I've been replaying this a lot lately and while giving motherfucking Tetris a 10 might seem ridiculous, the trippiness of this game is just so captivating.

One criticism I have is that the visuals are good but when the game starts getting really intense with visuals and the game starts getting hard, it can be distracting when you're trying to perfectly lay down your Tetris blocks. That is one other problem I have with the game is the difficulty; due to its more visually entertaining nature, I think this game is best on Normal, giving a decent enough challenge to people who aren't Tetris pros while letting you still appreciate the looks and music of the game.

Other than that, its Tetris with a ton of replayability, whether its Journey mode or even the fun Effect modes, theres a lot to do here. The multiplayer is really fun with others.

I of course need to praise the looks, just watching your screen explode with color after lining up a bunch of Tetris blocks perfectly is amazing. The fact that the music syncs up makes it extra hype.


Rocket League is insanely fun but pretty hard to get good at. Its pretty much enjoyed best with friends who are also trying to get good with you.

It may not have a story or anything but who cares? Its a great game to feel improvement in, the controls feel very hard to master but satisfying to utilize.


Melee is such a bizarre game. Do not play this game if you want a good singleplayer experience as that is just improved upon in sequels.

Where Melee succeeds is movement as a bajillion people have pointed out. I feel like with each movement I make, I am in complete control. Any mess-up is on me but the combos feel super custom. Even low tiers have satisfying as hell combos, but I think Melee definitely "shines" when it comes to its best characters. Yes, it isn't balanced but who cares? Characters like Falcon, Falco, Sheik, Peach and what not are insanely fun despite the fact that they're superior to the rest of the cast. Game doesn't have to be balanced to be fun, people. I mean sure, I love SD Remix (Mod that balances Melee) but I also just don't mind playing with good characters because shocker, good characters feel good to play.

I am hopeful the modding scene for this game picks up because there is a lot of potential.

Melee is like cum. Its a mess but damn, it makes me feel good.


I think life can be bad but then I remember the part in this game where you climb the Wonder Tower and realize that actually nah life is pretty dope

Tetris is a game everybody knows and this game isn't much different yet the simple change to make this game have visually stunning stages with music that evolves while you clear lines is such a simple yet beautiful decision. The combination of the typical addicting Tetris gameplay with a gorgeous look and a pretty soundtrack makes this a game I keep coming back to when I want to relax.


This was the first game I beat that I remember being hard as balls when I was a kid.

Its been over a decade since I first finished it and its been far too long. God, the movement in this game is sexy. It feels so freeing and like I can constantly improve my timing, I think the Zero series is only rivaled by Super Metroid in how Godlike it feels to jump off of walls in a platformer. Ilove the variety of attacks too. While it seems unimportant, being able to completely stop momentum by using the Recoil Rod during dashing was actually super useful while sometimes dash attacking with the Z-Saber was great as well. Thats just one example of how the combat works well; its simple yet complex enough to be interesting. This game feels so good to improve from beginning to end.

I also love the characters, Zero is the OG badass anti-hero to me. You can brag all you want about your Shadows and Vegetas but Zero is a real one.


Beautiful. While Journey might not have the most insane gameplay, that isn't the point. A simple game of glancing at the prettiness of its environments while bonding with a total stranger over your adventure.

I shared my Journey with 2 people; PiTi and DrDiarrhea. Wherever you magnificent bastards are, I salute you.


This review contains spoilers

When I was a young lad, Final Fantasy VII was pretty much my first exposure to any sort of mature media... and I didn't even play it. I watched my siblings play it. Even then, I can definitely say I got attached to the characters and it did affect me... and yes, I did end up playing this game recently thanks to Sephiroth's Smash reveal. That said, I did play Final Fantasy VII about 5 years ago and loved it then and I still really like it now.

It's almost a perfect game with some stuff that I don't like about it. I don't like how saving your game works and admittedly, I've always felt a sluggish start in turn-based games due to me just not loving turn-based combat in the beginning of games. However, as soon as FF7 gets rolling and introduces summons, different magic and more variety, I get sucked into its combat. To top it off, when the story gets interesting, I really don't care for its shortcomings as much.

That said, I think I'll discuss where I get really hooked on this game; its characters. A lot of people will diss on FF7's characters because they're contrarians- I mean, they have valid points but there's a lot of shit FF7 introduced me to. When I was a kid, Cloud was a really unique protagonist to me. Up until then, most protagonists I knew were heroes who were morally good through and through. When you start off this game, Cloud is a douche who only really cares for money while Barret is literally a terrorist. Another thing unique at the time to me were Tifa and Aerith, they were both competent, cool females. Up until this game, I just saw your stereotypical damsels in distress such as Peach (This was before I got really into the Metroid series) and even beyond them just being good female characters, they're also just good characters. I like Aerith's appearance, she looks very friendly and she definitely is, but shes also a kickass girl considering she threatens to rip a dude's dick off in the story. Tifa also has plenty of good scenes (Especially the one where she helps Cloud from not being totally mentally broken). On the topic of girls, I'd like to discuss one character that looks like a girl but isn't; Sephiroth. While not my favorite villain of all time, this motherfucker was probably my first exposure to a real villain. I remember actually being genuinely fearful of Sephiroth as a kid as the things he did were so menacing. I knew of villains who killed but none who killed characters you actively built relationships within the story (especially someone as seemingly innocent as Aerith). It was genuinely kind of crazy going from Kirby dealing with King Dedede to watching this silver-haired swordsman burning villages and slaughtering people.

I know I haven't really discussed how this game holds up today, it has its issues, the graphics have a charm but can look pretty bad at points but I really do enjoy playing this game, and it did play a big role in influencing my thoughts on how certain character cliches worked out.


As a party game with friends, Among Us is a fun time. With people you don't know, it just... isn't all that interesting. It really isn't too interesting to me at least and honestly, the game is only really enjoyable when you get to that "EMERGENCY MEETING" screen or when you're the Imposter.


While everyone is loving Super Mario 3D All-Stars, I'm over here replaying Super Mario Odyssey. It's weird to say but I have some genuine nostalgia for this game despite it only being 3 years old. It helped me get through a rough time. Even beyond the nostalgia though, I can safely say that I adore this game. This might not be the most popular opinion but I genuinely think this game might be my favorite of the 3D Mario games and Mario in general.

Everything about this game just feels fantastic to me. Lets start with the basics, Mario controls great. When I first started this game, even before I knew any tricks, Mario's simple abilities of jumping and capturing enemies works well. He feels just right. Then, when I did begin to get good at using tricks such as jumping off of Mario's hat, the fun really got started.

That said, what good is a good playable character without good levels? Good news, its got good levels. While each level might not be created equal, I can safely say that I like each Kingdom... except like Cloud Kingdom but it barely counts. Even then, its not bad, its just too small and uninteresting to me. I'd say Sand Kingdom's peaceful desert atmosphere makes it my favorite but theres a good argument for Metro Kingdom being my favorite.

Graphically, the game looks great. Its not graphically amazing in a technological way but in a aesthetic way, it just has such a nice charm to it. Mario around realistic looking people sounds uncanny but due to all the wild places Mario goes anyways, it makes it actually fine to look at. To top it off, each world comes packing plenty of Moons so replay value isn't an issue and while not every Moon is amazing to obtain, it is astonishing how many are good when the game has so many Moons.

I really do feel like if you like 3D platformers, this is a great game to play and if you've never played the genre, this is a good start.

Y'know how I can tell I love this game? When even after the fact that I've collected every purple coin, purchased every costume, collected 9999 coins, gotten every Moon - even buying enough Moons to get 999 Moons -, and playing Balloon World for hours... I still want more. I still wish there was DLC for this game. I still wish there was more levels because even after all that was done, Odyssey still feels like it's somehow scratched the surface of what it's capable.

Everything about this game just comes together to make something I love so much.


Pokemon OmegaRuby is a decent remake with a lot of new additions that make me prefer it over the original Hoenn games to be honest. I do have some issues like how the Latias/Latios event is handled or the lack of Battle Frontier but I do genuinely enjoy this game overall. I also really like the Primals a lot so yeah.


It makes me sad how not many care for this game, its pretty good all things considered. While not perfect, its a perfect game for speedrunning and probably my favorite game like that.

I think the act of Wavedashing only to jump and gain huge momentum is insanely satisfying and I can't really name a level I disliked. Overall, if you like speedrunner-like games or even Melee's Wavedashing exploit, I'd go for it, it's great fun.
