As a music based rogue like you can be glad the music slaps by default with the use of classic Zelda tracks. It does lean more to a rogue like than being a Zelda game, dungeons are randomly generated crypts with the series trademark puzzles being absent. Some of the items I collected just felt useless in the grand scheme of things such as the hookshot which is a shame

Even though the rhythm based combat does eventually grow on you and become pretty fun it can still be frustrating with enemies crowding you as well as hard to read patterns making you easy to get hit.

I still had fun with it but it does have its hiccups if you aren't into this kind of game.

A really solid racer. I really enjoyed the boost colour gimmick and zooming through these courses with the speed it gave you is really fun.

Unfortunately it's terrible case of rubber banding, some really cheap obstacles and having some of the later race tracks begin to feel really samey. It doesn't fill the F-Zero shaped hole in my heart but I still had a good time with it

This game does these characters justice, the insane amount of dialogue they packed into this title as well as the interactions with the team are executed so perfectly. The gameplay itself is fun with a cool shooter approach with action RPG style team commands which while simple and often repetitive did keep me entertained. But yeah the game is the strongest in it's story and characters which pull you through the times where the gameplay does come to a halt for extended periods of time and while I did think these sections of no action do sometimes overstay their welcome, the stellar writing did keep me intrigued.

I really hope this gets a sequel because I had a blast

I've never played 06 so I went into this fan project only knowing the infamy and vitriol that the original 2006 release caused. With the Silver update installed I finally decides to give it a try. Overall from a fresh perspective, it's a pretty solid yet flawed 3D Sonic adventure that feels like a natural continuation refinement and evolution of the Adventure style.

When the game is moving at a consistent pace especially in the regular Sonic stages its a blast and a really good time. ChaosX really must've done a great job because this feels like some of the best 3D Sonic action there is. Of course it does suffer from the larger levels while really good at providing the opportunities for some shortcuts, can be cryptic in where you need to go next which did make me waste time. There's also how repetitive the combat can get which wouldn't be a problem if the game didn't throw so many enemies at you with such a limited moveset at your disposal, there are also some fun gameplay twists like other playable characters and Shadow's vehicles which go by way too quickly or feel underdeveloped.

Regardless of my gripes, I had a good time and I learn to appreciate it more when I replay levels learning from my past mistakes.

Off the bat it has some of the strongest dungeons in the series, amazing art direction, fantastic well realized characters, a beautiful soundtrack and really fun items. But the widely known problems this game is faced with sadly did come to frustrate me in my playthrough. The combat is interesting but it does get tedious and my 14 year old Wiimote got pretty finnicky with trying to be as precise as it should sometimes, also the overworld is easily the weakest in a 3D Zelda with a barren sky and often returning to the exact same three areas multiple times. The padding here could get borderline atrocious but getting through those issues you still have a very solid installment in Zelda which I appreciate more now with the way BoTW completely reinvented how 3D Zelda and how Skyward Sword is the last of the style Ocarina established in the series thus far.

While extremely short, it's brimming with charm, gorgeous artwork and entertaining writing. The initial shock of seeing the title of the game is set off with how cutesy everything is but it's done in a very endearing manner. As a Sonic fan I highly recommend just for a quick time waster at least

A pretty notable step-up from the previous game. A lot more dynamic set-pieces, level design that allows combat to be more mobile and improving on the already great presentation from the first game with a wide variety of environments and a really likeable cast of characters brought to my life with fun writing and perfect voice acting.

Even thought the story really predictable and the bosses are absolute dogwater I really enjoyed my time with it.

Sorry guys, I really wanted to like this one but it's kind of boring and clunky to control

A fun but very basic game which revolves around cover-shooting with enemies being bullet sponges, climbing traversal which is fine but done better in games like Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed as well as very underwhelming puzzle solving. It's pretty much carried by it's really good presentation being a globe trotting treasure hunting adventure with very likeable cast of characters and really strong visuals for its time

Pretty solid gameplay loop with a mix of wall running, learning how to deal with different enemy types and puzzle solving. The story is pretty interesting and I really dig the futuristic aesthetic and techno music. I do think it has parts leaving a little bit more to be desired like enemies being too overwhelming taking some of the strategy out and forcing me to just rely on trial and error. Otherwise while I did get frustrated, I still had a lot of fun with it

I have an unhealthy adoration for Spider-Man if you know me well enough. It pained me that I didn't own a PlayStation at the time that this came out and everyone was raving about it.

I finally got the chance to play it with the new PS5 I have now and my dreams have finally been fulfilled. Insomniac's version of the wall-crawler is one of the best adaptations of the character led by a great performance by Yuri Lowenthal and fun twists on classic Spider-Man elements. The web-slinging and combat didn't click to me straight away but once the game got deeper and expanded your arsenal and skill, I had an absolute blast and was motivated to 100% the main story and the DLC chapters. The combat does bear some similarities with the Arkham games but there's a bigger emphasis here on fluidity and air-time that gives it a more Spider-Man touch. Even with minor annoyances like the side missions being really repetitive at times, the story repeating predictable and samey beats at points(mentors/friends becoming evil) and the camera sometimes being frustrating to work with, were hardly enough to take the stupid grin off my face the whole time.

Super fun twist on the battle royale. The seemingly simple gameplay gets deeper the more you experiment with it and just wrestling in massive maps just feels really cool.

Such a shame it's going to be gone after this month, I hope they do what Knockout City is doing and let fans keep the game alive.


This game tell a masterfully told story about grief and acceptance through it's amazing water coloured visuals. It's so full of charm and emotion that it keeps grabbing you to get to the end and see the whole story through as soon as you can as well as leaving room to intepret the meaning of it's visuals.

It's very short and the levels do kind of become a mess at points but overall it was very moving and I'm glad I played it.

This game has some incredible moments both gameplay and story wise and I even really enjoyed the divisive Batmobile section. Of course it's balance of those issues can be very muddled and the game is also dragged down by some very disappointing moments and lame boss fights which made things repetitive. All in all when the game was at it's peak it was impossible to put down

One of the best 2D platformers out there with fantastic level design and beautifully crafted environments. I did get frustrated a lot of times especially with the rocket barrel levels but overcoming those challenges were truly satisfying and all a matter of learning from your mistakes. Also while Dixie was fun, she is significantly overpowered making Diddy and Cranky feel useless when you get to the tougher second half of the game.