Yes the combat is unfortunately dull, but the environment design and overall atmosphere more than makes up for it.

Say what you will about GTA Online... but the single player campaign is still on another level

An insanely creative and promising series that got caught in the crossfire by the oversaturation of plastic instrument games... i hope one day it can come back despite all odds

we need more comedy games honestly...

Easily one of the best FPS games of the decade, exciting and varied level design and set pieces, tight gunplay with excellent sound design and visuals, and a surprisingly moving story

Maybe the single most soulless game I have ever finished

As close to a perfect game as possible

Easily the peak of the Horizon series, they never quite found this balance between interesting progression and freedom again

Yes the game did drag on about 6 hours longer than it needed too, but the atmosphere is simply too impressive to ignore

A game that manages to do the best it can despite it's insanely limited development time

Still an absolutely ELECTRIC action racer

THE blueprint for modern roguelikes

The year is 2084. Despite being one of the most revered and acclaimed FromSoft and PlayStation games of all time, Bloodborne has yet to recieve any type or port or update.