213 Reviews liked by InNicoTime

It's weird. I wasn't really expecting a Resident Evil game of all things to get me teary-eyed.

There's a lot of things about the game in general that are a weird intricate combination though. It's oozing with blood from RE4 despite being nowhere even close to that game with 8's current gameplay of keep-stepping-back-and-shoot. It has Silent Hill vibes that eclipses any scares in every other RE game with the dollhouse. Iconography of the series is embroiled in, culminating in a particular 'hype' scene that while nowhere near earned, directly references the action side of 5 and 6 in one extended sequence. A theme park ride and attractions is what I've constantly had the game called around me, but that's really selling it short. They're practically full on Zelda dungeons that you go to between the overworld, each of them tying neatly to the setting and tension and never missing a beat.

And overall it's just grand! A celebratory but earnest almost standalone piece in its own right. Its heart is so strong that thinking of the game now I can only see it retrospectively as an emotional journey about and surrounding Ethan and about family, despite how really the general structure of the narrative only has that come in less subtly in the last quarter, and how it is extraordinarily goofy and far less grounded than 7 was.

Yet I don't think I would have it any other way. I imagine that in time I might even call it one of my favorite games, despite me not really even being attached much to the RE series in general. I'm excited for what the year will bring when stuff like this manages to land familiar punches with meatier landings than anything else of its ilk.

This is gay y’all are just too scared to admit it

fuck me man. I waited too long to finally play this. I get it. I totally get it. This game is every ounce worth the insane hype its amassed over the years.

The first postmodern video game, and a marvel of creative achievement. Challenging, yet congenial gameplay and meticulous level designs, which compliment a gritty war story that isn't afraid to get totally meta. Hideo Kojima's magnum opus.

If you let Tumblr fandoms ruin a game for you, you need to grow up.

remember when the internet tried to convince itself this game was bad actually. lmao

i pirated this game when i was 16 and i've felt bad ever since

i have daily traumatic flashbacks to high school where i was walking down the halls wearing an Undertale shirt and this one random guy was like "wh-what??? a gamer girl!" and then blocked my path and did the entire Sans speech. the whole thing. in public.

The time period when the game originally released, it's hard to ever beat that sense of wonder spreading throughout fans, including me. I think the sequel is a far better experience but SMM will go down as quite a historic title in Nintendo's legacy

It is what it is. A 2 button fighting game that is pretty damn fair. Not complex, not very deep but fun for what its trying to do.

It's a fun little fighting game. Great game to play with friends, but there's not really much to it unless you're REALLY into footsies.

I don't trust anyone who says this game has good controls

One-scoop-of-vanilla lookin' ass

mario is actively trying to kill luigi on the cover

actually disapointed that mario did not infact drive the vehicle like a sports illustrated model like how the cover heavily implies.