92 Reviews liked by Herodelic

Wow, i loved this game back in the day!
Mafia II had it all. The story takes you places and it has great pacing and characters.
The 40s and 50s are rendered in a superb way and omg the soundtrack... full of bangers and classics from that era, it is one of the largest collections of licensed songs ever assembled in a game i believe. It makes driving through Empire Bay a pleasure.
Great collection of cars, the city is beautiful and it feels alive. Peak Mafia game, there's more to say but i'll leave it at that, it was a beautiful experience and one of my favorites.

Mafia III had quite the negative backlash when it was launched.
At first, i couldn't get into it, i dropped it for a year and then came back and got the platinum.
I personally think its a good game, it has many flaws but also many positive things.
It has a solid revenge story with Licoln Clay as a protagonist, he is a great protagonist, the side characters are also good especially Vito.
I liked the theme and vibes of the New Bordeaux/New Orleans of the 60s-70s, the gameplay while repetitive after a certain point, its smooth and it just works really well, the shooting was good and even tho its not a stealth game, its really tempting to go all stealth sometimes. The district distribution system was also cool, you had to think about who to assign as the owner of the district and contemplate about the pros/cons of doing so.
I liked the dlcs, they sure added some value to the game.
The not so good part of the game is its repetitive nature, and for how long it drags like that.
The platinum was laborious, finishing the game 3 times took some time, and it was boring to say the least. Some trophies are glitched, i was lucky to not have any glitch on me (besides one trophy from the dlc, hence why i have the game on 99%😭)
All in all, this game has good substance and its definitely overhated.

-Edit: Damn i forgot how great the soundtrack is! Over 100 songs and not a single one that's bad. I gotta give this game an extra 0.5☆ just for the soundtrack alone.

"Family isn't who you're born with, it's who you die for"



This was my first Western game, i loved it a lot back then, i still love it. This game is the reason why i wanted to play Red Read Redemption and why i love westerns.

Anno 1701 had a lot of charm, cool mechanics and it was a pretty game overall. It aged pretty well

This was such a fun and unique metroidvania. Very stylish and original.
I think this kind of game would also work with other mythologies.

This is one of the games with the most unique combat for sure, lots of mechanics that i haven't seen in any other game.
All in all, pretty good game for the time.
Polynesian culture is underused in games too.

The sequel to "The Mark of Kri" comes with extra playable characters and new mechanics.
Its still more of the same but its not a bad game, its pretty good if you can get past the AI and clunkyness of the early 2000s, there's depth to it.

This game was alright for a Max Payne knock off, it had its share of moments, but it was nothing crazy.

Now this game was pretty awesome, I played this game a lot. Kind of a GTA/Max Payne in Mexico. The soundtrack is still iconic to this day.

This game wasn't bad in particular but... something was missing, it was too bland and basic

Surprisingly a good game, with cool gimmicks but nothing amazing for that time. Its a cool game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Damn this game was crazy fun, its GTA but Simpsons

Classic one, SWAT 4 really made you feel like you are part of a SWAT team and you're busting places looking to arrest criminals.

I remember quite liking this game, can't really say much about it but for a movie licensed game it was above average.

This game was quite bad, but not horrible, I still finished it because it was so bad it actually got me hooked;)))