92 Reviews liked by Herodelic

A game that surprised me, and in a good way.
Good gameplay, cool mechanics, pretty gtaphics and style, alright story.
A must play for stealth fans.

Aragami 2 is like the first one, a third person stealth game where you play as an assassin with the power to control the shadows. The gameplay was fun, but this game's main flaw is it's level design. After a while it gets very repetitive and very boring, the story also isn't helping that much. The graphics in the first Aragami somehow look better than in the second one.
Overall it is still a decent game, especially if you enjoy stealth games, would recommend it on a good deal.

I love Demon's Souls, the OG souls game. Its like a comfort game to me.
What can i say, they did a good job with the remake, i liked it but honestly i like the original version better, i feel like it's more atmospheric.
The world tendency system kinda sucks, im glad they didn't include it in other games.
It probably is the easist game in the franchise, the hardest thing in the game was keeping track of everything missable (because of World Tendency ofc) so i don't miss anything.

Absolutely loved this game, the first game in the trilogy. Its such an atmospheric game, loved every second of it, except maybe Bed of Chaos, that "boss" really sucks:))
The soundtrack is full of bangers, even the character creation theme hits like crazy, my favorite track is the Ornstein & Smough one, also my favorite boss fight from this game.
Yes, the game feels a bit rushed in the second half of the game but the DLC really saves it, it was very good, the DLC boss fights were top notch. The graphics were kind of outdated, but it still had some awesome locations that looked beautiful (Anor Londo, Ash Lake)
Also, loved the story and the lore.

The second game in the trilogy, this is definitely a controversial game among the souls fans. I honestly dont know if i loved it or i hated it:))) probably in-between.
Once again the soundtrack comes with plenty of bangers, my favorite track is the Sir Alonne one, also my favorite boss fight from this game.
Unlike the first DS, the DLC saves and kills the game at the same time. You have DLC boss fights like Fume Knight or Burnt Ivory King and then you fight a reskin of the Smelter Demon that has a painfully worse hitbox. Don't even get me started on Frigid Outskirts... honestly that's the worst level design i've ever met in any game probably ever, and for what? For another reskin boss fight? These dlcs had some horrible backtracks to the bosses.
The main game boss fights are pretty easy, like too easy, and they kinda lack quality even tho there's some really good ones like the Darklurker or Glass Looking Knight. But overall i think DS1 is better as a whole.

Manhunt was great.
It was dark, psycho, full of violence and gore.
It had many great moments. Killing enemies with a plastic bag brutally always feels great, or with any weapon from a brick to a chainsaw. You also had 3 types of executions with every weapon, they really made sure this game gets banned in as many countries as possible:)))
It also had lots of stealth which made this game tense, the shadows were your friend.
The soundtrack was very unnerving, unsettling, haunting and disturbing, you could've cut the tension with a knife because it was so thick.
Great boss fights too, i think i finished this game about 5 times and i still want to do another playtrough.
What makes this game truly special is the fact that there are 0 fictional elements, nothing supernatural just horror and madness where humans are the monsters.

Manhunt 2, like the first one is a brutal game, even more psycho where you (surprise) play as a psycopath.
The executions look better here, but what this game lacked was the atmosphere.
Manhunt 1 tried to be as tense and suspenseful as possible, while Manhunt 2 tried to be as graphic as possible with all the gore.
Its a shame you pretty much cant buy this game anywhere, there's games more f'ed up out there that aren't banned.
The manhunt series sends a message and proves that the only real monsters are Humans, not vampires, ghosts, zombies or whatever. Humans are capable of tons of pain and misery, these games captured this tone right.
Its also a shame we will never see a Manhunt 3:(

The start of a never-ending franchise;
The first COD had a really awesome WW2 campaign, it was also quite long and hard sometimes, truly a 2003 game.

Prince of Persia has no age, a timeless game, a game ahead of its time.
A hardware and technical masterpiece for that time, the way they recorded the animations, the way some pixels on a screen expressed such an atmosphere and the way the 8bit soundtrack sounded so hypnotising.
I feel like its one of the games we all played at some point in our life.
Crazy to think that if this game didn't exist, neither would have Assassin's Creed existed.

Beatus Sanctus
Bonum fati par dia.
Domus aeternus fiat morte
Erit sanguinem opulentuuum

This is Bloodborne, the best PlayStation exclusive in my opinion.
So, it was my first FromSoftware game and man, i loved it!
FromSoftware really nailed the atmosphere in this one, a combo of Gothic ,Victorian and Lovecraftian horror.
The soundtrack.. my God what a soundtrack.. its art, nothing else.
I gotta be honest though, The Old Hunters dlc is what makes this game a complete masterpiece. Its definitely one of the best DLCs ever.
Without this DLC this would still be a great game but it wouldn't be on this level.
The game itself was very easy, the easiest in the series (alongside Demon's Souls), no boss fight took me more than 5 tries, and it was my first FromSoftware game like i said.
Personally i dont want a remaster/remake, i'd rather have Bloodborne II but maybe we can have them both at some point.

MK Deception brings memories to me, it was the best MK out of the 3D era ones. Huge improvement from Deadly Alliance which was pretty bad.
That intro where Onaga is introduced as the new main Villain is awesome, Raiden joins forces with the Deadly Alliance but they still can't even get a scratch on Onaga, what a great way to present a new kharacter.
The Konquest mode is where its at in this game. It was such a great adventure, exploring all the realms (Netherrealm, Earthrealm, Edenia, Outworld, Chaos Realm and Order Realm) in third person while doing quests. A game within a game, truly something to remember. I remember some of the voice acting was so atrocious it was actually funny:))
And while Shujinko wasn't the best kharacter ever, it was still cool to see him go from a child to an old master on his search for the Kamidogu.
Its definitely a top 5-3 in the MK Series and i wish they bringed back the Konquest mode.

MK Armageddon was always a game with mixed reviews. Personally i really liked this game back in the day, and now when im looking at it again, i still like it :) (it might be nostalgia tho)
Sure, this game wasn't top tier and had some bad things in it like the stance or Kreate a Fatality feature.
On the other hand, it had another Konquest mode which was decent, Motor Kombat which i thought was really funny, Kreate-a-Fighter which was the only time this feature was present in any MK game and 64 Fighters! Everyone was present in this game.
That being said, MK Armageddon was a fun game where you wouldn't get bored easily.

I had fun playing this with a friend on Bananas difficulty, the campaign was pretty easy, however the challenges were quite difficult.
Its a cool game if you like games with the top down view, the gameplay is good, you cast and combine many elements into one spell and you can do a lot of awesome combinations.



WET is a nice idea but a bad execution, its one of the games that uses the "piss filter" and it looks really bad.
The story is poor and soulless, the only good thing about the story is Rubi, she looks cool but has a butter personality. The gameplay is good (when it wants to work properly). Let's say its a combination between maybe Stranglehold/Max Payne (the shooting) and Prince of Persia (the wall running and climbing) but its a bit of a stretch.
I liked the 2 chapters on the highway where you jump from one car to another, the sections where Rubi enters in her Rage vision and everything turns Red, White and Black, and... thats about it?
Oh the soundtrack was nice too, i would've went with something more metal to make it feel more alive, but i dig the soundtrack, its alright.
The Platinum was kinda awful because i had to finish the game 5 times and this is not the kind of game you want to ever replay:)))

Ah yes, back when Ubisoft was passionate about their games.
Far Cry 3 was crazy good when it was released, everyone i knew was playing it:)))
It was a BIG change from Far Cry 2, they got it so right that they decided to release 5 more games just like FC3 💀.
The story was cool, with one of the most popular antagonists in gaming (Vaas). The setting was pretty, an Island archipelago with loads of wild nature and wild pirates.
The soundtrack was great, that mission where you burn the weed plantations while listening to "Make it Bun Dem" on the background is the best mission in the series.
Far Cry 3 was a great sandbox with lots of freedom and many things to get lost into while exploring the wilderness and killing pirates while avenging your friends.