Fatal frame has become PC exclusive. I heard some Indonesian people saying folklore representation is abysmal and that's bad but at least I got something to google later.

Shame that ghosts are pretty standard photo-to-kill and provide no interesting combat experience except the mirror using one.

Nonetheless I can see the team tried their best to create something they are passionate about. And that I can respect. Will be waiting for the next game expecting to see some progress.

Yeah, that's shovelware for you. Expected at least some degree of creativity from developer, got big huge serving of disappointment.

The first one was definitely an acquired taste for me. The second one is more of the same but this time I knew what I was getting into.

Before playing it I read a lot that this game is borderline unplayable because of technical and writing issues. Surprisingly, I had not a single bug happening to me while playing through this. Broken Porcelain is just like Tormented Fathers, but more. And that is exactly what I wanted.

I personally also don't have any major issues with the plot. Almost all questions I had were answered and what wasn't was just silly contradiction with itself so I just went with it.

I also seen a lot of complaints about offensive writing and what not. Only thing I can say to those people is to respect artistic vision even if it offends you or to go fuck yourselves if you cant.

I don't know what happened, but it looks like this will be the end for planned three-part Remothered, as the story came to a conclusion unless we will have different cast next time.

In any way, I want to support this silly developer and to see what he will bring out next. Even if it is not "good" by today standards, it certainly is entertaining.

I played it together with my friend as a part of our journey on a way to analyze various horror games. And it looks like I did not have same enjoyment as he did.

Yeah, this game is actually better than a lot of trash with horror label industry pumping out today like some kind of Frankenstein's freak-making factory. There are a lot of interesting ideas like barricading windows or floor platforms so enemies won't come out. Couple of hit or miss puzzles but at least they provide gameplay which is not terrible but not good either.

Alas, my joy went away after a mansion part. The caves with labyrinths and swimming bastards (was that actually Dagon?) dried me out and in the end I was left with a feeling that this game maybe was influential in it's time, but I do not want to see a remake of it today as it is.

The game also runs great on modern systems. And what's that with old games and labyrinths?

Oh yeah, reading Necronomicon was great.

I cannot believe how laughably incompetent this is.

First, I have to give credit where credit is due: the landscapes are wonderful. Not gorgeous as, I think, it's not hard to make forests and mountains look good but still I got my enjoyment coming solely from looking at a horizon here. Now let's talk game.

The main character is a self-centered prick who blames everything on transphobia. He dropkicks every door he sees and demands attention and when people are asking why didn't he just open the door like a normal person starts screaming and blaming everyone of oppressing his rights.

The story is a mess. What started as at least some kind of another sleeping town mystery was shafted throwing absurd plot twists and revelations from nowhere.

The soundtrack is, once again, has nothing but generic indie rock but I guess this is dontnod trademark now.

I don't know why developers thought that placing random objects that we can look at and rotate in our hands with absolutely no purpose is a great idea.

There is no way anyone could unironically say this excuse for a game is any good.

Simply an amazing musical album bundled together with a gorgeously looking video game.

Yeah, I've played GG since isuka and this right here, this is a masterpiece. Great novice entry point, great challenge for old geezers.

Alas, not entirely everything is perfect. The balance could be better and the game has weird input queue as if you sometimes press 236 input while walking forward the game actually registers 623. But all that can be fixed and even with that in mind I still have a lot of fun so as my novice friends.

I honestly forgot how fun it was to play arcade light guns shooters with my friends.

This reminder was a blast. Don't try to play it without move controllers or friends though.

Goddamn that is great.

The OST fucking slaps. The visuals are a fucking feast. The gameplay is tight. The characters are great.

If you are still not hooked, listen here. Interdimensional. Dab. Go play it now.

In short - go play River City Girls.

If you played it already, then listen here.
It is literally old Streets of Rage. And that's a good thing.
It's pretty nice for a couch co-op fun. Lots of characters, including pixel older ones.

I still want some kind of block or dodge though. And at least a little character and boss introduction.

I'm honestly tired of opening another case full of pistols while listening to fart jokes and cringiest story ever made. And spending 70% of game time in bloody Louisiana is torture.

Shame that shooting is actually better than in previous ones and having your own mech equipped with war crimes is something I didn't know I wanted.

Visual design is great.
Shooting feeling and sound is awful.
Navigation is pretty good.
Treasure pixel hunting is disgusting.

Main point - it is fun. And replayable.

Overall its pretty decent, although clunky at times. And finally the story of Ethan Genericblokers is over. Waiting for story conclusion in next installment.

Also, I want my Revelations 3 with Rebecca back.

Far from a good game, but a great step forward after Lords of the Fallen.

I am interested to see what's next.

Amazing design of everything. I would prefer combat to be more complex, honestly. Story is not the best one out there, but satisfying nonetheless. And it's a damn shame that this franchise is held hostage by nintendo.