10 reviews liked by Imback

A cute and funny charming game, played it for the art and stayed for the gameplay. It's a super obscure title but it has a lot of neat content, including multiplayer.
Fun to explore and hop around, whacking stuff and shooting it up, even getting to play with customization like costumes.
Its kinda like a hat in time in some small ways

Play this game if you want to consider suicide



This game has more pedos than genshin

can't believe they're collabing with sonic now, it's true look it up

i suck too much at this game to rate it higher

You really couldn't ask for a better online game... I made more than 50 friends from this game alone on the PS3. So many people who haven't been online in more than 5 years. It's a sad end for this game but we had so much fun along the way.