I guess I'm just not cut out for walking simulators.

I was not entertained by this at all. The plot is pretty basic, gameplay is nonexistent, puzzles are solved with items just in the arms-reach. Placing pig masks literally everywhere is just silly, it doesn't work for the atmosphere but takes from it. Also later part of the game just stops trying to make an environment and starts to teleport you around.

The episode with walking through burning pig-infested city is kind of good though. And I loved all the pipes intersecting each other and hanging everywhere when you go down to the heart of the machine. Everything else though is just plain grey mass of boredom.

I feel like it's still better than original amnesia but can't say for sure, as I played it a long time ago.

I thought this was going to be good at start. Colourful locations, introduction of new parallel plot line from space roach point of view...

And it fell hard on its ass again half-way through returning to same fucking grey corridors. I'm starting to think that maybe Bungo are not very good at making games.

Also ending things on a cliffhanger which could consist of one 10-min mission of Chief massacring enemy spaceship is just shameful.

I've got to give credits, though, remade cutscenes look amazing. And ability to swap them to original ones in real-time is awesome.

But... leaving someone behind because he/she/it is got to stay and activate the bomb manually for a third bloody time throughout three bloody games got stale.

Fuck this.

Less combat compared to Alone in the Dark 2? Ok, that's good.
More puzzles? Sounds good.

Wait. Pixel hunting in a game that has pixels with size of a fist? Nonexistent items only available after using search in a corner that is not in your view on screen? Batshit insane solutions? Why? Just why?

This game brought upon me tons of rage and frustration while solving those awful puzzles. Too bad because I still love voiced over books and notes.

Goddamn was this a slog to play through.

Infinite amounts of same grey corridors lasting through entire space ring is definitely not what was I expecting. Such beautifully crafted locations as alien corridor, spaceship corridor, cave corridor are no doubt a feast for creative-feeling things inside your body.

This is still better than reach though. Instead of only one working gun now almost all pew-pew sticks in your arsenal are usable. Enemies bleed, bullets leave markings on the walls. Surprising that we did not see any of those in reach.

And compared to reach I don't have any issues with plot here. Yeah, it's almost nonexistent but I'll give it a pass considering year it came out.

Maybe except I didn't know bungo were so lazy as to create Destiny with same enemies and not even bothering to rename them slapping synonyms on top of old names.

We had a lot more lenient preferences back then, hadn't we?

This was my introduction to Halo universe as it was on the top of the menu list in Master Chief collection and this is not a good installment to get into the series. It's like you were fighting this war for at least 50 years, knowing everything there is to know about an enemy. You even know how to make enemy alien ship to go to a refill route for fuck's sake.

Every gun with the exception of rocket launcher and sniper rifle is pretty much far from useful making you stand there shooting at an enemy for five seconds before it drops dead. The only good weapon not being two I mentioned before is plasma pistol as it destroys everyone in couple of hits and why should I use anything else if it's the same but worse?

The plot is typical bungie writing. You already should know everything after reading dozens of books, comics and all that crap. The drama levels are silly. I only know the characters for a half an hour but should feel sad when everyone dies.

The copy-pasted ending from Final Fantasy Crisis Core is so blatantly uninspired it gives a feeling of disgust in my underdeveloped design responsible organ. When I could feel heart-clenching sadness in front of impossible odds I just shoot silly running gnomes without even losing health and then just see a cutscene when main character dies. Meh.

Overall: boring space shooty-pewpew game with no developed boys or girls. Also, where did russian guy disappear? Considering we hear science lady speaking in closing cutscene I get it that he survived?


That one just threw us into the fray since the first minute of gameplay showing that it will heavily focus on combat. Pretty bad combat with the only challenge being to find a door or a corner and just stunlock enemies to death mind you. And I did not like it.

The first one was focused on solving puzzles even if they were incomprehensible like throw a vase into indestructible walking armour to kill it. And I prefer this much more than what we got here.

Haunted mansion with chthonian underdwellers is a lot more my line than some jolly pirate mateys trying to eat, kill and rape a little girl to stay immortal for another hundred years thanks to some gypsy magic.

Let's see what part three will give us.

I have no regrets wasting so much time on this. It's been a long time since I got so much enjoyment out of a driving game.

Driving and drifting feels awesome. Just chilling on a long road in your car, occasionally breaking some signs is amazing. Original map along with both expansions look great and have some stunning scenery. Changing seasons are a nice touch. Not enough falling leaves on autumn though.

Alas car customization is far from perfect only having couple new bumpers or a spoiler. That's definitely not enough for me comparing with a hundred years old Underground 2. You also don't really have any kind of progression here as you'll get a lot of hypercars after half an our of playing. No journey to the top here, sadly. The menus are a mess to navigate through and I can't count how many times I queued up for eliminator instead of changing a car.

Also the multiplayer is full with crying fragile children trying to do everything to throw you off the track and spamming "Eat dirt!" even in cooperative races.

Exploring the map though is quite a pleasure, even if the radio has only three songs all of which are remixes of one.

I am confused with this. Did I like this? I mean I had a lot of fun with it but still feel like it's not very good. I'll settle on being positive here this time.

Well it definitely is a lot better than that nonsense BFE turned out to be but I don't feel like I got same feeling while I was playing First and Second Encounter.

The gameplay is solid, we don't fight thousands of shooting hit-scan dudes on yellow background like in BFE and dual wielding boomsticks is pretty fun. I still don't feel that introducing weapon spread for Tommy Gun or pistol was a good idea. Heat seeking explosive chainsaws are awesome though.

Writing is great. I mean, it's disgustingly bad but it's what I wanted. And I'm torn between not having dialogues at all like old times or this.

Visuals are... not for me. I don't like how everything looks here and fiddling with settings did not help. I really rather prefer visuals of 2001 than this. I don't mind pop-ups or something like this because we all know this game was made with a budget of a burger and half can of soda. I also didn't have any issues with framerate but I see a lot of complaints so I will not deny this issue.

Sound is still awesome, I would prefer old sound effects, but Damjan Mravunac outdid himself again in music department. Thanks for that.

"Mature esoteric horror with bold erotic themes" my ass. Horny teenager level writing is all we got.

First of all, I am not a bit offended by sex or anything in... this. Ugh. Just ugh. I have no idea how is this kind of half-assed media still acceptable in our world and even raking money on kickstarter. I mean that's just more of the first one, still incomprehensible writing, awkward sex scenes and a whole lot of author's self-indulgence. Shock content not for the sake of telling a story but for the sake of shock content. Well that's just silly.

At least the first one could be completed in around an hour and not drag around for 9 goddamn hours of nothing but poorly written porn fanfic.

And the game runs like shit. At least we now how some kind of gameplay. But shooting dummies is not worth nine hours of suffering through this.

I definitely won't be looking forward to see what new poorly designed porn parody will developer come with next.

Horror, they said. Eroticism, they said.

All we got was disappointment and dicks. Lots of dicks.

I played this game because I was interested in a sequel to some degree. You know, eroticism and porn may go hand to hand at times but have heavily different destinations. And this is just embarrassing.

I guess author had something in mind when building this. And maybe he should've instead had a wank and be done with it. The only good thing is that this game can be completed in a couple of hours. Ah, yes, the game also runs like shit.

I hope the sequel will be better.


Great source of laughter, rage and frustration. Playing this with a close friend was a blast.

Rummaging through garbage to find your last clean pair of socks after you were evicted and then sleeping in a hobo shelter really makes you feel like Spider-Man.

In all seriousness though, this was great. I enjoyed the story and traversing the city was amazing. The combat system is kind of clunky in comparison to batman but competently made nonetheless. And you can stop criminal cars only so much before it gets tedious. Still a great game overall.

Oh, yes, the sound. I don't know why, but for some reason I never not smiled hearing music building up after a rooftop drop. And web sounds are just chef's kiss.

I still don't know if it is better than Web of Shadows, but this definitely is a great game. Waiting for Mysterio to appear in next installment.

Letting Cuckmann lead this was a mistake. This disgustingly uninspired mess of a game definitely should not get as much attention as it got.

Cuckmann told us that he likes to tell simple stories with complex characters, right? Then where are those characters? We have amazingly cartoonish bad guy who wears his hair backwards just so everyone knows he is bad. We have Nate's brother who were never mentioned anywhere at all for the sole reason to die/disappear/go away. Drake is a lost lamb who does not know what to do. Elena is a strong independent woman who knows exactly what she and Nate should do. The only character here is Sally who appears in couple of episodes and just plays dad role for everyone. Also the dramatic moment in the end where Nate is going after his brother alone because others cant get over the wall is bullshit considering the game has been wanking off to Drake's rope for 20 hours.

The music and sounds are shallow as a puddle. Elena is most likely voiced by a neural network.

The environments are overloaded as fuck. It's pretty, sure, but there is no character to it. This should not be a tech-demo.

Gameplay-wise we only have dudes shooting at us and they come in three flavors. Ordinary ones, armored ones and minigun ones. And you can distinguish them by... nothing. It's just same dude shooting at you with different pew-pew sticks.

The story is dragged-on somewhat over 15 hours but might as well be a six year imprisonment in a tower on an uninhabited island. It has nothing to tell, nothing to show but surely wants to have all of your time.

Overall compared to the previous installments, even the goddamn first one it does not stand. It was a drag to play, a drag to listen and a drag to remember now.

Fuck this game.

What the heck, it's actually playable? And has open world? And side quests?

Surprisingly advanced sequel has got me by surprise. Not only you have a camera, but also these silent hill areas where you get some kind of weapon which is actually useful.

And we have ghostpedia now with city legends? Even non-hostile ghosts? Wow this game got far since the first one. Shame that ghost fights are now either just photo them or stab them till dead.

Alas the gameplay is still clunky although more competently made. The story still feels incomplete so maybe we will see some continuation to this in the future.

Overall I enjoyed it a lot. Not regretting following this developer team at all. And intrigued on their next projects.

Cut-out chapter of the first game, meant to shed some light on story. Is it good? Well, the gameplay is still shit. And the story part could fit into empty field of a bank blank. But the ghost fights now are a bit more creative, even some time later I can still remember gimmicks of some of them.

Overall it's just a couple more hours of first part but with more creative boss-fights.