7 reviews liked by InkedVinny

The jumpscares in this might be the best of any horror game I've played, although they were a mixed bag. A sliding scale of "boring" to "I had to pause and hold my chest for a moment". Some were even annoying, namely the grandma cutscene that is way too long and doesn't let you do anything while it happens.

Outside of the scares, the gameplay can get extremely repetitive. The placement of the tools shifting is more irritating than innovative, and aside from a rare few times, the demons are easy to spot. Definitely a game to be played in moderation.

The lore is interesting – especially the stuff that gets revealed in the 6th ending – but I'm personally not a fan of the non-linear story. It's a little confusing, and in terms of the during-shift cutscenes, also adds to the repetitiveness.

All in all, fun, but I probably won't return to it unless they add more endings or I get the urge to embalm some bodies.

Shifts Completed: 12
Times Possessed: 4 (3 were for endings okay trust)
Demons Banished: 10
Bodies Embalmed: 36
Bodies Burned: 15
Endings Got: 6 Out of 6

You have almost 30 years of Resident Evil existing where Capcom perfected survival horror on multiple occasions and these small devs continue to fail at making clones of their game, how?


Thinking it was as good as Tormented Souls was a mistake. Heck, even launching this shit was a mistake. It was a mistake creating this abomination.

Ok, let's start somewhere. This game is calling itself a spiritual successor to Resident Evil and all that survival horrors. I call it shit. Why? Let's dive into this steamy smelly still warm pile and find out.

The game provides us two types of gameplay right off the bat. Old-school tank controls with fixed camera and modern over-the-shoulder view. They even made one location to navigate different with those settings in mind. What developers didn't have in mind, though, is brain care. Playing fixed camera is nigh impossible because while you traverse one single corridor with two doors on each end, camera angles will change around ten times making you not only frustrated but dizzy. Absolutely not a single camera was placed somewhere interesting. Fuck this.

There are no puzzles. You get the key, you unlock door, inside you find a key, you unlock another door, inside you find another key... And walking through locations for hours is supported by no music, no creaky floors, no ambient, next to no sound at all. All enemies have three states. Coming for you, attacking you, recovering from attacking you. And all your shots change this state to the next one. So if you get hit and try to shoot an enemy while he recovers from hitting you - you will fuck yourself over. Combine it with enemies sometimes just ignoring shots to the face and you get a pretty bad time spent in combat. I have no idea why do we have a crossbow in this game. I killed every single enemy and didn't even use it because there is ammo everywhere. Fuck this.

Can you guess what I think about design in this game? Yeah, it's a large pile of shit. In one mansion I found at least ten different kind of doors. Victorian doors, mayan doors, iron prison doors, ikea doors and who knows what else. Who in their sound mind would design fucking different doors in one mansion instead of different locks? I'll tell you who. Vlad Yoshida, creator of this garbage. Inside a single room you can't find anything that would fit in such a room exist it in real world. I have even seen goddamn sewer manholes ON SECOND FLOOR BALCONY! This design is a Frankenstein's monster of free and (I'm sure of it) pirated assets. Main heroine looks like a whore from garry's mod porn coming straight from 2004. Why are zombies that supposed to live in the mansion have such absurd clothing making you think they are from another game? Why do we have enemies from Condemned here? Why is our nemesis a bald cyber goth with sickle? What the fuck did you think when you just straight place portals in this real-life setting game. Another fucking world with chtonian statues? Why? And you know what exactly triggered the explosion in my ass? Fucking Putin in a moon picture and Stalin busts everywhere. Fuck this.

Plot? HA! The prologue cutscene is not playing for me so fuck this, I should understand at least something after I start, right? Lol, nope. You just here in a mansion and you have to get out. Three hours later you get transported into another world after a boss fight. One hour after that you find another human and realize you want to save your daughter of which you haven't heard in. Any. Single. One. Interaction. Before. That. Then you travel three more hours with no dialogues and find that there is some kind of cult here who want to... Eh? Anyway, a demon is coming from a portal and you have a rocket launcher to kill it and your daughter is now safe and fuck this.

You know, I just finished reading Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryoukou and it was so amazing that I really don't want to spend any more time thinking of this game. I can go on and on about how bad this is but I'll just go and give Tormented Souls another star.

I really don't care much for this at all. Just about every camera angle puts you at a disadvantage, the controls feel slugish (e.g. you have to wait for your oxymoronic quick turn animation to finish before you can aim; if you pull the trigger during, it doesn't read the input and you're just left standing around like a fucking idiot), every room feels the need to inundate you with enemies, dropping items sucked in RE0 and it sucks here, the plot up to a little over the halfway point that I played was incoherent and uninteresting, and worst of all, the level design is just painfully bland and it doesn't really have many real puzzles other than "this key goes to this door" or "match these shapes." It takes more than fixed camera angles and tank controls to get my survival horror jollies, and this game doesn't have it. I might give it another go in the future, but right now I'd rather watch paint dry.

krl entendi poha nenhuma desse jogo gameplay e meio merda tambem

Man I am very bummed out about this game after really enjoying my time with the first one.

I simply just did not think this game was good at all honestly and by the end I was just dragging myself to finish it. So much of the charm from the first game is gone in more ways then one. While this game is supposed to be cheesy and was one of the things I loved about the first game this game has a more heavy emphasis on focusing on the characters and story through more dialogue which imo really did not work in its favor.

The gameplay and camera both were worse from the camera angles messing with you to bugs and glitches to just the combat not being that fun. I do like how there are more weapons to obtain but how you obtain them is just stupid forcing you to find 3 keys in each level instead of just coming across the weapons like you usually do in these games. And the puzzles are a bit tougher but honestly the puzzles sucked in both games LOL

The story was never something amazing but I just did not care about the cast in the sequel and really didn't care when certain things happened which I won't get into for spoiler reasons.

Overall I just don't think the sequel is a good game to me and I am bummed out because I really had a good time with obscured 1 even with its flaws.



Desde já deixo avisado que não sou fã de Rogue like, porém Hades foi um dos únicos que me prendeu, e eu tenho pouco e ao mesmo tempo muito a falar desse jogo.

Hades na gameplay traz mecânicas divertidas e que não cansam tanto, toda vez que você entra em Hades pra jogar você tem a mesma sensação da primeira vez, e toda vez que você equipa armas diferentes é como se tudo mudasse e se tornasse novo, os impactos do combate nos inimigos, a destruição dos cenários e o design bem construído, faz com que Hades seja um jogo único e com certeza indispensável.

A respeito da história, ele gira em torno de trama de família, mas que ensina muito pra quem joga sobre empatia, amor e amadurecimento. A gente ver no início do jogo o nosso protagonista não entendendo o que a vida lhe traz, e sua teimosia o impede de compreender as razões de tudo ser como é, mas quando vamos passando pelas áreas do jogo, prestando atenção em cada diálogo. Percebemos um amadurecimento de Zagreu, ele comece a entender o seu real objetivo e quanto mais respostas recebe, mais dúvidas surgem em sua cabeça, o que faz a escalada do jogo repetir varias e varias vezes, até que Zagreu no fim consiga o que ele sempre quis desde o início.

A relação de Zagreu com os deuses, ou parentes de Hades, chame como quiser chamar. É uma relação amigável e que não se estende tanto ao longo do jogo, mas incrementam pontos positivos na história, mostrando cada tiquinho da personalidade deles mas não deixando de lado o que todos eles tem comum, o sentimento irracional de vingança e um ego inflado.

Você percebe que Zagreu se encaixa na família dele como uma ovelha negra, mas uma ovelha negra que faz tudo o que os outros nunca pensariam em fazer, que ultrapassa as regras, valoriza suas amizades e mostra a todos ao seu redor, o quão forte pode ser o poder da Empatia, e além de tudo, o quão poderosa é a sua curiosidade incessante.

Unico ponto negativo que eu vi na história do jogo, é a necessidade de rezerar ele diversas vezes para alcançar o objetivo principal, que é o fechamento do game, pra mim isso não incomodou tanto. Porém, pode ser frustrante se você não gostar tanto de repetir o jogo, só posso te confirmar que enjoar dele, tu não vai!

Enfim, esse jogo tem muitas camadas a se observar, não citarei todas aqui pois ainda não refleti o suficiente para entender cada uma delas, e outras dariam como spoiler, então pra finalizar essa review, tenho de dizer que Hades é mais do que um clássico Rogue like, Hades traz história com lições e que nos faz refletir sobre a nossa vida em volta, sobre como tratamos os assuntos de nossa família, e sobre o que é ser de fato, uma ovelha negra.

Bom acho que no fim.. essa review foi tudo.. menos uma Review apenas sobre Hades.

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by Cvit |

140 Games