original leader of the Bomb Rush Crew wears a Red jacket and mainly uses a bike [Story]

- Bel: Ditzy blonde hair girl wearing a blue jacket and yellow boots, has a liking to Red. Uses skates primarily [Story]

- Vinyl: Wears a yellow onesie track suit with a blue jacket, has a side swept bluish/green afro, primarily uses a skateboard. [Story]

- Solace - Weirdo shirtless masochist wearing khakis and angel wings, has tattoos with crash test dummy symbols on his face and mainly has his eyes closed. He's a claustrophobic masochist and primarily uses skates. [Story]

Optional [During the Game]:

- Rave: Versum Hill - She wears orange jacket with a black tanktop with red pants and a headphones with a giant yellow diamond on her head. You meet her and she challenges you to tag the train, afterwords you meet her in the underground area where she has you try to beat her score, after which she joins your crew. She uses a BMX Bike as her primary ride.

- Mesh: Brink Terminal, wears a weird visor similar to VR GOGGLES, with a plain stripped shirt and brown shorts. and while in his side story you help him get his skateboard back, he primarily uses skates when you play as him.

- Shine: Millennium Mall - Meet her primarily in the biggest area in the Mall, you talk with her and she asks you to meet her at different locations, the final being at the warehouse area where she agrees to join your crew and mainly uses her BMX bike.

- Rise: Rise wears a giant snow jacket open with what looks like a black swimsuit underneath while wearing ski goggles. You meet her at the start of Pyramid Island during the story. She has you get 100 REP and later if you meet with her again she'll ask you to go to different locations on Pyramid island and take several pictures of her, afterword's she'll ask you to tag a specific graffiti spot and she'll join your crew.

Optional [Post-game]:

- Coil - Wears a weird ring on his back with an orange jacket, and a walkie-talkie like bluetooth on his right ear and has white hair. He wants you to do several things in terms of challenges, ending with him racing you, after words he joins your crew.

- FLESH PRINCE: Find him in the secret Franks hideout in Mataan and dance the same dance as him and he'll join your crew and be playable. Mainly uses skates.

- Reidvelt: meet with her a the same spot in Versum Hill where you fought her early on in the game, and there she will be ambushed by police and a cutscene will play, after defeating them, she will join your crew.

- Franks - Beat their highscore in Versum Hill Post game
- Eclipse - Beat their highscore in Brink Terminal Post game
- DOT EXE - Beat their highscore in Millennium Mall Post game
- DEVIL THEORY - - Beat their highscore in Pyramid Island Post game
- Futurism - Beat their highscore in Mataan Post game
- DJ CYBER - - Beat his highscore in Millennium Square Post game
- OLD HEADS - TAG ALL GRAFFITI SPOTS IN THE ENTIRE GAME and you unlock the OLD HEADs as playable characters.

- Base - Robot wearing a Hat and red pants, uses mainly BMX Bike
- Jay - has long pig tails like Cammy from STREET FIGHTER, wears a light green midriff shirt with a light green face mask, and white pants. She uses mainly skates.


The gameplay is simple, you go around essentially tagging the locations with unique graffiti in all locations, also while challenging against the other gangs after increasing your REPUTATION by tagging walls of unique style.
The game has 5 types of graffiti categories in which extra small is just a standard graffiti used by whichever character you're playing as, and is unique to them alone.
You then have Small, Medium, Large, and EXTRA LARGE graffiti's that allows to to create specific patterns of unique graffiti's you can collect throughout the game.
What's really cool as well is that you're allowed to stack the graffitis for cool combinations.

The game has these boost items that increase your boost. Unlike with JET SET RADIO where you have to collect spray cans, in this game you get infinite sprays. Some could see that as being easier than JET SET RADIO due to that game requiring you to collect spray cans in order to graffiti, I guess they wanted it so that it wasn't a hassle having to worry about both the amount of spray cans and boost you have. The blue and green balls are mainly used to keep your jet booster level up so you can use it to boost and be faster.

The game has a streak system that makes you want to continue your streak in order to get the high score in each location to unlock the achievement with a grind/ slide feature that allows for a bit of time to continue your streak incase you flubb a jump up, as well as the more tricks and traversal you do around the map, the more multipliers you can add on to your streak to increase the amount of total streak points you get in the location your in which is cool.

While each way of riding is not that unique apart from when used in very VERY Specific locations or requirements, having the option between a skateboard, a bike, and skates is awesome since while visually they're different, gameplay wise they aren't and while some could see that as bad, I think it's fine because it keeps up the high velocity and fun gameplay without a disadvantage as to which form of ride you decide to choose.


The soundtrack is absolutely godly with so many amazing and great tracks to collect and listen through, the OST alone is fantastic and an amazing addition to HIDEKI NAGANUMA's history of JET SET RADIO and music as a DJ, along with the other additions in the game.

My Favorite songs from this soundtrack are [Star Indicates my most played and favorite ones]:

- GET ENUF [Main theme] - Hideki Naganuma⭐
- DA PEOPLE - Hideki Naganuma⭐
- I WANNA KNO - 2 Mello⭐
- STATE OF MIND - Charodey Jeddy⭐
- Condensed Milk - Cyber Milk
- Jack da Funk - Hideki Naganuma
- Big City Life ft OV - kidkanevil
- Two Days Off - Kilowatts
- Hwbouths - Knxwledge
- Plume - Legove
- Next to Me - Leopard Davinci & Louis 707⭐
- Funk Express - Proux⭐
- Feel the Funk - Sebastian Knight⭐
- Light Switch - SkyBlew
- You can say Hi! - Soia


While the game can be seen as too short and have flaws and be made just to be a spiritual successor for the sake of memberberries, I think in general the game does a fantastic job of being a great spiritual successor that does thing to improve the franchise, a lot of people are hoping the game was bigger, but this is an INDIE company after all, and they're selling it at a reasonable price of $39.99.
While it does have flaws in terms of shortness and maybe gameplay being too simplified, I think it's fantastic for 3 reasons:

1. It gives fans of Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future a proper 3rd entry to some capacity
2. It introduces new fans to this and maybe going back to play JET SET RADIO and Emulating Jet Set Radio Future.
3. Provides another fantastic soundtrack in terms of Hideki Naganuma and others into the JET SET RADIO JET SET RADIO FUTURE CIRCLE
4. It's fun, thats the best a game can be, you can have a fantastic or bad story... but if the gameplays not fun that's where you lose people, and while the story here is fine, not amazing but simple... it helps the game since... the game knows we want awesome music with fun JSR/JSRF gameplay.

Call it bias, but based on everything I played, and the amount of enjoyment I got, I'm giving Bombrush Cyberfunk 5 out of 5, especially because of how much it brought me joy to replay something that pays homage and respect to Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future. Fantastic game, fantastic soundtrack, I highly recommend Bombrush Cyberfunk!

Armored Core 1 for Playstation is... strange. It clearly was a stepping stone into a very popular franchise, and very ambitious with what this game was like to play, even with it's rough controls.

Now I will say I'm happy I played this one first. While the controls are heavily dated, and the game is annoying with it's movement controls and camera controls. I think the game does a great job with making it feel like you're piloting a mech.

I will say from the get go, this game is not so much hard, as it is... convoluted in it's gameplay to whether you have to be precise as possible in order to actually be able to play...somewhat correctly.

The game uses tank controls to move, but primarily what you'll be doing is (and mainly I did this) straffing/moving with R1 and R2 Sideways while using the Left and Right buttons on the D-PAD to turn SLOWLY! R2 and L2 are used to look up and down when it comes to targeting your enemies. R2 looks down while L2 Looks up, it can be very disorienting.
You use Square to attack your weapons and a Triangle to switch to your secondary weapon. Circle is used for a single strong melee attack. And X is used as 4 things: Boosting while moving forward, Jump Boosting, Jump Boosting while going forward, and Hovering.

The game atmosphere overall is expansive and huge for 1997 game, however I will say the game is a bit brutal for how it's customization is.
In terms of customization, the game has a fantastic wide variety of options to choose from in terms of Mech Customization parts with the cavoite of having weight limits, this causes the customization to become limiting when you purchase new upgraded weapons/armor/ new armor pieces in general. Now this does get rectified after you beat the game, but it doesn't change the fact you still have to deal with it on your first playthrough. So much so, you could up wasting money on a new armor piece just for it to be incompatible.
The game has a cool custom emblem creator, which saves separately from the game's regular save data.

The game itself is tedious with it's controls, I hope whoever design the final mission, #38 got fired for suggesting that a game that uses TANK CONTROLS should have platforming.
The final mission is divided into 2 different parts, where if you die it's game over.
The first part of the mission is easy even if you do lose some health, the second part is a test of sanity because the game has you platform these moving cubes, and if you make 1 wrong jump you don't die but you to attempt the jumps all over again, and it doesn't help that the cubes themselves have different speeds of movement. Only for the game to extend further with having you traverse down a long pipe and then get to another long pipe and traverse upward, all while being attacks, it's really not fun.

Overall I can see how this game evolved into the major franchise. Honestly only thing I would recommend about it is the customization with the emblems and the mechs if you have a complete save file as that's when the game is really fun. Apart from that, it's rough, but it certainly is imaginative and pushed the PS1 to it's limit with how FROM SOFTWARE decided to make this game a very great step forward when it came to 3RD PERSON games, MECH GAMES, and overall how expansive it is for a 1997 3D game. Overall very ambitious by FROM SOFTWARE.

I would recommend it if you want to play it and see it's good and bad qualities, now I would usually I recommend to play it on PS3 digitally since it's still available on the PS3 store at the time of writing (AUGUST 31ST, 2023). However I would actually recommend playing on an emulator like DUCKSTATION with a completed file in order to get the full enjoyment of Armored Core with it's full customization accessed. However if you feel like wanting to have a tough time with a rough 1997 tank control MECH GAME, then download it on PS3, or buy an expansive PS1 Physical Copy.

Overall... because of it's roughness, and because I got frustrated sometimes with how slow the movement was, and that awful final level with the platforming, I'm giving the game solid 3.5 stars.


Played the version found inside of Spyro 3. While I know it's missing 2 levels in terms of Mallet Mash and Dragon Drop. And it doesn't allow you to switch characters know have nor does this August 20th, 2000 build have the Crash Bash story.

Point is that this game is essentially Crash Bandicoot if it was Mario Party. The issue is Crash Bash in itself has both extremely unfair minigames like Pogo Gogo. But also repetitive ones like in 4-way pong. You get a cheat menu that allows you manipulate and access all levels (as of that August 20th, 2000 Build). And you can even enjoy them in co-op. Though as mentioned Player 1 is limited to Crash, and Player 2 Coco. This version still contains bosses and has a funny asset reuse of Homer Simpson and Bart Simpson as the artworks for the Komodo Brothers boss.

I got the gist of Crash Bash August 20th, 2000 build located within Spyro 3: YEAR OF THE DRAGON.

If you wish to access this version of Crash Bash do the following:

To access the demo you have to hold L1 + R2 + Square at Spyro's start screen menu.

To access the beta you have to press Left, Right, Left, Right(2), Left, Right(3), Left, Right(4), Left, Right(5) at the main screen of Crash Bash.


Anyway it's a fine enough party game. I love Crash but even if this was the disc version I played and not the August 20th, 2000 build I still got the gist of the minigames, and I'd still prefer playing Mario Party.

To keep it simple:

This is super smash bros but with shonen jump characters. A flawed master piece in terms of having fights equate to either beating your opponent to death or knocking them out the stage.

The game consists of characters from different franchises like: Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Dr Slump, Fist of the North Star, HunterXHunter, and many more. The way the game has you select character is based off of categories and panel sizes.

These categories I will label them as simple to understand instead of using the wording in the game:
- Red/Orange- Fighter
- Blue- Support attack
- Green - Attribute boosters.

Pretty much the game allows you to create your team of fighters (usually duos) by having you construct your own manga panels and positioning them for maximum efficiently. With an aspects of improving said character if you pair fighter type with a Support Attack character and Attribute boosting character from the same manga/anime.

The way the game allows you to construct the manga panels for team creation is amazing, and an aspect I love is the game makes it so the best version of characters have the biggest manga panels, making you have to think about if it's worth in it maximizing on improved versions of characters, or having a balanced set.

The flaw in the game is the story... if you can call it that... is pretty nonexistent. I think thats fine since people wanted a Smash Bros game with Anime characters. In my opinion it does a fantastic job at being that. There is the issue of mission padding where sometimes the decisions during certain missions is downright cruel. There's a particular mission where you have to keep a character alive for 5 minutes straight, if they get hit ONCE it's game over...Very cruel.

Overall I would 100% recommend this game to anyone who wants "ANIME SMASH BROS" really hope one day that Shonen Jump working with Bandai Namco creates a new modern version of this with the most recent versions of the characters, along with keeping the game... good, unlike jump force. One can dream, this game is flawed. But I absolutely recommend JUMP ULTIMATE STARS!

Red Dead Revolver is... the predecessor to Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Redemption.

The game has you play as a total of 6 characters:

- Red Harlow [Main protagonist, the one you mostly play as] (Son of Nate Harlow {Bounty Hunter} and Falling Star {Native American} Bounty Hunter who's out for revenge against those who killed his family.]
- Jack Swift - (Englishmen out seeking proper retirement who becomes a good ally of Red Harlow)
- Annie Stoakes - (Farm Owner, needing money to maintain her land ownership)
- Buffalo Soldier- (African American U.S. Army Soldier)
- Shadow Wolf- (Native American, Cousin of Red Harlow)
- General Javier Diego - (Tritagonist villain)


The simple story I'll just put in bullet points:

- Red is son of Nate Harlow and Falling Star being a mixed race boy. He takes after his father more than his mother. His Dad shows him a special revolver he got and only 2 in the world exist. Suddenly Red's family is gunned down by Colonel Daren and a bunch of men out finishing a job for an unknown client. Red's father and mother are killed, and shoots Colonel Daren's arm off.

- Years past and Red becomes a bounty hunter, doing jobs for Sheriff Bartlett in Brimstone, after helping out bunch. Red in one one of his missions has to kill "Pig Josh", this is where Red meets a strange Englishman named "JACK SWIFT."
Red rescues Jack and they team up to kill PIG JOSH.

-This is where we transition to Jack's side story where we learn Jack is taking care of a loose end from his past by killing a past colleague of his named Professor Perry. He does so and rescues a women that was captive by Professor Perry, the woman then tells Jack that a special competition will be held that has the best gunslingers duke it out in a stand off tournament winner takes all at Brimstone. Jack is interested and heads off.

- Red requests his money but is told he has to take it up with the Bank. This is where we meet Annie Stoakes and we transition to her side story. Annie Stoakes is denied longer time in order to accumulate the funds she needs to maintain her farm. Thats when she rushes back to her farm to see it's burning because of associates to the bank wanting to take Annie's land. She successfully fights them off and Red shows up and tells her about the Gold competition in Brimstone.

- We transition suddenly to the past where we play as one of the 3 villain's in the game, General Javier Diego. He's fighting a frontlines war, and destroys all the cannons of his opponents. Here we see that Diego captures a rebel and the rebel lets him know about the gold. Diego makes a deal where the 2 would be "partners" that would result in them both getting equal amounts of the 5000 gold. The man explains that him and his other partner (Nate Harlow) made a deal to split it, but now that Diego wants to be involved he can they could work a deal to become partners and eliminate the rebel's other friends. Diego agrees, however the rebel isn't seen in the present so 100% Diego or Colonel Daren killed him.

- After over hearing men in a saloon talk about a "Colonel missing an arm" this angers Red asking to know where the Colonel is, the men get angry and they have a saloon brawl. Red kills everyone and is put in the Sheriff's jail. This is where Red tells the Sheriff that he's the son of Nate Harlow. The Sheriff immediately releases Red and sends him out to the last seen location of Colonel Daren.

- Red goes out to where Sheriff Bartlett told him to go but is ambushed, knocked out, and captured by General Diego and Colonel Daren.

- Here is where we transition to playing as Shadow Wolf, Red's cousin who saves Red from his captivity. Along with Red, he saved a Buffalo Soldier who was also imprisoned. The 3 agree to escape separately to not cause issues or be overwhelmed. They all agree to meet back at Brimstone.

- This is where we play as Buffalo Soldier who returns back to Governor Griffon letting him know what General Diego did, the Governor however says that Diego is actually a collogue as now the Buffalo Soldier is held at gun point by an Irish Mercenary named Mr. Kelley.

- We go back to Red who finds the location of General Daren, both Red and Shadow Wolf go and attempt to draw him out of his hiding. Here is where Red get's revenge on the man who shot and killed his father. However sadly, Red's Cousin Shadow Wolf is killed... he honors his cousin my putting him in a peaceful resting pose for his journey into the afterlife.
Red now knows Daren kill his father under orders, so he wants revenge on the man who originally sent Daren to kill Red's father, and also the man who is in cahoots with the death of Red's family. That being General Diego and Governor Griffon.

- Red confronts and kills Diego after derailing Diego's train, Diego attempts to convince Red to make a deal, but Red shoots and kills Diego.

-We return to Brimstone where the Stand off Tournament is being held. It's a winner-takes-all situation that in each round will end in death. Red defeats all his opponents, as does Annie and Jack Swift. However the Mercenary Mr. Kelly is also in the semi-finals against Red. The tournament is interrupted by Governor Griffon, and says that Annie and Jack are disqualified since Griffon wants to be rid of Red. Red wins the stand off and Governor Griffin orders Mr. Kelley to kill Red, Red ends up permanently killing Mr. Kelley and goes after Griffon along with Annie and Jack.

- They all ambush and break into Governor Griffon's mansion and kill all of his guards. Jack Swift decides defend Red by sticking behind to fight off Griffon's elite guards. Jack wanting Red to confront the Governor.
Annie and Red now fight more guards and find Buffalo Soldier who's still alive who was just captured again.

- Buffalo Soldier helps Red confront the Governor but traps himself underneath the metal door he blew up in order for Red to confront the Governor on the roof.

-Red has a final shoot out with the Governor that transitions to a final stand off which ends with Red killing the Governor.

- The ENDING: Sheriff Bartlett arrives at the destroyed burning mansion and says he never liked the Governor.
Red comes out of the burning mansion and following behind him are Annie and Buffalo Soldier. Red looks confused and concerned as to where Jack is. Annie looks down in sadness essentially saying, "No", this implies either Jack was gunned down, or Jack after having taken care of the elite guards, decided to make a... "SWIFT" escape. Either way he got some form of retirement, either he's dead, or he escaped swiftly.
Sheriff Bartlett tells Red that even though he took care of the Governor by killing his rotten self, the Government of the United States will be asking questions and might go after Red. The Sheriff holds the 5,000 in gold in a bag and asks who wants it. Before answering, Red pulls out his revolver and give it to Buffalo Soldier who takes it, sort of signifying how they're all in a way a strange type of family/friends (Red, Buffalo Soldier, Annie, and Jack)
Red immediately grabs the Revolver of his deceased father, and holsters it, it's now back with it's rightful owner.
Red immediately says to give it to Annie and Buffalo Soldier. The game ends with Jack walking away from the Sheriff, Annie, and Buffalo soldier, his final words before the game ends being:

"It was never about the money."

As the game ends.
Red got his revenge for the sake of his Cousin Shadow Wolf, his Mother Falling Star, and his Father Nate Harlow. And the revolver that was the same as the one his father showed him as kid, who explained that there were only 2 in the entire world. The 2nd revolver that looks like the one from Red's childhood is now rightfully with Red.

Looking at the game critically, story wise the story is pretty generic, and I love it. I think they went over the top in the right ways with having cowboy clowns, magic cowboys, weird necro cowboys, weird abilities for each character. The game plays and has a western movie filter which is amazing. So while the story is generic, the characters in their own regard are really likable. The story is simple, generic, and enjoyable.
Really I give thanks to this one being so normal with it's revenge plot. But I also have to say it gave us the amazing stories for Red Dead Redemption 2 and 1.



Gameplay wise the game plays like an early 2000s third person shooter that wasn't fully realized. The game is not open world it's actually linear in terms of each mission.
Throughout the game you'll mostly be fighting the camera and awkward controls when it comes to controlling anyone.
What's interesting is this game had something that was later reused in REDEMPTION 1 and 2 which is the DEADEYE.

In this game the Dead falls into the category of a special ability specifically only for Red. Each character within the game has their own unique special ability:

Red Harlow - Dead Eye
Jack Swift- Bullet Barrage
Annie Stoakes - Massive explosion shot with her rifle.
Shadow Wolf - Invisibility
General Diego - Cannon Flare
Buffalo Soldier - Grenade Barriage

The gameplay is... meh, I have to judge it a bit due to the fact this game came out in May of 2004, 5 months before GTA SAN ANDREAS in October 2004.
Maybe Rockstar put more resources into GTA than it did Revolver in refining the gameplay, but at the very least, this game gave way into RED DEAD REDEMPTION 1 and 2.

Along with the weird way of controlling the characters, the game features unlockable in terms of finishing a stage with a high combo, finishing stage quickly, not taking too much damage, and having consistent accuracy. If you did a mission correctly with all of these requirements (really only need 3 of 4) you get an excellent rating unlocking either health or ability upgrades, or new character/maps for SHOWDOWN MODE. Along with this is the ability to buy things in the town of Brimstone. If purchase items from the gunsmith, the clothing store, the bank, the saloon, they very in terms of different unlockables.

You can buy weapons to add to Red's arsenal. Before every mission the game allows you to pick what Revolver and Rifle you want to send Red out with. You also have to keep track after every mission with the currency you have left that you are able to repair your weapons so they are working at their highest capacity. (This returned in Red Dead Redemption 2)
You can buy random items that cost between 50-150 that are just for journal entries. You can also buy expensive items that usually are to unlock characters and Maps for SHOWDOWN MODE.

The game also has a "SHOWDOWN MODE" which is essentially a multiplayer mode where you and up to 3 friends face off against a bunch of characters from the game both main heroes, side characters, Main villains, side villains, and even random NPCs, all of them with their own special abilities. It's fine. Nothing too spectacular.


Overall the game is flawed in terms of it's awkward controls, it's normal revenge plot story, and not talked about as much in terms of Rockstar's Classic PS2 line, but the game itself is a great seed that was planted... that later grew into the beauties that are Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Redemption 1.

I highly recommend playing the game if you played Red Dead 1 and 2.

I have to give it 3.5/5 Stars because of the flaws. But I would still recommend a 1 time playthrough.

I'll be honest the story about how this game was able to be saved from gaming purgatory, is more remarkable than the game itself.

I don't even know if this can be qualified as a game, because it holds your hand the entire time I don't even remember if there was an actual time attack mode or anything. But I guess the point of this isn't to entertain potential employees but to just train them in a fun way I guess.


It has you learned different things like how to make fries, how to make big macs, quarter pounders, double quarter pounders, fish fillet's, fille-o-fish.
It also trains you with how to cook the breakfast menu the MCDONALDS WAY

I have to say, I find it very unique to see the difference in culture with the United States and Japan on items on the menu. In Japan apparently they serve teriyaki burgers which not gonna lie sounds pretty good, but I havent eaten in a McDonald's for about 9 years or beyond I think, it's been a long time my point is.

It's not too surprising considering I believe in the Philippines, they still offer the McDonald's Spaghetti which is interesting. And I remember there's a specific MCDONALDS location that contains nearly all the menu items from around the world in the U.S. that includes a MCDONALDS PIZZA which is surprising.

Point is this "game" contains an item that isn't normally given out in the United States, or at all even.

I think a part of me that is kind of confused is why does the game not have everything functional within it now perhaps I'm playing a unfinished or glitchy broken Rom version of the game, but it clearly feels like something is missing in the sense of a "free mode" where you get to do whatever you want or at the very least practice on your own, or learning more things to cook.

Another thing that confuses me is there are items in specific parts of the level that are just straight up never used which confuses me as to why they are in the game to begin with.
Like thinking about it thoroughly, it's kind of weird they don't show you every single item and condiment. I'm even surprise that there's no dessert minigame with Ice-Cream. Maybe there is, and maybe I just didn't unlock it.

One thing I can't say though is the game treat you like crap when you go your own pace, it's like the game wants you to rush through it and get a high score. Now perhaps my English Rom has an issue where it for some reason wants the player to do it at an exorbitant amount of pace in a restricted amount of time, so maybe it's an issue with my Rom, but if it aint... Jesus I salute the Japanese workers of Japan 🙏🏻, cause they have work at an extreme amount of pace... for freaking McDonald's.

Anyway like I said the story of how this game got transferred, unpackaged, and dumped onto the internet is more entertaining than the actual "game."

Street Fighter 6 is an amazing entry in the franchise that has such a unique style that makes it amazing.

It celebrates the diverse cultures and gives it a funky edge with all the characters and locations it shows.

The fighting is absolutely fantastic with it's 2 different play style for both Classic players and Modern players.


The game is split into 3 different modes:

1- World Tour (Story Mode) - A story that has you create a custom character, and go through a journey of learning what TRUE STRENGTH is. The mode is a nice addition to the franchise as we see more mellowed out Street Fighter characters living their peaceful lives after the death of BISON... at the same time a new threat appears. You have rival name Bosh who is your rival and friend who turns down a dark path. You improve yourself by getting into street fighters with NPCs of different levels. Your character can also learn from the characters themselves, training under them, learning their moves to make yourself a formidable opponent. Throughout the game you learn more and more of what each of the characters are doing with their lives post SF3. You can also wear awesome outfits to make yourself unique and also you can improve said gear to give you the edge over your opponents! You go through this interesting story, that leaves in a...intriguing yet disappointing cliffhanger.

2- Battle Hub - Here you can fight by either fighting in the middle of the ring as your CAC, though be careful with higher level players or experts! You can also participate and spectate in cabinet matches which essentially the Battle hub contains a bunch of cabinets where you and your friends can huddle up and fight with the Street Fighter Roster (Custom Character not included).

3- Fighting Ground - This mode contains the regular versus match, along with Arcade mode, Training, etc.
Here is where the game restricts you to specifically only being able to use the roster.
Arcade mode here gives you extra story bits involving all the characters and what they're doing post SF3.


The roster is perfect but can also be seen as disappointing,
disappointing in the sense of in comparison to Street Fighter 5, this roster is smaller, but considering that Street Fighter 5 has a small roster to start, and had a bunch of DLC characters added later.
The combat this, they overhauled the gameplay to fit both classic and modern controls and to make every character seem unique and have certain edges that other characters don't. The game gave proper time, care, and animations to each character (Cammy especially😍🍑❤️‍🔥)

The roster consists of:

- Ryu
- Ken Masters
-Chun Li
-Edmond Honda (E-HONDA)
-Juri Han
-Cammy White
-JP (Johan Petrovich)
-Rashid (DLC)

And more characters are coming later via the Fighter Pass.

The story mode is fine for what it is, I think the introduction of JP as sort of the next MAIN VILLIAN of the Street Fighter franchise is a good step forward, I always appreciate when games, shows, etc, make new villains and not constantly rely on old ones.
(For example: Mortal Kombat 1 including SHANG TSUNG as a character. Now if his inclusion is for gameplay only and not story, then it's fine. But if it's also in the story, that's just lame and repetitive. If Street Fighter 6 includes M. Bison as a dlc character without any story ties it, that too would be fine for me. But always relying on the same main villain gets repetitive and lazy.)

The issue with the story comes from how your character is a silent protag, even though during creation, you can choose their voices. It's really annoying that they decided to do that since a lot of story elements required a voiced response/reaction to certain events. Another issue is the relationship with Bosch is misleading due to how the game presents you as if you rivalry is that of Red and Blue from Pokemon, when infact, Bosch sort of disappears halfway through the game, and becomes the second to last final boss. Really think the game should've shown more friendly, slice of life moments with him, along with actual fights with him, in order to feel more of an impact.

Another aspect I found kind of disappointing is how the actual Street Fighter characters don't get involved apart from cutscenes, and really only make friends with characters like Li Fen (adoptive sister or daughter of Chun Li), and characters from Final Fight, since the game takes place primarily in METRO CITY. I'm surprised especially at the end of the game that Cammy and Kimberly specifically don't show up, especially since they suspect JP of evil intent.
Also it's sort of disappointing the game leaves the end like a Cliffhanger of sorts, where after defeating JP, he asks you "so you defeated me, but what have you gained in doing so?"

As the credits roll... bruh that's how they end it? And yeah sure you can go around and continue training with the masters and completing their training to unlock their classic skins/secondary outfits. As well as train under the dlc masters when they release. But honestly I hope more story expansion are added, cause the end of the story is really disappointing.


The game features... a battle pass. It's mainly for wanting to collect unique outfit peaces, and battle cards, but legit it seems like a waste since you can't use your custom character in regular versus mode, maybe CAPCOM will add that as a feature in a future update, who knows.

Another thing they added was Fighter Tokens you can use to purchase new characters, costumes, emotes, and character colors. While I do appreciate them giving players a way to unlock DLC characters for free, clearly they were smart enough to know not to give you enough in order to unlock.

What I mean is the game uses FIGHTER DRIVE POINTS and FIGHTER TOKENS like how Fifa uses FIFA COINS and FIFA POINTS.

In FIFA, the game gives you coins as you play the game, and or sell players. The thing is you'll always be behind a couple in order to open packs... so as an alternative, FIFA offers FIFA POINTS to allow you to buy the packs with REAL LIFE CURRENCY.

The same applies here, except the only plus I can give here, is that you know what you're buying with the points, still kind of greedy if you ask me. I'd rather just buy the DLC characters with colors and costumes, instead of buying THE CHARACTER, THE COSTUMES, and THE COSTUME COLORS separately.


Still regardless the gameplay is amazing, the music is spectacular, the character roster is overhauled and enhanced even with how little it is. The models are all high quality and fit the next generation style.
Cammy's ass is fantastic, as are Chun Li's Thighs!

This is a great entry in the franchise, and a great entry way to new comers! I highly recommend Street Fighter 6 even with it's faults. Spectacular fighter!