Platinum If I had a nickel for every game I finished this year with truly awful views on women and their relationships that co-starred Willem Dafoe I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it is strange that it happened twice.

This sucked, full stop. Plus points were the music and lead performance by Elliot Page, with visuals that sometimes looked next-gen being a half plus. Everything else was drivel, not a fun platinum, not a fun game, not a story worth experiencing.

Platinum Desperately need to give this one another shot, as I played it with the worst possible constraint (trying to get a platinum before the game was removed from PS Plus at the end of the month).

With all that being said, game was pretty fantastic, and reminded me a lot of Obra Dinn (which I loved more). The story did sometimes feel a little much for me, but if you love sci-fi, this could be an easy 10/10 for you.

Platinum. Fun idea, dogshit execution.

Platinum. A very fun time with a great art style and interesting boss battles. Lots of crashing near the end did make this one a bit of a pain to complete.

Platinum Emotionally charged but really solid little game with a fantastic art style. Certainly not for everyone, but I beat it in a single night so that has to speak for something.

Platinum I may not be the biggest anime fan, but the first few hours of this game's story totally hooked me. By the end my experience was not as positive, as the story gave me whiplash so much I felt completely shell shocked and checked out.

Gameplay was fun, but can be broken so unbelievably easy with a few commands. Worth checking out, but I would not blame you for bouncing off.

Platinum Pretty dang clunky on PS4, especially in comparison to Until Dawn.

Fun enough story the first time, but don't expect too much variation with additional playthroughs as the story was surprisingly rigid. Finally, the "star-studded" cast had either weird direction or couldn't care less. This worked for some characters (loved Ted Raimi and Dylan) but less for others (Justice Smith felt completely wasted).

Platinum. Yep, that sure was another lego game. Some parts were good, some were okay.

Platinum May come back for the DLC, but didn't love this game as much as I wanted to. It felt a bit too similar to a Far Cry or Assassin's Creed game with it's giant map and massive list of collectibles. Would have loved a bit more focus on making interesting enemies or missions, but overall a good time.

If the controls were just a smidge tighter this would be in regular conversations for the GOAT. As it is, it's an incredible world filled with amazing music and visuals.

Insanely charming and overall a really great play for when you are sick and need something to cheer you up. Definitely some room for improvement (pathfinding can be incredibly frustrating at times) but as a complete product it was great.

Platinum A really great time playing with a partner.

Platinum I bounced off this game no less than 4 different times throughout the years. I recognize now that this may have come from a combination of poor personal entry points (having only played and beaten Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 0 up to this point) and the guides I used being poorly written and hard to follow. God am I happy to have seen this one through.

As anyone who has played this game knows, the hardest part is the initial wall that is the first exploration of the Mansion. It is so easy to get lost, and backtracking is difficult depending on the choices made leading to your situation. Once it clicks though, there really isn't anything like it.

If you are struggling with your first run, I would recommend the guide on trueachievements, and stick with it, just like the Spencer Mansion itself, there is so much more to this game once you break through the hard exterior.

Platinum Beat it because I am working on an A-Z Platinum challenge and there was just nothing playable for X. Even though I bought it on discount and beat it in 15 mins, I still feel gross. Don't be like me, don't support garbage like this.

That sure was a lot of cutscenes