Hearing the whispers of an F-Zero revival for the last direct, it was a little bit of a bummer first getting what looked like a simple multiplayer reskin of the SNES game over something more exciting like GX HD.

Man oh man I'm glad this game far exceeded my expectations. As the first F-Zero game with true online multiplayer, this game is truly something I've had a blast playing for the past week. Integrating modern ranking systems and having incredibly responsive and seamless online connectivity is just perfect. Blending elements of the 3D F-Zero as well as different game modes which makes this game only look like the original SNES F-Zero on the surface but gameplay wise feels way more exciting, addicting and frantic.

It can get a little too chaotic at times and the lack of options to play with friends but regardless for a game that's a free NSO download, this is such good value for an awesome game. Here's hoping there's more on the way for this series because this really shows how timeless it's gameplay formula is.

Literally game I always take out when I want to pass the time quick. Nothing remarkable but a perfect time waster

A cute little adventure bolstered by a fantastic presentation with gorgeous sprite art and a triumphant orchestral soundtrack.

The gameplay is simple, focusing on using companions to use different abilities and projectiles. While it was serviceable system it did feel Iike it could use more fleshing out since somtimes combat did feel pointless. I wasn't compelled to snoop out secrets too with how underwhelming that process was which I felt needed to be much more appealing in a short game like this

Regardless I still enjoyed it but it's nothing too remarkable as a complete package.

As a kid I was always familiar with Spyro. The only games I got to play were Season of Ice on GBA and Eternal Night so I never got around to the original trilogy until finally trying out this remaster.

I can easily say these are some of the most fun collectathons I've ever played. Aside from some frustrating collectibles to reach and some weird technical issues that made parts of this game more of an annoyance than they should be, I love how simple and punchy everything about these games are. It's fun to control and it doesn't really get too boring playing all three of these games one after another. The visuals are gorgeous and the world's are full of life and personality making them all the more enjoyable to explore.

My favorite was easily Spyro 2 since the way it integrated side quests gave it some fun variety which was a lot more balanced than how Spyro 3 does it.

I was surprised I got an extra game when I downloaded W101 on Steam but it was cool to learn this was an extra stretch goal for the Kickstarter.

It's a fun little shoot em up platformer but it's too short and doesn't do much to expand it's mechanics. For a free game though it did feel like a nice slice of fun

It's easily one of the most charming action games for the visuals and aesthetic alone, this game easily has some of the best and over the top quick time events I've ever seen. The Saturday morning superhero cartoon style is so fun even though at some points it can make some weird tonal clashes with Green especially trying to hard to be funny during a tragic backstory for example.

It took me a while to get comfortable with this game though. The mouse controls are dogshit when it comes to drawing shapes so I had to resort to controlling a Switch controller to my PC. Even then the learning curve to get adjusted to the combat wasn't the most fun with some enemies being way too annoying to deal with and took too long to figure even bordering on getting repetitive fighting the same enemies all the time. The zoomed out top down perspective sometimes even confused me as it got hard to tell where my character is and some enemy attacks being hard to telegraph (especially with multiple enemies when they even attacked you when they were out of view).

Regardless when this game clicks it really clicks and it's pretty satisfying switching between the different powers and learning how to make bigger shapes to plus countering and dodging enemies started to feel more understandable later on which made it smoother.

A fun follow up to Insomniac's fantastic take on the iconic wall crawler. It's shorter length, repetitive puzzles and by the numbers story does hold it back from standing out as much to me as the first game but I still had a lot of fun.

The new powers Miles does have helps does spice up the gameplay but the depth of them don't go too far as it just makes the game more easier which works as a double edged sword at times.

Off the bat the production value for this game is gorgeous with stunning environments and incredible setpieces. The action in this game for me was mixed, on one hand the weapons are fun to use and it's satisfying to get headshots and take out entire camps while being stealthy but on the other hand it was way too easy with the upgrades I got along the way feeling useless even on the hardest difficulty. The grounded nature of the game does make things feel limited in terms of abilties too.

While I praised the production value and set pieces earlier, the automation it gives you to feel more cinematic can get overdone sometimes, taking away a lot of interactivity from some segments and giving an illusion of player control for segments that could've easily had more player input. Also while the story has a lot of bright spots and is acted well, it is paced really weirdly with Lara's transition to a frightened survivor terrified of her first kill to a hardened killer happening way too quickly to be immersed with it, some of her crew had their moments but they did fall flat at times.

The tombs were also kind of disappointing, way too short with really simplistic puzzles.

Now I feel the pain of not getting a direct sequel after almost two decades

It's cool to get more content after beating the main game. It's more of the same really but getting more Half Life 2 isn't a bad thing

For what it is, it's cool to have a tech demo that explains a lot of the processes that go into game development, and I love transparency like this from developers. On the other hand it's a pretty standard level with nothing much going for it to make it stand out from the other levels in HL2

Easily one of the most fun FPS campaigns I've played, it's less horror focused than the first game but on the other hand its memorable side characters and gorgeous environments create such an immersive atmosphere. The gameplay is so smooth and captivating while the variety of weapons at my disposal all got their time to shine. The physics engine while at times feeling clunky, is really fun to experiment with and really adds more depth to the world.

It can get repetitive and frustrating at times but overall I'm glad I finally got around to this game and look forward to playing the following episodes.

It has some fun ideas and neat mechanics but it eventually becomes a chore to play with it's bloated levels and archaic design missing quality of life elements such as a map which would've made this game much more tolerable. I got to every world but I couldn't bring myself to collect every pagie needed to unlock the final boss with how exhausting it becomes the more you get into the game.

Overall it's a fun game but the frustrating way it's designed really held it back from reaching the calibre of the first Banjo

Pretty much felt mostly the same as the previous game especially in regards to story structure and how the level design plays out. It does have more set pieces, improved melee and stealth mechanics as well as more thought provoking puzzles in comparison to 2.

It does seem to have a more rushed sense of pace compared to 2 although there's one chapter which is just walking through a desert which began to outstay it's welcome. The villains in this game also felt like a step down from the last guy who wasn't great on his own and generally the story while entertaining wasn't really anything special,

Overall it's a fun adventure filled with the same likeable characters and beautiful environments with a third person style that's not very deep but is enjoyable to breeze through aside from some cheap enemy placements at times.

As a music based rogue like you can be glad the music slaps by default with the use of classic Zelda tracks. It does lean more to a rogue like than being a Zelda game, dungeons are randomly generated crypts with the series trademark puzzles being absent. Some of the items I collected just felt useless in the grand scheme of things such as the hookshot which is a shame

Even though the rhythm based combat does eventually grow on you and become pretty fun it can still be frustrating with enemies crowding you as well as hard to read patterns making you easy to get hit.

I still had fun with it but it does have its hiccups if you aren't into this kind of game.