One of the few video game that I have 100% completed. There isn't much I can say about this game that hasn't already been shouted from the roof tops already but damn is this game good.

A decent collection of past mario games. Has some unwanted fixes from the originals like removing the backwards long jump from mario 64. Could have been a lot better considering the original mario all stars compilation graphically enhanced the games included but I guess I shouldn't have expected much.

Awful and ruined my childhood. added mechanics are half baked and clunky and all new content feels amateur at best and at worst plain bad. They boasted about remixing the entire soundtrack from the original but listening to the new tracks make my ears bleed with uninspired techno and synth wave bullshit that sounds like they took a dump on the original product and sold it to you for 40 dollars.

Fun entry in the sonic series with a lot of charm in the world design and character design. The music for the game is great and is good time to listen to on its own. Unfortunately the game controls pretty clunky which makes turning a chore and also means that a lot of the time the game just points you in the direction to go and then you just go, there isn't much to do other than go straight.
The game also utilizes 2d sections more often then I would like in my 3d platformer.

A few weird choices made with dlc made the muddy plot the base game already had even more obviously unfinished as cutscenes refer to events like "shockwaves" taking place when they very obviously did not. Still very enjoyable to play but some bad story choices and awkward choices with the new playable characters.

Very fun to run around the over world at breakneck speeds and, though more of a controversial opinion, I really enjoyed the cyber stages for the most part. The cyber stages are a fun speed run challenge when it comes to finding as many skips and time saves as you can and with the added spin dash move in a later update made it a lot more fun to fly across the stage and landing perfectly on the next platform just to abuse the levels funky geometry to do it again.

Is worse but somehow exactly the same as the game it is a remake of which leaves it feeling very uninspired where as previous remakes from this franchise always brought new content to the table that made the remake able to stand on its own bdsp brings nothing to the table. If this is your only way of playing diamond and pearl that is ok but if you have the option play the originals.

An unfortunate slog of embarrassment on the franchise that the higher ups of game freak should be ashamed of with a "story" that matches. Game breaking bugs, unexplainable crashes, and visually a game to laugh at. Been a fan of the Pokemon franchise since I was four years old and it makes me sad to see something I enjoyed so much for such a long time be reduced to a cash grab money printer and nothing more.

A very enjoyable game to play with a lot of replay-ability as the game holds a lot of fun mechanics with the wild area system. Unfortunately follows the trend of modern Pokemon being ugly as hell with muddy texture work, unpolished rendering, and by far the worst lighting of any Pokemon game to date.

A great experience with a ton of good quality of life improvements from its prequel "breath of the wild" would be a 5 star if there was a more optimized way of utilizing the sage abilities.

The multiplayer has a lot of depth in its fighting mechanics but has clear priority of making sure that dlc fighters are vastly superior to the base game so unless you plan on maining Pikachu or Steve, don't bother. The single player can be pretty enjoyable but turns very tedious and grindy if you don't play in short bursts.

Visually stunning and artistically impressive in a way that shows great detail in maintaining its high quality and fan service with its references in its animation to the source material. Fighterz has incredibly diverse cast of characters and play styles that allow the player to thrive as every character in a competitive environment. The dlc however is up to the same or even higher quality than the base game which unfortunately means that there is a case for claiming that there is a bit of pay to win practices going on. On the topic of the dlc it has the same problem that its sister game Dragonball xenoverse 2 has where it has become so expensive to get into playing the game competitively that unless you can get the complete edition with all dlc included on sale (which thankfully happens often on other platforms) I would say to stay away.

Fun arena fighter that actually has competitive depth in its character roster. There are a few things that are holding it back for me though. The dlc for the game is vast and at this point is so vastly more expensive that the initial product that I would advise to stay away from the game if you are looking into getting into the game competitively.

A slight improvement from the first game with a lot more varied roster of fighters to pick from. Still very bare bones and lacking depth when it come to the competitive growth that it could have had and dlc is just more of the same once again.

Half baked, run of the mill 3d arena fighter game that lacks the replay-ability that games of this genre tend to lack as well. Dlc for games like these tend to not add anything interesting either and in this case is just a pay wall behind content that, if was part of the base game, would change practically nothing.