9 reviews liked by Infinite_Twelve

I can't complain about Celeste 64. It's a free game that is, at the bare minimum, a bit of fun. I didn't enjoy it much though.

Lovingly crafted, the presentation of Celeste 64 defines its identity. The characters and world look fantastic, and Lena Raine knocks it out of the park again with a tiny yet powerful soundtrack.

What you do here is collect strawberries in a Super Mario 64-esque landscape. The world is small yet compact. While it only took me an hour to find everything, it's a lot of collectibles crammed into a small space. I found some strawberries a little brutal to locate, but otherwise found the pacing of locating them solid. I just don't really like how this feels to play...

Madeline can jump, climb walls and dash, but I had an unusally tricky time judging distances. The controls just feel a little too loose and unpredictable for how precise some of the platforming can get. Again, this took me an hour so nothing stumped me for too long, but I felt like I was at odds with the game's physics for that entire playtime. Usable? Sure, but nothing really stuck out to me as "great" here.

I'm not upset about that, Celeste 64 is free, it's a passion project to celebrate the anniversary of a masterpiece and that's wonderful. The context won't inflate my score, but it will allow me to recommend this to anyone. It's a quick bit of fun, and that's just fine.

Three years of being the designated driver in squads has finally paid off

Played too much of this fucking game. Got to end of sadistic and couldn't take it anymore. 8/10, pretty sure I paid attention too much while dating my girlfriend at the time, literally ruined my bond with her.

I really enjoyed this game. It just sucks that it doesn't have a bigger playerbase. The idea has potential for sure.

If you don’t like this game you haven’t put enough hours into it. You’ll like it, then think the game is bad, then like it again, kindof hate it, cuss out Derek Yu for a bit, and then you’ll love it. This game has hurt me like no other but 350+ hours into it, it’s like seeing the light. You get it. You understand it. Everything is perfect.

Leaning on the weaker end of Portal mods, this game still provides a cute little experience centered around a very fun & new mechanic. The puzzles feel mostly in line with the franchise; however, I personally would have liked to see the parkour aspects of the paint gun more utilized. The writing is... certainly there. I found some of the dialogue cute, but most of it ended up falling flat for me. Mainly, the main core, Nigel, he's a fun character but just maybe not as colorful as the cores you'll find in other portal games, fan or official. Overall it's a very lovable experience; however, for the $5 price tag, I think you'll find more enjoyment out of "Tag: The Power of Paint"—the free title that inspired both this game as well as Portal 2's gel mechanics. 

people said this would kill Minecraft like ok buddy 💀 💀

Short but sweet like a strawberry. Its just as adorable and challenging as the original. The controls took some time for me to get used to, but once I did it was a blast from start to finish.