Played it through in two sessions and was engaged the whole time, criticisms are that I never felt like the survival aspect of the game was dangerous, I personally never got close to dying and felt like it wasn't that necessary of a game system in it's current state. The characters are great however and I enjoyed the interface and character level up system. Good game overall.

It had me until the boss fight about 3 hrs in which was so poorly designed that I dropped the game immediately and will not be coming back. A shame considering it was fun until then.

A game that I can't recommend to any except the most puzzle game inclined. The game will make you get stuck and you wont be able to progress. Unfortunate considering I was engaged up until I couldn't progress.

You need to touch things to beat the game. 0/10 misleading title.

Enjoyable co-op game that after 20 hours has lost its charm for me. Despite that, as long as you have friends to play with, the game is well worth its low price point.

Cutsey sokoban game with... interesting? characters? Feels like a requisite game for everyone to play but for me its just okay.

Solid game but I personally don't see the appeal. Played it, thought it was okay, and moved on.

A more story and character focused entry, Talos Principle II succeeds in many facets of its design but ultimately fails in being a puzzle game. These are the worst puzzles of the Talos games and while new mechanics are constantly introduced, no properly fleshed out levels contain them. While I think there is a lot to like here such as the story, characters, graphics, setting and almost everything else, the game fails at being an engaging puzzle game. Despite this I enjoyed my time with this game very much, just not the puzzle aspects.

As far as The Talos Principle's puzzles go, this is the peak. The star world especially stands out as the best puzzles in the series. The story here is still compelling albeit not as conceptually interesting as the original or second game. The text based nature of it is interesting and well executed. Short, neat, challenging and fun.

An interesting game that uses its strong visuals to tell a strong story that ultimately is too short to be anything more. It tells its story and then ends. Respectable tbh, considering how drawn out some games can feel.

Fun platformer that tells a genuine story while also being fun and engaging, great ost.

Middling for two of the three stories here but impressive visuals as well as Hank and Connor's relationship saves this from mediocrity.

Great game, story and characters are amazing, world is very pretty and mechanics are great. The gun-play for most guns was mediocre and difficulty felt strange. For reference played on hard and some fights were pretty easy and some were very, very hard due to three units being quite unbalanced. Overall great game and well worth it but a flawed masterpiece.

Decently interesting momentum based co-op puzzler that is a pretty good time with a friend.