213 Reviews liked by InNicoTime

A brief comment not on the game itself, but on the cover's composition.

It's great. The image alone makes me want to play it again right this instant.

Never before did I think I'd play another video game that would reach the levels of unpleasantness that Fallout 4 gave me, but guess you did it Mass Effect Andromeda.
I put 30 hours into this game and I had nothing but a miserable time with everything. just thinking about this game makes me feel so defeated inside I hate it so much.

This game killed the reputation of one of the biggest names in the industry and those losses are nothing compared to the pain and hardship and abuse that its developers endured, for years, for the sake of a toy.

Sorry for the mean score, Q*bert, given that you are another little piece of gaming history.

Hop on a stack of blocks to make them change color and run away from the enemies, but inevitably lose and hear Q*bert, the dirtiest mouthed video-game character of all time, drop some hardcore swears (they'd be really shocking if you could understand his language or see them translated other than as punctuation marks).

It's an okay game but greatly overshadowed by other early 80s arcade games for me. It's very difficult for what it is and there's not a lot of drive to keep playing, when the only gameplay mechanic is just running over squares -- it's like Pac-Man but a lot harder and with cooler graphics.

My dad really liked it, but it was never a hit with me.

2.5 - Interesting: Interesting but not quite enjoyable

when wreck it ralph came out, i saw it in theaters with friends and when qbert came on screen i shouted "oh my god it's qbert". needless to say, i don't get any pussy. also this game sucks

Just a collection of mini-games. A lot of them are fun, but there isn’t too many things other than that. There isn’t any reason to play this game other than for nostalgia.

This is the game where the Rabbids used Rayman's legacy as cover to infiltrate our lives with a pretty pedestrian minigame collection and then somehow leveraged that into being an increasingly grating cultural powerhouse for the next decade.

Are Rabbids' responsible for the Minions? it's a tempting theory but I think that the primordial ooze from which Rabbids and Minions emerged from has existed in French culture for decades waiting to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. it's unclear why the time for their arrival was ripe in the mid to late 2000's. I think we were all just rightfully embarrassed by the whole Freedom Fries debacle and willing to hear them out while they shared their findings after meditating on the works of Jerry Lewis for fifty years.

The worst console Mario Kart game. Whether you're steering with motion controls or with a nunchuk, the controls are floaty and leave a lot to chance. There is somehow NO co-op Grand Prix mode, something MK8 thankfully fixed. Mario Kart games are fun for multiplayer, but the most fun for me was always playing through the Grand Prix mode with a friend and unlocking everything.

The biggest shame is how much there is to unlock. There's a ton of it! It's fantastic! And you have to unlock characters like Funky Kong by doing genuinely difficult things! MK8 went too far to the opposite end of the unlocking spectrum and practically gave you everything, which I really don't like. It's a shame that there's so much cool stuff to unlock in such a lackluster Mario Kart game that makes you do it all alone.

this game has funky kong who is the greatest Nintendo character ever created and somehow ended up unironically being the best character in the game so Nintendo definitely know funky kongs a sexy gorilla who deserves everything and more.

if you have Never played Wii Sports you're probably a cop

I remember reading some time ago that Minesweeper and Solitaire were deliberately chosen as the preinstalled games on early Windows computers because they would teach users important skills for interacting with a mouse - Minesweeper for left/right clicking and Solitaire for dragging and dropping.

Wii Sports played that exact role for the Wii and the Wiimote. It enabled players to get used to the new hardware quickly, and more importantly - made the process fun. It's obviously not as polished as more recent games, but it's actually still good fun to play today and that's all I can realistically expect from it.

Masterpiece, peak fiction, "bath time" is the greatest melody in existence and mozart would be fucking livid with jealously if he could hear it, gameplay so effortless in it's mastery it's safe to say interactive media will peak here for all eternity, a paragon in narrative writing that perfectly deconstructs the hero's journey so ingenuously.

Play this game if you haven't it's incredible, I haven't played the sequel nintendogs + cats but if it's anything like this good god.

Kirby as a concept won me over the second I learned about this impossibly adorable puffball's signature abilities. However, what few Kirby games I tried or watched didn't click with me, I would find them rather insipid when compared to similar games. That was until I gave this one a go. Its potpourri of modes are fun, varied and don't overstay their welcome, and it has sheen up the wazoo. Also, Meta Knightmare Ultra is sick as fuck.

all remasters/ports/whatever you want to call them should aspire to be like this

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society if Marcus died instead of Dom...

finally some color and nice settings after the absolute tedium of 2 (i give 1 a break because it came first and had a much stronger horror atmosphere than 2/3). some parts of this i'd even say looked Good which is the first time this has happened in the series so far.

the lambent brought some much needed variety to things with both the enemy design and how they're dealt with when in combat. the gamepaly in general just felt smoother with better encounter design, movement, and level layouts.

much more excited to continue the series now than i was after finishing 2.