I went round a freinds house who had this game and there was someone else there who played it. I sat in the corner, pressed some big ass D2 to anti air him and he didn't stop jumping. I don't think bro played again after that, what am I to do

It's cool ig but not much reason to replay it

I love golf and this games fuckin hilarious

Played this day 1 then never picked it up again. No one I knew wanted to play it either and I couldn't be bothered unlocking everything again since it was so similar to 4

Got good memories of playing this with friends and messing around, unlocking the Audi Quattro was sexy since it reminded me of Ashes to Ashes

Should revisit this one day, cool premise and fun

Cool ass platformer, not too much to say since it's been years since I played it but I remember the design and atmosphere was great


What do you mean you don't have uno dipshit

I rage quit at Ludo because I couldn't roll a 6 after like 15 minutes

Played it before but don't remember it, think it's alright

I mean its alright, but I'm not gonna pretend I'm going back to it

Neat idea and fun for a bit, but not much replay value. Respect to those who grind it out, yall deserve another F-Zero