Metroidvanias I Have Been Tricked Into Liking (SPOILERS)

Sometimes the game isn't what I think it is or the game actively lies to me. Maybe even the game doesn't think itself a metroidvania.
Either way i manage to enjoy these titles in spite of their metroidvania status, which is a genre i normally do not care for.

Didn't Know This Was A Metroidvania
Didn't Know This Was A Metroidvania
I knew this was Zelda-esque.

Is Zelda a metroidvania? Maybe. I say, who cares, I don't play Zelda. The items here definitely feel more like Metroid weapons than they do Zelda items, so...
Arguably Not A Metroidvania.
Arguably You Owe Me Money.
Spoilers But This Game Literally Tricks You Into Playing A Metroidvania
Okay I Think This One I Knew Was A Metroidvania
Didn't Know This Was A Metroidvania
Didn't Know This Was A Metroidvania


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