38 reviews liked by HexaTricampeaoFC

The remake of Dead Space was a wonderful surprise. I know that a lot of people were hyped about this new version, but I never had contact with the original release, and I was never a fan of survival horror. I had the opportunity to play this new version, and I had a great time with it.

Dead Space is a third-person shooter with elements of survival horror. While facing enemies that resemble demons, you have to conserve ammo and manage items.

The gameplay is pretty good. There is a variety of guns available, and the shooting mechanics are really well done. However, I must mention the movement system: the character feels heavy, making it difficult to escape from enemies. At times, it can feel like you're controlling a character from Demon's Souls in a shooting game.

The story is interesting but reminiscent of the Alien franchise. It revolves around a person who arrives on a giant space ship and encounters a monster infestation that has nearly wiped out everyone. I won't spoil much, but I believe it follows the same storyline as the original game.

I only had one problem with the game that was preventing my progress. At one point, I was being chased by a monster and managed to escape. Later on, I had to return to a place I had been to before. The problem was that this monster was trapped at the only entrance door to that place, preventing me from entering. I had to retrieve an old save from before I was chased, losing an hour of gameplay.

The remake of Dead Space brings a classic PS3 game to PS5 and Xbox Series consoles with modern visuals and controls. It feels like a new game. The graphics are impressive, some of the best I've ever seen. The performance is also quite solid at the moment.

I believe that if you enjoy third-person shooter games, you should definitely give it a chance. It's one of the best games released in 2023.

this really was the closest we came to world peace huh

The superior Pokemon game (besides maybe HGSS and Black/White 2 idk). I've probably put more hours into this throughout my life than any other video game.

And yet I still get fucked up by Cynthia almost every time lol I'm just bad at video games okay

FUBUKI, É ELE 📸✨📸✨📸✨📸

Excellent. Looking forward to the next one!

Jedi Survivor is better than Fallen Order in just about every way in my opinion. I enjoyed the first game for sure, but I was never really 'excited' for it, nor this. After beating this one, well let's just say the reveal for the next one is going to be hype 😌

The story (while starting a little weird considering where FO left off) was pretty straightforward, but is told in such a way that I think this worked to its benefit. There were still twists, some more obvious than others, and only one moment that was egregiously silly. One reveal in particular seemed so glaringly obvious that I spent the whole game calling it out and then questioning whether I was just being cynical or if it was a red herring, and while I am of course a genius who clearly knows everything, my favourite thing about this was that the game handled this event in such a way that it was possible for me to have this ongoing struggle, and I think that's cool as shit. When I was proven right it wasn't with a sigh and an "of course", it was an "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!" - and if a game can get me that invested and excited over a "cliche" or an "obvious" reveal then it must be doing something better than everything else I'm just sayin'.

The characters in particular shine bright in this entry. Cal is a genuinely interesting protagonist and while a lot of the arcs and tropes he goes through in this can be compared to similar stories, some as recent as this year, that doesn't detract from how much of a blast it was to experience his. Cameron Monaghan's performance is as great as expected and by the end I really found myself invested in Cal's story, and I will be there when the next chapter of it releases.

Quickfire some other comments now the gush is over:
The environments felt much less overwhelming in this entry, and the navigation assist was a godsend in helping me not get lost. The maps are still pretty big and while I could understand people complaining about bouncing between the same few planets it didn't bother me at all.

The combat felt better as well, it's still not amazing with the stances being limited to so few combos, but having them at all was a nice touch. I do agree with the masses that only being able to switch between two of them at a time is a shame but it is what it is.

And most importantly: Merrin 😌

That'll do it, don't sleep on this one folks, in a year absolutely stacked with bangers this definitely sits up in the upper echelons, don't let the fact that it's still buried under other GOATs stop you from playing it!

Thanks for reading to all who did, hope you're have a great week. After I'm done with the P5T DLC story I'm gunna be going on a brief PS5 hiatus to focus on some Switch and PC games, not sure if or what I'll review of those but first up is XC3 Future Redeemed so stay tuned 🙏

P.S. I don't know whose idea it was to make the enemies in this game so pitiful that I feel bad for killing them but it's equal parts hilarious and 'aw :(' ... Hearing someone ask if Jedi wound people because they don't want to get wounded and then having to cut them in half moments later is 😔 RIP Rick, bud. ✊

Uma sequencia perfeita e um dos melhores jogos q eu ja joguei
Tudo é melhor em relação ao anterior apesar de isso ser obrigação, mas não é só melhor como adiciona diversos novos elementos na gameplay, tira a linearidade e adiciona um mundo semi aberto
Isso da uma aula pra Disney sobre tudo de Star Wars como uma historia incrivel com personagens incríveis e um desfecho q pode mudar muito a lore pro futuro da franquia
Pra mim se posso colocar um defeito é sobre a perfomance de Kobah q mesmo hj ainda da umas pequenas quedas mas sendo sincero foram bem poucos e não considero um defeito
Jogaço q recomendo a todos q gostem de Star Wars ou até quem não gosta, só joga logo agora q ta no Gamepass.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor does everything that a sequel should do: it improves upon every aspect compared to its predecessor. At its release, one could argue that the Jedi franchise represents the best offering from the Star Wars universe in video games.

Jedi Survivor closely resembles Jedi Fallen Order in terms of gameplay. It retains some influences from the Souls series in its combat mechanics. Generally, I would say that Jedi Survivor is easier than Fallen Order, but, like its predecessor, it still offers challenging battles that may require multiple attempts to conquer.

In combat, a strategic approach is essential. You can't simply attack relentlessly; knowing when to defend is crucial. To be a true Jedi, one must maintain emotional control. Impulsiveness is a trait of the Sith, and you are not one of them.

One notable improvement in Jedi Survivor is the placement of respawn points. As someone not particularly fond of Soulslike games, I dislike repetitive gameplays. Now, the checkpoints are thoughtfully positioned, reducing the need for repetitive actions. Additionally, the game allows players to revisit certain sections of the map to face the same enemies and challenges if desired.

The level designs surpass what we saw in Jedi Fallen Order, although they are not perfect yet. Similar to the previous game, these are small open worlds that you can explore with the appropriate abilities. To be fair, they could use some enhancements, but I appreciate the direction they're taking.

The standout feature of the game is undoubtedly the story. It's a canonical narrative within the Star Wars universe and features intriguing characters. The developers have done an excellent job, and I won't reveal any spoilers, but you'll be surprised by the plot twists.

I've heard that many players experienced significant performance issues, but when I played the game shortly after its release, I didn't encounter any major problems. In my opinion, it's a more polished game than Fallen Order, which I played years after its release and encountered numerous issues.

Star Wars: Jedi Survivor ranks among my top 5 favorite games of 2023 so far. As a Star Wars fan, I couldn't have asked for a better experience. I highly recommend it to anyone, even if you're not a Star Wars enthusiast.

pocket xenoverse with gambling. the pvp sucks ass

3 estrelas pelos gráficos, pay to win mais fudido que vi na vida junto com fighterz.
Sim, eu vou reclamar de gacha em TODO JOGO QUE TIVER.

Damn, this game was crazy fun!
What makes it stand out is how it marries the open-world freedom and chaotic energy of Grand Theft Auto with the humor and charm of The Simpsons.