One of the weakest Fire Emblems out there.

The skirmishes are dull, enemies spawns are placed abysmally bad, forcing you to replay the scenarios in order to avoid instant KOs, and generally lacks any distinctive feature.
Without a guide, you have no idea what class the promoted characters become.
Support system is kinda broken and results in support levels you don't want raised.
Characters are super lackluster, being a bit anonymous, and their numbers don't help with remembering them at all. Some units are just the female/male variant of another one.

On the upper hand, the story becomes kinda engaging after chapter 8, and there is no incest, which at this point in Fire Emblem is a definitely +1 star to any of their sick games.

I'm having some trouble finishing this one. It really doesn't shine in anything and makes the SNES games look like masterpieces.
There are many various better FE out there.

Ultimately dropped for the simple fact that combat becomes basically impossible to read.

Plus, the story kinda goes all over the place and the characters kinda fail to keep my interest up.

It's a good game, but not my game.

Almost impossible to get in, the game shows its age by being awkawrdly difficult and above all frustrating.

Good if you're still in school and still need to fill your days with frustration.

Unlike the incredible good 1 and the amazing 2, this one has an HUB-like mission thing that I just can't stand going back to everytime.

The story could be compelling, but I'm so incredibly bored by the characters and, above all, the HUB like thing I need to care to.

Also, as a side note, combat kinda sucks in this one, imho.

Not sure I'll finish this one.

Even if a remake, it's still one of the less welcoming FPS of the decade.
It's convoluted, weird and ultimately still clunky.

A good remake if you enjoyed the first one, but think about your imminent retirement if you did, it's almost time.

Good Final Fantasy Tactics Advance clone, especially with the DLC.

Sadly the story isn't engaging at all, animations are TERRIBLE, but the combat system kinda makes up for it.

If you miss FFTA or FFT for its gameplay, just go and play. Otherwise your plot is in another castle.

The port is atrocious.

Putting this aside, the game itself aged... eeeh. Mh. It's a timesink.
I'm having much more fun with Disgaea 2

This Visual Novel with a kick has a decent RPG side that suffices enough, but may prove a bit too long for the average player.

It isn't super challenging, but it's also nothing to scoff at. Especially in hard mode.
Art is pretty, not overly simplistic, while having its own charm.
Screenwriting is definitely ok, especially if you consider this to be a 11 years old game.

Waiting to see the sequel to this day and possibly play some spin-offs.

Finally finished after 10 years of this sitting in my Steam account and enjoyed a lot the LorenXElenor romance. Definitely heartwarming.

I'm trying to log this as if I played it years and years ago. For various reasons, including but not limited to the controversial attitude of Bioware towards same-sex romances in the game, and including Tari voice actor being "uncomfortable" in Tali being Bisexual, I always kept the whole ME trilogy away.

Finished this, I've found it aged horribly, but still amazing for 2007. It drags on and most secondary missions are just copy/pasted, cutscenes are super static and combat isn't exactly thrilling... yet, it kept me intrigued. The story is indeed some fine space opera and I enjoyed the game, even if not without issues.

Plagued with glitches, at hotfix 1.63 the game stands as "kinda stable". Can't play it on an HDD, play it on a SSD if you don't want to drown into bugs.

The game itself isn't super amazing: it starts off as a superb RPG, but the more it nears the end, the more it becomes a generic FPS with abilities.

What saved the game for me, though, wasn't the main story, but the details put in the world building and the writing of secondary missions, romances and anything pertaining your "friends". I was absolutely sucked in and eventually enjoyed my time in Night City more than I'll be able to admit.

Wanted to log this now, so that when I buy Phantom Liberty + 2.0 I'll do a log of that alone.

Wiiiiii, vroom vroom, katchakatchakatchaka

One day there'll be a PvPvE shooter where people won't just ignore the "PvE" aspect of the game just to ruin the game.

This is not that day.

Cute, very cute. Perhaps only cute.

The backtracking kills it for me.


Super relaxing even if obviously repetitive and old.

Would be a 5, but then a boss battle appeared.