Clever puzzle game with the core mechanic of recording your movement and making a clone of yourself doing the action you recorded. I also dig the silent film aesthetic of it. Definitely recommend this one to fans of the genre.

5 star memories of playing this multiplayer in 7th grade with a bunch of kids who had their DS and one kid who had the game. Very fun party game.

I loved playing this on Dreamcast a whole bunch but also, I swear to god I played this at an arcade once where you had to actually use a boat as a controller and it would shake around and stuff! Did I hallucinate this!? Was this a different game!? Help!

I don't really know how to rate this one, because I have incredible respect for what it is and how it helped push gaming as a narrative form forward, but for the life of me I just cannot get into it. I really wanted to like it, I love the idea of it as a true role playing experience. One in which the different possible builds of your character can drastically alter how you approach it both from a gameplay and story perspective. And I respect the vast array of options you can go down once you start a dialogue with the many characters the game has to offer. This, along with other games I haven't played such as Planescape: Torment, were clearly pioneers of the CRPG genre and massive influences on one of my favorite games of all time, Disco Elysium. There's just something about how zoomed out the camera is, and how dull the environments look in this game, that make it extremely hard for me to connect with the world or anyone in it. It's a shame, because I know it has so much to offer, but I just couldn't get invested in it, and so I had to abandon it. Compromising my score with a 3 star rating, which is somewhere between my appreciation of the idea of playing this game, and my actual experience of playing it.

Obviously the premise of this one was taken straight out of the ancient internet memes of the 2000's, but underneath all that, I remember this being a surprisingly fun multiplayer game. Unfortunately, there weren't a whole lot of people to play it with as it sold abysmally, and I think I'm in the minority of people who enjoyed it. I think if it launched at half the price of what it was selling for, people would have given it a better chance.

This was pitched as a Kinect game to play when you're drunk, and I think you'd probably need to be to get much fun out of it. Essentially all it does is put you into various settings, an aquarium, a kaiju movie, etc. and let you flail around at things. The cloning game is the best one because at least you can try to set up some kind of weird scene with various poses. This game is really dependent on how good you and your, probably drunk, friends are at making your own fun, and even then I'd probably just play something else?

Got this because it was the only launch rpg on the psp. Subpar Diablo clone, might have been worth it if you really wanted that kind of game of the go when it released, definitely not worth it anymore.

This is literally just the "who has the fastest reaction time" style mini-game that you'd see in something like Mario Party, but with your Xbox 360 Avatar in about 3 different static poses. It's dumb how much time I spent playing this with a friend online out of boredom though. I vaguely remember the single player being packed with 2010's internet humor which I found funny at the time and would likely be horribly dated now.

Less of a game and more of a collection of short stories of positive trans experiences, which is a nice thing to play through when so many trans narratives are about the struggle.

This is my favorite shmup game for sure. I can't do bullet hell games, and this is a more standard shmup game, but also has much more interesting stuff going on visually than say, 1942 or Gradius. The visuals are so colorful and there's always some weird thing happening on screen that never left me bored. Music is also fun and upbeat, and the game is just a joy from start to finish.

Not a whole lot to say about this one other than, like a lot of series' first foray into 3d, it's not very good.

This game is the Dark Souls of 3rd grade.

Tricked into playing a game about Mormonism by cute fox.

Essentially plays like WoW with a Star Wars skin, with the core gimmick of BioWare style choice driven storytelling in a multiplayer game. Although it's done in the simplistic way of just having the winner of a random dice roll be the player who determines a choice, I really like the concept of doing a multiplayer story this way. It would be neat to see something like this tried again in the future with Disco Elysium style stat influences on rolls, so maybe different classes are more likely to influence the story in ways that play to their character's strengths. It wouldn't necessarily have to be an MMO either, doing it in a 4 player co-op game would be just as interesting. I stopped playing this one once I got to a certain couple of dungeons in which the game establishes canonical versions of the protagonists of the first two games. To me, that goes against everything a BioWare game stands for. They just took two games that were all about making your own choices and said, actually, none of that mattered, these are the canonical versions of those characters now. I jumped off at that point and never came back. Doing world PvP and force pushing people who extremely out-leveled me into the sarlacc pit was very fun though.

Very fun racing game once you get used to its physics. The core gimmick of choosing between different classes of vehicles which are all better off on different routes through the track is really fun. I mainly stuck with the motorcycles, and trying to not get in a wreck and have your driver flying and ragdolling off of their bike was really fun, as was trying to determine the best times to use my limited boost. The main problem with this game is the load times on ps3 are some of, if not the worst I've ever seen on the system. Just switching between vehicles on the select screen can take minutes, but once you get the race going, I really enjoyed it.